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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (DXMD) .archive file extractor
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author: Sean Pesce
The classes in this file can be used to extract files from the *.archive files used by DXMD.
Extraction of files that span multiple archives is also supported.
import logging
import os
import sys
from ctypes import c_byte, c_char, c_uint32, c_uint64
from ctypes_util import StructLE
# Maximum read size
READ_SIZE = 50 * 1024 * 1024 # 50MB
# @TODO: Convert code to use lib.file_util
class ArchiveString:
# Size of the unsigned integer that stores the string length
def __init__(self, value=None, endianness='little', encoding='utf8'):
self.endianness = endianness
self.encoding = encoding
self.value = value
def from_fd(cls, fd):
s = ArchiveString()
# Read string length
data =
assert len(data) == cls.STR_LEN_WIDTH, f'Expected {cls.STR_LEN_WIDTH} bytes, received {len(data)}'
str_len = int.from_bytes(data, s.endianness, signed=False)
# Read string value
data =
assert len(data) == str_len, f'Expected {str_len} bytes, received {len(data)}'
s.value = data.decode(s.encoding)
# Consume null terminator
data =
assert data == b'\x00', f'Expected null terminator, received {data}'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return f'{type(self).__name__}("{self.value}")'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def __bytes__(self):
data = self.value.encode(self.encoding)
data = len(self.value).to_bytes(ArchiveString.STR_LEN_WIDTH, self.endianness, signed=False) + data
return data + b'\x00'
class FileChunk(StructLE):
_fields_ = [
('archive', c_uint32), # Archive link index (archive file containing this chunk)
('begin', c_uint64), # Offset in original source file
('offset', c_uint64), # Offset in archive file
('length', c_uint64),
class InnerFileHeader(StructLE):
_fields_ = [
('timestamp', c_uint64),
('unk1', c_byte * 16), # Some kind of hash?
class InnerFile:
def __init__(self, endianness='little'):
self.endianness = endianness
self.header = None
self._name = None
self.chunk_count = None
self.chunks = None
def from_fd(cls, fd):
file = cls()
data =
file.header = InnerFileHeader.from_bytes(data)
file._name = ArchiveString.from_fd(fd)
data =
assert len(data) == 4, f'Expected {4} bytes, received {len(data)}'
file.chunk_count = int.from_bytes(data, file.endianness, signed=False)
file.chunks = []
for _ in range(0, file.chunk_count):
read_sz = FileChunk.sizeof()
data =
assert len(data) == read_sz, f'Expected {read_sz} bytes, received {len(data)}'
chunk = FileChunk.from_bytes(data)
return file
def total_size(self):
sz = 0
for c in self.chunks:
sz += c.length
return sz
def name(self):
return str(self._name)
def __repr__(self):
s = f'{type(self).__name__}\n{self.header}{}\n{self.total_size=}\n{self.chunk_count=}\nself.chunks=\n'
for c in self.chunks:
s += f' {c}'.replace('\n', '\n ')
return s
def __bytes__(self):
data = bytes(self.header) + bytes(self._name) + self.chunk_count.to_bytes(4, self.endianness, signed=False)
for c in self.chunks:
data += bytes(c)
return data
class ArchiveHeader(StructLE):
_fields_ = [
('magic', c_char * 4),
('unk1', c_uint32), # version ID?
('file_count', c_uint32),
('link_count', c_uint32), # References to archive files
('dir_offset', c_uint64), # Offset of inner file/chunk mapping section
def validate(self):
if self.magic != b'ARCH':
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized magic bytes: {self.magic}')
class ArchiveFile:
def __init__(self, file_path):
self.fpath = file_path
self.fd = None
self.fsize = None
self.header = None
self.links = None
self.linked_archives = None
self.files = None
def parse(self):
if self.fpath is None:
return'Parsing {self.fpath}')
self.fsize = os.path.getsize(self.fpath)
self.links = []
self.files = {}
self.linked_archives = {}
# Initialize file descriptor
if self.fd is not None:
self.fd = open(self.fpath, 'rb')
data =
self.header = ArchiveHeader.from_bytes(data)
# Parse linked archives
for _ in range(0, self.header.link_count):
s = ArchiveString.from_fd(self.fd)
# Parse linked archives'Linked archives: {self.links}\n')
full_path = os.path.abspath(self.fpath)
archive_dir = os.path.dirname(full_path)
for link in self.links:
linked_archive_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(archive_dir, str(link)))
if linked_archive_path == full_path:
self.linked_archives[str(link)] = self
# Parse archives that are a dependency of this archive
linked_archive = self.__class__(linked_archive_path)
self.linked_archives[str(link)] = linked_archive
# Parse inner files
for _ in range(0, self.header.file_count):
inner_file = InnerFile.from_fd(self.fd)
assert != '', f'Encountered archived file at offset: {self.fd.tell():#x}'
assert not in self.files, f'Duplicate archived file: {}'
self.files[] = inner_file
# Check for trailing data
final_offset = self.fd.tell()
trailing_data =
assert len(trailing_data) == 0, f'{len(trailing_data)} bytes of unknown data starting at offset {final_offset:#x}'
def extract(self, inner_fname, outdir=''):
inner_file = self.files[inner_fname]
extract_fpath = os.path.join(outdir,'Extracting {extract_fpath}')
with open(extract_fpath, 'wb') as f_out:
last_end = 0
for chunk in inner_file.chunks:
# Check that chunks are contiguous and in-order
assert chunk.begin == last_end, f'Out-of-order chunks found but not supported. Contact the developer.'
last_end = chunk.begin + chunk.length
# Obtain handle to the archive file containing the chunk data
container = self.linked_archives[str(self.links[chunk.archive])]
# Save current file offset
saved_fp = container.fd.tell()
# Read and write data
remaining = chunk.length
while remaining > 0:
read_sz = remaining
if read_sz > READ_SIZE:
read_sz = READ_SIZE
data =
assert len(data) == read_sz, f'Expected {read_sz} bytes, received {len(data)}'
n_written = f_out.write(data)
assert n_written == read_sz, f'Expected to write {read_sz} bytes, but wrote {n_written}'
remaining -= read_sz
# Restore current file offset
assert container.fd.tell() == saved_fp, f'Bad file pointer offset: {container.fd.tell():#x}'
def extract_all(self, outdir=''):
for f in self.files:
self.extract(f, outdir)
def list(self):
for f in self.files:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(f'Usage:\n {sys.argv[0]} <archive file> [output directory] [-v]')
if '-v' in sys.argv:
OUT_DIR = ''
if len(sys.argv) > 2 and not sys.argv[2].startswith('-'):
OUT_DIR = sys.argv[2]
ARCHIVE_FPATH = sys.argv[1]
archive = ArchiveFile(ARCHIVE_FPATH)
if '-l' in sys.argv or '--list' in sys.argv:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
from ctypes import Array, BigEndianStructure, LittleEndianStructure, sizeof
# Author: Jonathon Reinhart
# Source:
class StructHelper(object):
def __get_value_str(self, name, fmt='{}'):
val = getattr(self, name)
if isinstance(val, Array):
val = list(val)
elif isinstance(val, int):
return f'{val:#x}'.ljust(18) + ' (' + fmt.format(val) + ')'
return fmt.format(val)
def __str__(self):
result = '{}:\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
maxname = max(len(name) for name, type_, *sz_ in self._fields_)
for name, type_, *sz_ in self._fields_:
value = getattr(self, name)
result += ' {name:<{width}}: {value}'.format(
name = name,
width = maxname,
value = self.__get_value_str(name),
result += '\n'
return result
def __repr__(self):
return '{name}({fields})'.format(
name = self.__class__.__name__,
fields = ', '.join(
'{}={}'.format(name, self.__get_value_str(name, '{!r}')) for name, _, *sz_ in self._fields_)
def _typeof(cls, field):
"""Get the type of a field
Example: A._typeof(A.fld)
Inspired by
for name, type_, *sz_ in cls._fields_:
if getattr(cls, name) is field:
return type_
raise KeyError
def read_from(cls, f):
result = cls()
if f.readinto(result) != sizeof(cls):
raise EOFError
return result
def get_bytes(self):
"""Get raw byte string of this structure
ctypes.Structure implements the buffer interface, so it can be used
directly anywhere the buffer interface is implemented.
# Works for either Python 2 or Python 3
return bytearray(self)
def validate(self):
"""Derived types can override this function to automatically throw errors if bad data is
encountered after instantiating with from_bytes
def from_bytes(cls, buf):
inst = cls.from_buffer_copy(buf)
return inst
def sizeof(cls):
return sizeof(cls)
class StructLE(LittleEndianStructure, StructHelper):
"""Little endian structure class pre-configured for the majority of use-cases
_pack_ = 1
class StructBE(BigEndianStructure, StructHelper):
"""Big endian structure class pre-configured for the majority of use-cases
_pack_ = 1
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