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Created April 13, 2024 12:52
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my assumption
import Lean
open Lean Meta Tactic
def myAssumption (mvarId : MVarId) : Elab.Tactic.TacticM PUnit := do
-- Check that `mvarId` is not already assigned.
mvarId.checkNotAssigned `myAssumption
-- Use the local context of `mvarId`.
mvarId.withContext do
-- The target is the type of `mvarId`.
let target ← mvarId.getType
-- For each hypothesis in the local context:
for ldecl in ← getLCtx do
-- If the hypothesis is an implementation detail, skip it.
if ldecl.isImplementationDetail then
-- If the type of the hypothesis is definitionally equal to the target
-- type:
if ← isDefEq ldecl.type target then
-- Use the local hypothesis to prove the goal.
mvarId.assign ldecl.toExpr
-- Stop and return true.
return ()
-- If we have not found any suitable local hypothesis, return false.
return ()
elab "my_assumption" : tactic =>
Lean.Elab.Tactic.withMainContext do
let goal ← Lean.Elab.Tactic.getMainGoal
myAssumption goal
example : P -> P ∧ Q := by
intro h
· my_assumption
· my_assumption; sorry
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