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Last active August 14, 2022 11:45
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DDnet foelist


This is a collection of foes I have collected over time. This is all my personal opinion of some DDNet players. If you think you shouldn't belong here, contact me and we can talk about it. I only added them with their respective name and added the reason as clan.

So add_foe "Scrumplex" "idiot" would mean that I deem myself as an idiot.

I will probably extend this list over time, so feel free to check this out every now and then.

add_foe "ℬℳ" "blockmark"
add_foe "ℬlockℳark" "blockmark"
add_foe "MPA3b" "blockmark"
add_foe "shameless tee" "blockmark"
add_foe "Λbsoliwt ☿" "blockmark"
add_foe "Eyex" "blockmark"
add_foe "CCCP ☭" "blockmark"
add_foe "СССР☭" "blockmark"
add_foe "ZimE" "blockmark?"
add_foe "Kulesz" "toxic"
add_foe "»ℱℬℑ«" "toxic"
add_foe "©Mattxeno®™" ""
add_foe "SCND" ""
add_foe "Cica" ""
add_foe "nooby" "annoying"
add_foe "Bless & Law" ""
add_foe "gura" ""
add_foe "BackToTheLobby" "ego"
add_foe "®Mattxeno©™" "blockmark"
add_foe "Vik_Thor" "annoying"
add_foe "Divine Stone" "toxic"
add_foe "Alezore" ""
add_foe "Kekko" "ego"
add_foe "Slvry_" "toxic"
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