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Created October 22, 2015 18:22
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Associative Memories
import nengo
from nengo import spa
D = 32
vo = spa.Vocabulary(D)
vo.parse("A + B + C")
vo2 = spa.Vocabulary(D/2)
vo2.parse("D + E + F")
model = spa.SPA(vocabs=[vo, vo2])
with model:
model.in_A = spa.State(D, vo)
model.in_B = spa.State(D, vo)
model.bind = spa.Bind(D, invert_b=True)
model.ass = spa.AssociativeMemory(vo, vo2)
#model.out = spa.State(D) # WTF?
model.out = spa.State(D/2, vo2)
model.cortical = spa.Actions(
'bind_A = in_A',
'bind_B = in_B',
'ass = bind',
'out = ass'
model.c_act = spa.Cortical(model.cortical)
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