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Created March 18, 2019 21:55
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const R = require('ramda'), // 0.26.1
winston = require('winston'); // 2.4.x
const winstonConf = {
transports : [
transportType : 'console'
strategies : {
console : winston.transports.Console
const getTransportInstances = R.curry((winstonConf, transportConfig) => {
const transportConstructor = winstonConf.strategies[transportConfig.transportType];
return new (transportConstructor)(transportConfig);
const logger = new (winston.Logger)({
transports :
const appendMetaToEveryLog = (logType, meta) => {
return R.partialRight(R.bind(logger[logType], logger), [{ meta }]);
const decorateInfoLogForPerformanceMetrics = meta => R.compose(
R.partial(appendMetaToEveryLog('info', meta)),
R.append(R.__, []),
module.exports = meta => ({
error : appendMetaToEveryLog('error', meta),
info : appendMetaToEveryLog('info', meta),
debug : appendMetaToEveryLog('debug', meta),
warn : appendMetaToEveryLog('warn', meta),
perfStart : decorateInfoLogForPerformanceMetrics(meta)('START'),
perfEndSuccess : decorateInfoLogForPerformanceMetrics(meta)('END (SUCCESS)'),
perfEndFail : decorateInfoLogForPerformanceMetrics(meta)('END (FAIL)')
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