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Created September 2, 2022 21:45
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An example of nested fanout using Ray Workflows.
An example of nested fanout using Ray Workflows.
The full workflow creates several batches given a single input, then each of those batches is fanned-out and evaluated.
import time
import ray
from ray import workflow
def get_range(start: int) -> list[int]:
Generate a batch.
return list(range(start, start + 5))
def get_square(data: float) -> float:
A simple operation to test fanout.
return data**2
def range_and_square(data):
Generate batches, then fanout from each batch
Starting node of the whole operation as invoked in the `` call below.
# Batch operation
my_ranges = [get_range.bind(start) for start in data]
# Fanout to simple operations
return workflow.continuation(expand_ranges.bind(my_ranges))
def expand_ranges(my_ranges):
Ray Workflows do not allow multiple `.bind` operations to occur simultaenously,
so we need to chain functions in order to allow the `workflow.continuation`
call in `range_and_square` to construct the full DAG before operation.
expanded = []
for my_range in my_ranges:
# proof ray.get is non-blocking, which is why this function does not create a bottleneck
print("get range!")
return workflow.continuation(finalize_range.bind(expanded))
def finalize_range(my_ranges):
squares = []
for my_range in my_ranges:
for item in my_range:
return workflow.continuation(finalize_results.bind(squares))
def finalize_results(squares):
return [ray.get(s) for s in squares]
if __name__ == "__main__":
values = list(range(10))
result =
# Sleep to allow stderr messages from Ray to flow past
# Before printing the output
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