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Created April 13, 2014 06:12
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EE4208 Laplacian of Gaussian using alternative method for checking the zero crossings
import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import as cm
import sys
import pylab
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
range_inc = lambda start, end: range(start, end+1) #Because this is easier to write and read
# This code has been broken up into a bunch of functions for ease of testing
# Function for calculating the laplacian of the gaussian at a given point and with a given variance
def l_o_g(x, y, sigma):
# Formatted this way for readability
nom = ( (y**2)+(x**2)-2*(sigma**2) )
denom = ( (2*math.pi*(sigma**6) ))
expo = math.exp( -((x**2)+(y**2))/(2*(sigma**2)) )
return nom*expo/denom
# Create the laplacian of the gaussian, given a sigma
# Note the recommended size is 7 according to this website
# Experimentally, I've found 6 to be much more reliable
def create_log(sigma, size = 7):
w = math.ceil(float(size)*float(sigma))
# If the dimension is an even number, make it uneven
if(w%2 == 0):
print "even number detected, incrementing"
w = w + 1
# Now make the mask
l_o_g_mask = []
w_range = int(math.floor(w/2))
print "Going from " + str(-w_range) + " to " + str(w_range)
for i in range_inc(-w_range, w_range):
for j in range_inc(-w_range, w_range):
l_o_g_mask = np.array(l_o_g_mask)
l_o_g_mask = l_o_g_mask.reshape(w,w)
return l_o_g_mask
# Convolute the mask with the image. May only work for masks of odd dimensions
def convolve(image, mask):
width = image.shape[1]
height = image.shape[0]
w_range = int(math.floor(mask.shape[0]/2))
res_image = np.zeros((height, width))
# Iterate over every pixel that can be covered by the mask
for i in range(w_range,width-w_range):
for j in range(w_range,height-w_range):
# Then convolute with the mask
for k in range_inc(-w_range,w_range):
for h in range_inc(-w_range,w_range):
res_image[j, i] += mask[w_range+h,w_range+k]*image[j+h,i+k]
return res_image
# Find the zero crossing in the l_o_g image narcissitically
def narc_z_c_test(l_o_g_image):
z_c_image = np.zeros(l_o_g_image.shape)
new_z_c_image = np.zeros(l_o_g_image.shape)
# Check if all the pixels around you have the same sign
for i in range(1,l_o_g_image.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(1,l_o_g_image.shape[1]-1):
neg_count = 0
pos_count = 0
my_sign_pos = (l_o_g_image[i, j] > 0)
#if(l_o_g_image[i, j] == 0):
# print "OMG A ZERO"
all_same_sign = True
#Apparently only checking up/down/left/right is enough
for a,b in ((0,-1), (0,1), (-1,0), (1,0)):
all_same_sign = (l_o_g_image[i+a, j+b] > 0)
all_same_sign = (l_o_g_image[i+a, j+b] < 0)
#print "True for " + str(i) + "," + str(j)
z_c_image[i,j] = 1
my_abs_val = math.fabs(l_o_g_image[i,j])
smallest_val = True
for a,b in ((0,-1), (0,1), (-1,0), (1,0)):
if(my_sign_pos and (l_o_g_image[i+a, j+b] < 0)):
#print "Comparing " + str(my_abs_val) +" with "+ str(math.fabs(l_o_g_image[i+a,j+b]))
smallest_val = (my_abs_val < math.fabs(l_o_g_image[i+a,j+b]))
elif(not(my_sign_pos) and (l_o_g_image[i+a, j+b] > 0)):
#print "Comparing " + str(my_abs_val) +" with "+ str(math.fabs(l_o_g_image[i+a,j+b]))
smallest_val = (my_abs_val < math.fabs(l_o_g_image[i+a,j+b]))
new_z_c_image[i,j] = 1
return z_c_image, new_z_c_image
# Apply the l_o_g to the image
def run_l_o_g(bin_image, sigma_val, size_val):
# Create the l_o_g mask
print "creating mask"
l_o_g_mask = create_log(sigma_val, size_val)
# Smooth the image by convolving with the LoG mask
print "smoothing"
l_o_g_image = convolve(bin_image, l_o_g_mask)
# Display the smoothed imgage
blurred = fig.add_subplot(1,4,2)
blurred.imshow(l_o_g_image, cmap=cm.gray)
# Find the zero crossings
print "finding zero crossings"
z_c_image1, z_c_image2 = narc_z_c_test(l_o_g_image)
print z_c_image1
print z_c_image2
#Display the zero crossings
edges = fig.add_subplot(1,4,3)
new_edges = fig.add_subplot(1,4,4)
edges.imshow(z_c_image1, cmap=cm.gray)
new_edges.imshow(z_c_image2, cmap=cm.gray)
print "displaying"
print 'done updating'
# Code that is executed once a slider is updated
def update(val):
run_l_o_g(bin_image, sigma.val, int(size.val))
print "update"
axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow'
axsigma = pylab.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor)
axsize = pylab.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor)
sigma = Slider(axsigma, 'Variance', 0.5, 3, valinit=1.0)
size = Slider(axsize, 'Size', 1, 10.0, valinit=5)
sigma_val = sigma.val
size_val = int(size.val)
# Load the raw file
f = open('lamp.raw','rb')
#f = open('leaf.raw','rb')
#f = open('fruit.raw','rb')
#f = open('img335.raw','rb')
#f = open('cana.raw','rb')
# Because the byte order is weird
a =
b =
# First line is rows
rows = int((b+a).encode('hex'), 16)
a =
b =
# Second line is columns
cols = int((b+a).encode('hex'), 16)
# Last byte is encoding, but we're just going to ignore it
# And everything else is 8 bit encoded, so let's load it into numpy
bin_image = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.uint8)
# Change the shape of the array to the actual shape of the picture
bin_image.shape = (cols, rows)
# display it with matplotlib
fig = pylab.figure()
original = fig.add_subplot(1,4,1)
original.imshow(bin_image, cmap=cm.gray)
# run the laplacian of gaussian to create the other images
run_l_o_g(bin_image, sigma_val, size_val)
print "done"
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