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Created December 28, 2019 16:51
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Trie with O(sigma * N / W) space. hdu5880
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 1000005;
const int M = 400005;
const int SIGMA = 26;
int pct[1 << 13];
inline int popcount(int x) {
return pct[x >> 13] + pct[x & 8191];
int m;
char text[N];
char* s[N];
int len[N];
int Next[N];
int pre[M];
int nodecnt;
int mask[M] , from[M] , f[M] , val[M];
void init() {
int total_len = 0;
scanf("%d" , &m);
for (int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++ i) {
s[i] = text + total_len;
scanf("%s\n" , s[i]);
len[i] = strlen(s[i]);
total_len += len[i] + 1;
for (int i = 1 ; i < 1 << 13 ; ++ i) {
pct[i] = pct[i & (i - 1)] + 1;
#define has(u , v) (mask[(u)] >> (v) & 1)
#define go(u , v) (from[(u)] + popcount(mask[(u)] & ((1 << (v)) - 1)))
void build() {
nodecnt = 1;
pre[0] = -1;
mask[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++ i) {
Next[i] = pre[0];
pre[0] = i;
mask[0] |= 1 << *s[i] - 'a';
static int que[N];
int top = 0 , bot = -1;
que[++ bot] = 0;
while (top <= bot) {
int x = que[top ++];
from[x] = nodecnt;
int childcnt = popcount(mask[x]);
//cout << x << ' ' << childcnt << endl;
for (int i = 0 ; i < childcnt ; ++ i) {
pre[nodecnt] = -1;
mask[nodecnt] = 0;
val[nodecnt] = 0;
nodecnt ++;
int exist = mask[x];
for (int k = pre[x] , nxt ; ~k ; k = nxt) {
int c = *(s[k] ++) - 'a';
int y = go(x , c);
if (exist >> c & 1) {
exist ^= 1 << c;
int j = f[x];
while (j && !has(j , c)) {
j = f[j];
f[y] = has(j , c) && x != 0 ? go(j , c) : 0;
val[y] = max(val[y] , val[f[y]]);
que[++ bot] = y;
nxt = Next[k];
if (*s[k]) {
mask[y] |= 1 << *s[k] - 'a';
Next[k] = pre[y];
pre[y] = k;
} else {
val[y] = max(val[y] , len[k]);
char str[N];
int sum[N];
void work() {
fgets(str , N , stdin);
int Len = strlen(str);
while (Len && str[Len - 1] == '\n') {
str[-- Len] = 0;
memset(sum , 0 , sizeof(*sum) * (Len + 1));
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < Len ; ++ i) {
if (isalpha(str[i])) {
int c = tolower(str[i]) - 'a';
while (x && !has(x , c)) {
x = f[x];
x = has(x , c) ? go(x , c) : 0;
} else {
x = 0;
++ sum[i - val[x] + 1];
-- sum[i + 1];
for (int i = 0 ; i < Len ; ++ i) {
if (sum[i] > 0) {
str[i] = '*';
sum[i + 1] += sum[i];
int main() {
int T;
scanf("%d" , &T);
while (T --) {
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