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Last active July 22, 2024 11:57
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console.log '1' after 1 second,
'2' after 2 seconds and
'3' after 3 seconds after start of the program.


The delay parameter only guarantees that your callback will not execute before that time has elapsed. Other queued tasks or operations could delay it further than the specified time.

const startTime = process.hrtime();

console.log('startTime: ', startTime);
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.hrtime());
    }, i * 1000);


startTime: [ 20341, 488209050 ]
Message 1 [ 20342, 499922394 ]
Message 2 [ 20343, 498388755 ]
Message 3 [ 20344, 498487014 ]

console.log('startTime: ', startTime);
for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.hrtime(startTime));
    }, i * 1000);


startTime: [ 20482, 505385747 ]
Message 1 [ 1, 13938178 ]
Message 2 [ 2, 13741552 ]
Message 3 [ 3, 13861540 ]

for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.uptime());
    }, i * 1000);


Message 1 1.10126115
Message 2 2.102194643
Message 3 3.102512365


const startTime = process.hrtime();
console.log('startTime: ', startTime);

let i = 1;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
    console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.hrtime());
    if (i > 3) {
}, 1000);


startTime: [ 21511, 206821155 ]
Message 1 [ 21512, 217929990 ]
Message 2 [ 21513, 218730640 ]
Message 3 [ 21514, 218790140 ]

const startTime = process.hrtime();
console.log('startTime: ', startTime);

let i = 1;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
    console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.hrtime(startTime));
    if (i > 3) {
}, 1000);


startTime: [ 21356, 295521886 ] Message 1 [ 1, 10849822 ] Message 2 [ 2, 11730624 ] Message 3 [ 3, 14871246 ]

let i = 1;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
    console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.uptime());
    if (i > 3) {
}, 1000);


Message 1 1.094841971
Message 2 2.09636721
Message 3 3.098306832

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SeLub commented Jun 15, 2024

process.nextTick() & process.uptime()

function preciseDelay(ms) {
    const start = process.uptime() * 1000; // convert to milliseconds
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        function checkTime() {
            const now = process.uptime() * 1000; // convert to milliseconds
            const elapsed = now - start;
            if (elapsed >= ms) {
            } else {

for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    await preciseDelay(1000);
    console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.uptime());


Message 1 1.099711546
Message 2 2.106497274
Message 3 3.106818154

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SeLub commented Jun 15, 2024

OpenAi: How we can make delay more precise?

To achieve a more precise delay in JavaScript, especially in environments like Node.js where setTimeout and setInterval may not always guarantee exact timing due to the event loop's nature, you can use process.hrtime() for high-resolution time measurements and combine it with a busy-wait loop (also known as spin-waiting or spinning) to achieve more precise timing. Here's how you can implement it:

function preciseDelay(ms) {
    const start = process.hrtime();
    const target = start[0] * 1000 + start[1] / 1e6 + ms;

    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        function spinWait() {
            const now = process.hrtime();
            const currentTime = now[0] * 1000 + now[1] / 1e6;

            if (currentTime >= target) {
            } else {


for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    await preciseDelay(1000);
    console.log('Message ' + i + ' ', process.uptime());


Message 1 1.104189437
Message 2 2.110839667
Message 3 3.111090676


Using process.hrtime(): This provides a high-resolution timestamp as an array of [seconds, nanoseconds].

Calculating Target Time: start captures the current time using process.hrtime(), and target calculates the precise future time to resolve the promise based on the specified ms delay.

Spin-Wait Loop: Inside preciseDelay, spinWait checks the current time using process.hrtime() in a loop (setImmediate for Node.js environment), until the current time exceeds or meets the target time.

Resolution: Once the target time is reached, resolve() is called to complete the promise.

Benefits of this approach:

High Precision: Using process.hrtime() allows for high-resolution timing, which is crucial for precise measurements.
Minimizing Variability: By using a spin-wait loop with setImmediate, you reduce the variability introduced by the event loop, improving the precision of the delay.


CPU Usage: Spin-waiting can consume CPU cycles while waiting, so it's essential to balance precision with efficiency, depending on your application's needs.
Node.js Environment: This approach is suitable for Node.js environments where setImmediate is available. For browsers, requestAnimationFrame or might be used instead.
By combining process.hrtime() for precise time measurements and a spin-wait loop, you can achieve more accurate and reliable delays in your JavaScript applications.

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SeLub commented Jun 25, 2024

const _ = require("underscore");

const startTime = process.hrtime();
console.log("startTime: ", startTime);

var log = _.bind(console.log, console);
_.delay(log, 2000, "1 " + process.uptime());
_.delay(log, 3000, "2 " + process.uptime());
_.delay(log, 4000, "3 " + process.uptime());


startTime: [ 28842, 94505554 ]
1 0.113224137
2 0.11378397
3 0.113840184

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SeLub commented Jul 22, 2024

function printNumbers() {
  setTimeout(function () {
    console.log("Message 1 ", process.uptime());
  }, 1000);

  setTimeout(function () {
    console.log("Message 2 ", process.uptime());
  }, 2000);

  setTimeout(function () {
    console.log("Message 3 ", process.uptime());
  }, 3000);



Message 1 1.103750838
Message 2 2.103497816
Message 3 3.103996886

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