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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Quota change log
= v1.2.4 =
* added: support for EDD item quanities (EDD v2.2)
* tweaked: improved translation functions
* removed: search filter - search forms will now return results for all post types by default
= v1.2.3 =
* tweaked: replaced deprecated EDD function edd_get_cart_amount() with edd_get_cart_subtotal()
= v1.2.2 =
* tweaked: removed "edd-" prefixes from post classes and replaced with "quota-"
= v1.2.1 =
* fixed: missing EDD check for custom menu fallback with cart information
= v1.2 =
* added: Font Awesome support
* added: store front description area (displays above store items - built in the theme customizer)
* added: new customizer options
---- store front item count
---- disable featured images on post feeds
---- store description to display below store title and above store items
* added: social networking icons on front page headline
* added: HTML5 support for comments, comments form, search forms, image galleries
* tweaked: customizer option styles
---- "yes" and "no" radio options changed to single checkboxes to enable/disable features
---- after updating, revisit options to make sure old selections are still good and save the new options
* tweaked: basic theme styles
---- headline fonts a little less bold (font-weight: 800 to font-weight: 700)
---- reduced site headline height and font size
---- made header menu links slightly darker
---- made header menu dropdown links slightly smaller
* tweaked: theme-wide translation functions for better translations
* tweaked: language files updated
* tweaked: footer site info to display tagline, site name, and copyright
* tweaked: replaced all HTML entity arrows with Font Awesome arrow icons
* tweaked: admin menu Quota icon
* tweaked: download/product featured image dimensions for better responsive behavior (consider regenerating thumbnails)
* fixed: replaced incorrect file path for archive pages with no results
* fixed: remove empty HTML markup for unused customizer elements
* fixed: remove empty HTML markup for author box when post author has no user bio
* fixed: adjusted search query (posts only) so the admin search isn't affected
= v1.0 =
* first stable release
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