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Created June 1, 2024 19:12
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Many モナド
import Mathlib.Tactic
universe u v
inductive Many (α : Type u) where
| none : Many α
| more : α → (Unit → Many α) → Many α
variable {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
/-! Many は Functor -/
def (f : α → β) : Many α → Many β
| none => none
| more x xs => Many.more (f x) (fun () => f <| xs ())
theorem Many.map_none (f : α → β) : f none = none := rfl
instance : Functor Many where
map :=
instance : LawfulFunctor Many where
map_const := rfl
id_map := by
intro α x
dsimp []
induction x with
| none => rfl
| more x xs ih =>
specialize ih ()
dsimp []
rw [ih]
comp_map := by
intro α β γ g h x
dsimp []
induction x with
| none => rfl
| more x xs ih =>
specialize ih ()
dsimp []
rw [ih]
/-! Many は Applicative -/
def (x : α) : Many α := Many.more x (fun () => Many.none)
theorem Many.one_neq_none (x : α) : ( x = none) ↔ False := by
intro h
def Many.seq (x : Many (α → β)) (f : Unit → Many α) : Many β :=
match x with
| .none => .none
| .more x xs =>
match f () with
| .none => .none
| .more y ys => Many.more (x y) (fun () => Many.seq (xs ()) ys)
theorem Many.seq_right_none (x : Many (α → β)) : Many.seq x (fun _ => none) = none := by
cases x
· rfl
· dsimp [Many.seq]
theorem Many.seq_left_none {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : Unit → Many α) :
Many.seq (none : Many (α → β)) f = none := by
cases f () <;> dsimp [Many.seq]
instance : Applicative Many where
pure :=
seq := Many.seq
instance : LawfulApplicative Many where
seqLeft_eq := by
intro α β x y
seqRight_eq := by
intro α β x y
seq_pure := by
pure_seq := by
map_pure := by
intro α β g x
dsimp [, pure]
seq_assoc := by
intro α β γ x g h
def Many.union {α : Type u} : Many α → Many α → Many α
| Many.none, ys => ys
| Many.more x xs, ys => Many.more x (fun () => union (xs ()) ys)
theorem Many.union_none {α : Type u} (x : Many α) : Many.union x .none = x := by
induction x with
| none => rfl
| more x xs ih =>
specialize ih ()
dsimp [Many.union]
rw [ih]
def Many.bind : Many α → (α → Many β) → Many β
| Many.none, _ =>
| Many.more x xs, f =>
(f x).union (bind (xs ()) f)
instance : Monad Many where
pure :=
bind := Many.bind
instance : LawfulMonad Many where
pure_bind := by
intro α β x f
dsimp [pure, bind]
show Many.bind ( x) f = f x
_ = Many.bind (Many.more x (fun () => Many.none)) f := by rfl
_ = (f x).union (Many.bind Many.none f) := by rfl
_ = (f x).union Many.none := by rfl
_ = f x := by simp
bind_pure_comp := by sorry
bind_map := by sorry
bind_assoc := by sorry
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