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Created April 10, 2020 19:05
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  • Save SeanTolstoyevski/280f6fef7515d494c1f512db74bf564d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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DEBUG - __main__ (11:43:25.417) - MainThread (216):
Provided arguments: ['D:\\d\\D1H\\Programs\\portables\\nvda_py3\\nvda.exe', '--debug-logging']
INFO - __main__ (11:43:25.417) - MainThread (216):
Starting NVDA version 2019.3.1
DEBUG - __main__ (11:43:25.417) - MainThread (216):
Debug level logging enabled
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.542) - MainThread (216):
Core starting
INFO - core.main (11:43:25.542) - MainThread (216):
Config dir: D:\d\D1H\Programs\portables\nvda_py3\userConfig
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.542) - MainThread (216):
loading config
INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (11:43:25.542) - MainThread (216):
Loading config: .\userConfig\nvda.ini
DEBUG - config.profileUpgrader.upgrade (11:43:25.558) - MainThread (216):
Current config schema version: 3, latest: 3
DEBUG - fileUtils.FaultTolerantFile (11:43:25.574) - MainThread (216):
INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (11:43:25.574) - MainThread (216):
Config loaded (after upgrade, and in the state it will be used by NVDA):
{'schemaVersion': '3', 'update': {'autoCheck': 'True', 'startupNotification': 'True', 'allowUsageStats': 'True', 'askedAllowUsageStats': 'True'}, 'development': {'enableScratchpadDir': 'False'}, 'upgrade': {}, 'general': {'showWelcomeDialogAtStartup': 'False', 'language': 'Windows', 'saveConfigurationOnExit': 'True', 'askToExit': 'True', 'playStartAndExitSounds': 'True', 'loggingLevel': 'INFO'}, 'speech': {'autoLanguageSwitching': 'False', 'espeak': {'voice': 'en', 'variant': 'max', 'rate': '50', 'pitch': '40', 'inflection': '75', 'volume': '100'}}, 'braille': {'noBraille': {}}, 'vision': {'NVDAHighlighter': {'highlightFocus': 'False', 'highlightNavigator': 'False', 'highlightBrowseMode': 'False'}, 'screenCurtain': {}}, 'keyboard': {'useCapsLockAsNVDAModifierKey': 'True'}, 'debugLog': {'timeSinceInput': 'True'}, 'uwpOcr': {'language': 'en-US'}}
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.683) - MainThread (216):
setting language to Windows
INFO - core.main (11:43:25.683) - MainThread (216):
Using Windows version 10.0.18358 workstation
INFO - core.main (11:43:25.683) - MainThread (216):
Using Python version 3.7.5 (tags/v3.7.5:5c02a39a0b, Oct 14 2019, 23:09:19) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)]
INFO - core.main (11:43:25.683) - MainThread (216):
Using comtypes version 1.1.7
INFO - core.main (11:43:25.683) - MainThread (216):
Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.687) - MainThread (216):
Initializing add-ons system
DEBUG - addonHandler._getAvailableAddonsFromPath (11:43:25.687) - MainThread (216):
Listing add-ons from D:\d\D1H\Programs\portables\nvda_py3\userConfig\addons
DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (11:43:25.791) - MainThread (216):
Touch only supported on installed copies
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.908) - MainThread (216):
Initializing appModule Handler
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.908) - MainThread (216):
Initializing NVDAHelper
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.936) - MainThread (216):
Initializing tones
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.950) - MainThread (216):
Speech Dictionary processing
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (11:43:25.950) - MainThread (216):
Loading speech dictionary '.\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (11:43:25.950) - MainThread (216):
file '.\userConfig\speechDicts\default.dic' not found.
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (11:43:25.950) - MainThread (216):
Loading speech dictionary 'builtin.dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (11:43:25.950) - MainThread (216):
3 loaded records.
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:25.950) - MainThread (216):
Initializing speech
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (11:43:25.955) - MainThread (216):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'synthDrivers.oneCore.SynthDriver'>
ERROR - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (11:43:25.960) - MainThread (216):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 103, in setSynth
File "synthDriverHandler.pyc", line 76, in getSynthInstance
File "synthDrivers\oneCore.pyc", line 157, in __init__
OSError: [WinError -529697949] Windows Error 0xe06d7363
INFO - synthDrivers.espeak.SynthDriver.__init__ (11:43:26.016) - MainThread (216):
Using eSpeak NG version b'1.49.3 dev'
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (11:43:26.061) - MainThread (216):
Loading speech dictionary '.\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-English (Great Britain).dic'...
DEBUG - speechDictHandler.SpeechDict.load (11:43:26.061) - MainThread (216):
file '.\userConfig\speechDicts\voiceDicts.v1\espeak\espeak-English (Great Britain).dic' not found.
DEBUG - synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver.loadSettings (11:43:26.066) - MainThread (216):
Loaded settings for SynthDriver espeak
INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (11:43:26.066) - MainThread (216):
Loaded synthDriver espeak
INFO - core.main (11:43:26.066) - MainThread (216):
Using wx version 4.0.3 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.0.5 with six version 1.12.0
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.066) - MainThread (216):
Initializing braille input
INFO - brailleInput.initialize (11:43:26.066) - MainThread (216):
Braille input initialized
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.066) - MainThread (216):
Initializing braille
INFO - braille.initialize (11:43:26.066) - MainThread (216):
Using liblouis version 3.10.0
INFO - braille.initialize (11:43:26.071) - MainThread (216):
Using pySerial version 3.4
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (11:43:26.071) - MainThread (216):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'brailleDisplayDrivers.noBraille.BrailleDisplayDriver'>
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (11:43:26.076) - MainThread (216):
loading braille noBraille
INFO - braille.BrailleHandler.setDisplayByName (11:43:26.076) - MainThread (216):
Loaded braille display driver noBraille, current display has 0 cells.
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.076) - MainThread (216):
Initializing vision
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.076) - MainThread (216):
Initializing displayModel
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.076) - MainThread (216):
Initializing GUI
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (11:43:26.106) - MainThread (216):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1508990
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (11:43:26.106) - MainThread (216):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1508990
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (11:43:26.106) - MainThread (216):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1508990
DEBUG - windowUtils._rawWindowProc (11:43:26.106) - MainThread (216):
CustomWindow rawWindowProc called for unknown window 1508990
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.115) - MainThread (216):
initializing Java Access Bridge support
INFO - core.main (11:43:26.236) - MainThread (216):
Java Access Bridge support initialized
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.246) - MainThread (216):
Initializing legacy winConsole support
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.246) - MainThread (216):
Initializing UIA support
INFO - _UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (11:43:26.255) - _UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (4668):
UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.491) - MainThread (216):
Initializing IAccessible support
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.491) - MainThread (216):
Initializing input core
DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadLocaleGestureMap (11:43:26.491) - MainThread (216):
No locale gesture map for language en
DEBUGWARNING - inputCore.InputManager.loadUserGestureMap (11:43:26.491) - MainThread (216):
No user gesture map
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.491) - MainThread (216):
Initializing keyboard handler
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.491) - MainThread (216):
initializing mouse handler
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
Initializing touchHandler
DEBUGWARNING - touchHandler.touchSupported (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
Touch only supported on installed copies
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
Initializing global plugin handler
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
Initializing core pump
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
Initializing watchdog
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
initializing updateCheck
INFO - core.main (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
NVDA initialized
DEBUG - core.main (11:43:26.536) - MainThread (216):
entering wx application main loop
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (11:43:26.556) - MainThread (216):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.NVDAHighlighter.NVDAHighlighterSettings'>
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (11:43:26.566) - MainThread (216):
loading vision NVDAHighlighter
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (11:43:26.566) - MainThread (216):
Loaded settings for NVDAHighlighterSettings
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._registerConfigSaveAction (11:43:26.566) - MainThread (216):
registering pre_configSave action: <class 'visionEnhancementProviders.screenCurtain.ScreenCurtainSettings'>
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (11:43:26.576) - MainThread (216):
loading vision screenCurtain
DEBUG - autoSettingsUtils.autoSettings.AutoSettings._loadSpecificSettings (11:43:26.576) - MainThread (216):
Loaded settings for ScreenCurtainSettings
IO - speech.speak (11:43:26.696) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['nvda_py3', 'window']
DEBUGWARNING - characterProcessing._getSpeechSymbolsForLocale (11:43:26.696) - MainThread (216):
No CLDR data for locale en_GB
IO - speech.speak (11:43:26.846) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Items View', 'list']
IO - speech.speak (11:43:26.856) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['brailleDisplayDrivers', '1 of 96']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:30.606) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):windows+m
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:30.644) - MainThread (216):
0.038 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:30.644) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'm', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:30.755) - MainThread (216):
0.149 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:30.755) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Desktop', 'list']
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:30.755) - MainThread (216):
0.149 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:30.755) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['NVDA', '8 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:35.643) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):t
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:35.674) - MainThread (216):
0.031 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:35.674) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 't', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:35.690) - MainThread (216):
0.047 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:35.690) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['TWBlue', '12 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:37.468) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):t
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:37.498) - MainThread (216):
0.030 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:37.498) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 't', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:37.538) - MainThread (216):
0.070 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:37.538) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['TeamTalk 5 Classic', '24 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:39.188) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):t
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:39.258) - MainThread (216):
0.073 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:39.258) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 't', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:39.258) - MainThread (216):
0.073 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:39.258) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['This PC', '2 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:41.197) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):g
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:41.235) - MainThread (216):
0.038 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:41.235) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'g', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:41.235) - MainThread (216):
0.038 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:41.235) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['GitHub Desktop', '7 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:42.987) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):g
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:43.036) - MainThread (216):
0.049 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:43.036) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'g', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:43.036) - MainThread (216):
0.049 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:43.036) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Google Chrome', '10 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:44.965) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):d
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:45.012) - MainThread (216):
0.047 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:45.012) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'd', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:45.012) - MainThread (216):
0.047 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:45.012) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Documents', '17 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:46.857) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):d
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:46.897) - MainThread (216):
0.040 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:46.897) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'd', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:46.897) - MainThread (216):
0.040 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:46.897) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Downloads', '26 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:48.787) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):d
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:48.807) - MainThread (216):
0.020 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:48.807) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'd', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:48.837) - MainThread (216):
0.049 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:48.837) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Dropbox', '28 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:51.965) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):f
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:52.002) - MainThread (216):
0.037 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:52.002) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'f', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:52.017) - MainThread (216):
0.053 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:52.017) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Firefox', '5 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:43:55.024) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):r
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:55.055) - MainThread (216):
0.031 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:55.055) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'r', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:43:55.055) - MainThread (216):
0.031 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:43:55.055) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Recycle Bin', '3 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:44:01.564) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):v
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:44:01.611) - MainThread (216):
0.047 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:44:01.611) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'v', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:44:01.627) - MainThread (216):
0.062 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:44:01.627) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['VMware Workstation Pro', '18 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:44:03.551) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):v
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:44:03.596) - MainThread (216):
0.045 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:44:03.596) - MainThread (216):
Speaking [CharacterModeCommand(True), 'v', EndUtteranceCommand()]
IO - inputCore.logTimeSinceInput (11:44:03.605) - MainThread (216):
0.054 sec since input
IO - speech.speak (11:44:03.605) - MainThread (216):
Speaking ['Visual Studio 2019', '20 of 31']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (11:44:09.509) - winInputHook (5140):
Input: kb(desktop):NVDA+f1
INFO - globalCommands.GlobalCommands.script_navigatorObject_devInfo (11:44:09.640) - MainThread (216):
Developer info for navigator object:
name: 'Visual Studio 2019'
roleText: None
isFocusable: True
hasFocus: True
Python object: <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_SysListView32EmittingDuplicateFocusEventsListItemIAccessible object at 0x064F88D0>
Python class mro: (<class 'NVDAObjects.Dynamic_SysListView32EmittingDuplicateFocusEventsListItemIAccessible'>, <class 'appModules.explorer.SysListView32EmittingDuplicateFocusEvents'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.sysListView32.ListItem'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.behaviors.RowWithFakeNavigation'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.behaviors.RowWithoutCellObjects'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.sysListView32.ListItemWithoutColumnSupport'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.Window'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.NVDAObject'>, <class 'documentBase.TextContainerObject'>, <class 'baseObject.ScriptableObject'>, <class 'baseObject.AutoPropertyObject'>, <class 'object'>)
description: None
location: RectLTWH(left=214, top=530, width=76, height=85)
value: None
appModule: <'explorer' (appName 'explorer', process ID 4408) at address 4d81cb0>
appModule.productName: 'Microsoft® Windows® Operating System'
appModule.productVersion: '10.0.18358.1'
TextInfo: <class 'NVDAObjects.NVDAObjectTextInfo'>
windowHandle: 65860
windowClassName: 'SysListView32'
windowControlID: 1
windowStyle: 1442855488
extendedWindowStyle: 0
windowThreadID: 4412
windowText: 'FolderView'
displayText: 'Visual Studio2019'
IAccessibleObject: <POINTER(IAccessible) ptr=0x4dd3f38 at 6517080>
IAccessibleChildID: 20
IAccessible event parameters: windowHandle=65860, objectID=-4, childID=20
IAccessible accName: 'Visual Studio 2019'
IAccessible accDescription: exception: (-2147352573, 'Member not found.', (None, None, None, 0, None))
IAccessible accValue: None
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