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Forked from fike/recovery_octopress_p.rb
Last active March 30, 2021 07:14
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Recovery Octopress post to markdown
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This script (recovery_octopress_p.rb) convert Octopress post, more specific the body in
# Octopress markdown files and it need that pages stay in local computer.
# Its license is LGPL-2.1 and more details, you can look this FSF link:
# -
# It was developed for Fernando Ike de Oliveira <>.
# Some bugs knows:
# - A problem to convert "." in title to dot word. Octopress was do much better
# - The "-" incresead more than need. For example: foo---bar instead foo-bar
# - You need to create a directory _post for this script work
require 'nokogiri'
require 'pandoc-ruby'
require 'pathname'
# xiang: fix erros by require time
require 'time'
files = Dir.glob("**/201[0-9]/**/*.html")
files.each { |file|
# puts "-- Hi --"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(
title = doc.xpath('/html/body/div/div/div/article/header/h1').children
date = doc.xpath('/html/body/div/div/div/article/header/p/time').attr('datetime')
t_html = doc.xpath('/html/body/div/div/div/article/div')
# xiang: .to_s, otherwise throwing missing newline error
t_html_string = t_html.to_s
puts title
puts date
# xiang: get file name for markdown output. otherwise markdown name's missing.
path =
path_string = path.realpath.to_s
path_arr = path_string.split('/')
arr_count = path_arr.count
real_md_file_name = "place_holder"
if arr_count >= 2
real_md_file_name = path_arr[arr_count - 2]
# xiang: markdown_strict, not markdown, bc there is some syntax of pandoc's markdown, like :::
t_markdown = PandocRuby.convert(t_html_string, :from => :html, :to => :markdown_strict)
# puts t_markdown
categories =
g_categories = doc.xpath('/html/body/div/div/div/article/footer/p/span[2]/a').children
year = Time.parse(date).strftime("%Y")
day = Time.parse(date).strftime("%d")
month = Time.parse(date).strftime("%m")
hour = Time.parse(date).strftime("%H")
minute = Time.parse(date).strftime("%M")
# xiang: these 2 lines are not in use
titlename = title.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, "-")"ÁÀÃáàãÉÈẼéèẽÍÌíìÓÒÕóòõÚÙúùÇç","AAAaaaEEEeeeIIiiOOOoooUUuucc")
titlename = titlename.gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z\-]/, '')
titlename = real_md_file_name
filename = '_post/' + year + '-' + month + '-' + day + '-' + titlename + "\.markdown"
categories =
g_categories.each do |category|
text = <<EOF
layout: post
title: "#{title}"
date: #{year}-#{month}-#{day} #{hour}:#{minute}
comments: true
published: true
categories: #{categories}
tags: #{categories}
EOF, "w+") { |f| f.write(text) }
cp -f recovery_octopress_p.rb /Users/xiangli/Develop/Blog/
cd /Users/xiangli/Develop/Blog/
mkdir _post
ruby recovery_octopress_p.rb
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