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Created August 24, 2014 07:39
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
#define foreach(it , h) for (typeof((h).begin()) it = (h).begin() ; it != (h).end() ; ++ it)
const int N = 505;
int r , R;
double pi = acos(-1);
double F(double A , double B) {
return 4 * cos((A + B) / 2) * sin(A / 2) * sin(B / 2);
pair<double , double> cal(double A) {
double l = 0 , r = pi - A , m1 , m2;
while (r - l > 1e-12) {
m1 = (l + l + r) / 3;
m2 = (l + r + r) / 3;
if (F(A , m1) < F(A , m2))
l = m1;
r = m2;
double B = (l + r) * 0.5;
return make_pair(F(A , B) , B);
void work() {
if (r + r > R) {
puts("NO Solution!");
double p = 1.0 * r / R;
double l = 0 , r = pi / 3;
while (r - l > 1e-12) {
double m = 0.5 * (l + r);
if (cal(m).first < p)
l = m;
r = m;
double A = (l + r) * 0.5;
double B = cal(A).second;
double C = pi - A - B;
R *= 2;
printf("%.15f %.15f %.15f\n" , R * sin(A) , R * sin(B) , R * sin(C));
int main() {
while (~scanf("%d%d" , &r , &R))
return 0;
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