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Created September 8, 2020 17:08
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Gets 10 top riders in Le Tour
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
async function getData(items) {
const data = Promise.all( (i) => await (await fetch(i)).text())
return data
const handleData = (documents) => {
documents.forEach((document) => {
const $ = cheerio.load(document);
const rows = $('.rankingTables__row');
const riders = [];
rows.each((i, td) => {
const tds = $(td).children();
tds.each((idx, el) => {
const classNameRider = 'rankingTables__row__profile runner';
if ($(el).attr('class') === classNameRider) {
const children = $(el).children();
children.each((index, child) => {
const element = $(child)
const href = element.attr('href');
if (href) {
const name = element.text().trim();
riders.push({ name });
const classNameTime = 'is-alignCenter time';
if ($(el).attr('class') === classNameTime) {
if (idx === 6) {
const time = $(el).text().trim().replace(/['"]+/g, '');
riders[riders.length - 1].time = time;
const target = 10;
const data = Array(target).fill().map((_, i) => {
return {
rank: (i + 1),
const letour = ''
const rankings = `${letour}/en/rankings`
.then(res => res.text())
.then(body => {
const $ = cheerio.load(body);
const resources = [];
$('.js-tabs-ranking').each((i, el) => {
const itg = JSON.parse($(el).attr('data-ajax-stack')).itg
itg && resources.push(itg);
const urls = => (`${letour}/${r}`))
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