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Created September 30, 2014 10:41
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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef unsigned long long ULL;
#define foreach(it , h) for (typeof((h).begin()) it = (h).begin() ; it != (h).end() ; ++ it)
const int N = 100005;
int n , m , Q , a[N];
int LOG[N];
int GCD[17][N] , id[2000];
void init() {
for (int i = 0 ; 1 << i < N ; ++ i)
LOG[1 << i] = i;
for (int i = 2 ; i < N ; ++ i)
if (!LOG[i])
LOG[i] = LOG[i - 1];
inline int cal(int l , int r) {
int j = LOG[r - l + 1];
return __gcd(GCD[j][l] , GCD[j][r - (1 << j) + 1]);
LL ans[N];
struct opt {
int type;
int x , l , r , p;
bool operator < (const opt& R) const {
if (x == R.x)
return type < R.type;
return x < R.x;
struct CHU_2_BIT
int n;
LL B[N] , C[N];
void init(int size) {
n = size;
memset(B , 0 , sizeof(B));
memset(C , 0 , sizeof(C));
CHU_2_BIT() {}
CHU_2_BIT(int size) {
void _add(LL* c , int x , LL w) {
for ( ; x <= n ; x += x & -x)
c[x] += w;
LL _sum(LL* c , int x) {
LL res = 0;
for ( ; x > 0 ; x -= x & -x)
res += c[x];
return res;
void add(int l , int r , LL w) {
_add(B , l , w) , _add(B , r + 1 , -w);
_add(C , l , w * l) , _add(C , r + 1 , -w * (r + 1));
LL sum(int l , int r) {
LL res = 0;
res += (r + 1) * _sum(B , r) - l * _sum(B , l - 1);
res -= _sum(C , r) - _sum(C , l - 1);
return res;
vector<opt> Vec;
void work() {
int i , j , x , y ;
for (i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i)
scanf("%d",&a[i]) , GCD[0][i] = a[i];
for (j = 1 ; 1 << j <= n ; ++ j)
for (i = 1 ; i + (1 << j) - 1 <= n ; ++ i)
GCD[j][i] = __gcd(GCD[j - 1][i + (1 << j - 1)] , GCD[j - 1][i]);
memset(id , -1 , sizeof(id));
for (i = 0 ; i < m ; ++ i) {
scanf("%d",&x) , id[x] = i;
assert(x < 2000);
for (i = 0 ; i < Q ; ++ i) {
assert(id[j] != -1);
j = id[j] , ++ x;
Vec.push_back((opt){i << 1 , x - 1 , x , y , j});
Vec.push_back((opt){i << 1 | 1 , y , x , y , j});
for (i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++ i) {
j = i;
while (j <= n) {
int l = j , r = n , mid;
int tmp = cal(i , j);
while (l < r) {
mid = l + r + 1 >> 1;
if (cal(i , mid) == tmp)
l = mid;
r = mid - 1;
// i , l;
if (tmp < 2000 && ~id[tmp]) {
//printf("%d %d %d : %d\n" , i , j , l , tmp);
Vec.push_back((opt){-1 , i , j , l , id[tmp]});
j = l + 1;
sort(Vec.begin() , Vec.end());
memset(ans , 0 , sizeof(ans));
for (i = 0 ; i < m ; ++ i)
for (vector<opt>::iterator it = Vec.begin() ; it != Vec.end() ; ++ it) {
if (it -> type < 0) {
T[it -> p].add(it -> l , it -> r , 1);
} else {
if (it -> type & 1)
ans[it -> type >> 1] += T[it -> p].sum(it -> l , it -> r);
ans[it -> type >> 1] -= T[it -> p].sum(it -> l , it -> r);
for (i = 0 ; i < Q ; ++ i)
printf("%lld\n" , ans[i]);
int main() {
while (~scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&Q))
return 0;
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