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Created July 25, 2022 11:13
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Giant Death Spider
params ["_core"];
if !(isServer) exitwith {};
// 1 = normal, 2 = 2x, 3 = 3x, 4 = 4x, 5 = 5x
spider_overall_speed = 1;
// per point, not per "leg"
spider_arm_length = 13;
spider_num_segments = 4;
spider_point_max_rot_speed = (360/90)*(spider_overall_speed/(spider_num_segments));
spider_total_leg_length = spider_arm_length * spider_num_segments;
spider_point_max_angle = 135/90;
spider_segment_object = "Land_Cargo40_grey_F";
spider_point_object = "Land_Cargo10_white_F";
spider_target_object = "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F";
spider_walk_height = 20;
// Lifted off ground
spider_leg_neutral_position = [-spider_arm_length*0.5, 2*spider_arm_length, spider_walk_height];
// Placed on ground
spider_leg_active_position = [-spider_arm_length*0.5, 2*spider_arm_length, 0];
// max fabrik iterations per frame
spider_max_iterations = 5;
// Threshhold for IK success
spider_minimum_distance = 0.1;
spider_max_rot_speed = (5/90)*spider_overall_speed;
spider_move_speed = 4*spider_overall_speed;
spider_leg_sleep = 2/spider_overall_speed;
spider_fnc_createLeg = {
params ["_base", "_target"];
private _segments = [];
// Create segments
for "_i" from 1 to spider_num_segments do {
_segments pushBack (spider_segment_object createvehicle [0, 0, 0]);
// Create points before segments
private _points = [];
private _pointobj = createvehicle [spider_point_object, [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_points pushBack _pointobj
} forEach _segments;
// Create last point
private _lastPoint = createvehicle [spider_point_object, [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_points pushBack _lastPoint;
// Attach segments to points at correct offset
_x attachto [_points#_forEachindex, [0, spider_arm_length/2, 0]];
_x setDir 90;
} forEach _segments;
_base setVariable ["spider_points", _points];
private _objects = [_base] + _segments + _points + [_target];
_base setVariable ["spider_objects", _objects];
_base setVariable ["spider_target", _target];
_base setVariable ["spider_currentEndPoint", [0, 0, 0]];
// PFH handler to move leg
_handle = [{
if (isGamePaused) exitWith {};
params ["_args", "_handle"];
_args params ["_base"];
private _points = _base getVariable "spider_points";
private _target = _base getVariable "spider_target";
[_base, ASLtoAGL (getPosASL _target)] call spider_fnc_moveLeg;
}, 0, [_base]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
_base setVariable ["spider_handle", _handle];
spider_fnc_moveLeg = {
params ["_base", "_targetPos"];
// origin is base position, always [0, 0, 0] in model space
private _origin = [0, 0, 0];
private _points = _base getVariable "spider_points";
// Get world position of points to model space
private _pointpositions = _points apply {
_base worldToModel (ASLtoAGL (getPosWorld _x))
private _targetPosmodelSpace = _base worldToModel _targetPos;
private _targetDirto = _origin vectorFromTo _targetPosmodelSpace;
// set target position to a point that is reachable if it is too far away, so IK can actually solve
if (_origin vectorDistance _targetPosmodelSpace > spider_total_leg_length) then {
_targetPosmodelSpace = _targetDirto vectorMultiply (spider_total_leg_length-spider_minimum_distance);
// Calculate segment directions using FABRIK algorithm
private _desiredDirs = [_base, _pointpositions, _origin, _targetPosmodelSpace] call spider_fnc_fabrik;
private _currentDirs = _points apply {
_base vectorworldToModel (vectorDir _x)
// Using calculated desired rotation angle, do foward kinematics
[_base, _points, _currentDirs, _desiredDirs] call spider_fnc_IKmove;
spider_fnc_fabrik = {
params ["_base", "_pointpositions", "_basePos", "_targetPos"];
private _fnc_fabrikBackward = {
params ["_pointpositions", "_targetPos"];
private _prevDir = [0, 0, 0];
// model space direction of base will always be 0
private _i = spider_num_segments - _forEachindex;
if (_forEachindex == 0) then {
_pointpositions set [_i, _targetPos];
private _point = _pointpositions#_i;
private _prevPoint = _pointpositions#(_i + 1);
private _dir = _prevPoint vectorFromTo _point;
// Angle constraint
if (_forEachindex > 0) then {
_dir = [_prevDir, _dir] call fnc_angleConstraint;
private _newPos = _prevPoint vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply spider_arm_length);
_pointpositions set [_i, _newPos];
_prevDir = _dir;
} forEach _pointpositions;
private _fnc_fabrikforward ={
params ["_pointpositions", "_basePos"];
private _prevDir = [0, 0, 0];
// model space direction of base will always be 0
private _i = _forEachindex;
if (_forEachindex == 0) then {
_pointpositions set [_i, _basePos];
private _point = _pointpositions#_i;
private _prevPoint = _pointpositions#(_i - 1);
private _dir = _prevPoint vectorFromTo _point;
// Angle constraint
if (_forEachindex > 0) then {
_dir = [_prevDir, _dir] call fnc_angleConstraint;
private _newPos = _prevPoint vectorAdd (_dir vectorMultiply spider_arm_length);
_pointpositions set [_i, _newPos];
_prevDir = _dir;
} forEach _pointpositions;
private _fnc_getPointdirections = {
params ["_pointpositions"];
private _pointDirs = [];
if (_forEachindex == spider_num_segments) then {
_pointDirs pushBack [0, 0, 0];
private _pos = _x;
private _nextPos = _pointpositions#(_forEachindex+1);
private _dir = _pos vectorFromTo _nextPos;
_pointDirs pushBack _dir;
_prevPos = _pointpositions#_forEachindex;
} forEach _pointpositions;
// Check if calculation necessary
private _movedistancetoTarget = (_base getVariable "spider_currentEndPoint") vectorDistance _targetPos;
if (_movedistancetoTarget > spider_minimum_distance) then {
private _iterations = 0;
while {_iterations < spider_max_iterations} do {
_iterations = _iterations + 1;
// Run 1 full fabrik iteration
_pointpositions = [_pointpositions, _targetPos] call _fnc_fabrikBackward;
_pointpositions = [_pointpositions, _basePos] call _fnc_fabrikforward;
// Check if we are close enough to target
private _error = (_pointpositions#spider_num_segments) vectorDistance _targetPos;
if (_error < spider_minimum_distance) then {
// Cache end point and point positions for retrieval if needed
_base setVariable ["spider_currentEndPoint", _pointpositions#spider_num_segments];
_base setVariable ["spider_pointpositions", _pointpositions];
} else {
_pointpositions = _base getVariable "spider_pointpositions";
// Point positions are not used for calculating IK, the directions of the nodes are used.
// So we need to convert the point positions to directions.
private _pointDirs = [_pointpositions] call _fnc_getPointdirections;
fnc_angleConstraint = {
params ["_prevDir", "_targetDir"];
// Get vector difference of angles and calculate the magnitude of this vector. 1=90 etc
private _constDiff = _targetDir vectorDiff _prevDir;
private _constMagnitude = vectorMagnitude _constDiff;
if (_constMagnitude > spider_point_max_angle) then {
// Clamps the magnitude of the vectorDiff to the max angle
_targetDir = _prevDir vectorAdd (_constDiff vectorMultiply spider_point_max_angle/_constMagnitude);
spider_fnc_IKmove = {
params ["_base", "_points", "_currentDirs", "_targetDirs"];
// Given an array of target directions for points, and their current directions, run forward IK smoothly.
private _fnc_setVelTransformation = {
params ["_base", "_point", "_deltaT", "_offsetCurrent", "_offsetTarget", "_currentDir", "_newDir"];
// Convert from model space to world space
private _pivot = _point worldToModel (ASLtoAGL (getPosASL _point));
// Pos is set in ASL but by default pivot is worldspace
private _currentPos = _base modeltoWorldWorld (_offsetCurrent vectorMultiply spider_arm_length);
private _newPos = _base modeltoWorldWorld (_offsetTarget vectorMultiply spider_arm_length);
private _velocity = (_newPos vectorDiff _currentPos) vectorMultiply _deltaT;
private _currentDir = _base vectorModelToWorld _currentDir;
private _newDir = _base vectorModelToWorld _newDir;
// private _up = [0, 0, 1];
private _up = surfaceNormal _newPos;
// Add upwards velocity, as clients will simulate their own gravity we don't want
_velocity = _velocity vectorAdd [0, 0, 9.81*_deltaT];
_point setvelocityTransformation [
// Point positions always start at [0, 0, 0] in modelspace
private _offsetCurrent = [0, 0, 0];
private _offsetTarget = [0, 0, 0];
private _prevDir = [0, 0, 0];
private _deltaT = 1/diag_fps;
private _point = _x;
private _currentDir = _currentDirs#_forEachindex;
private _targetDir = _targetDirs#_forEachindex;
// speed constraint. Similar algorithm to the angle constraint
_targetDir = [_currentDir, _targetDir, _deltaT, spider_point_max_rot_speed] call spider_fnc_speedConstraint;
// Angle constraint
_targetDir = [_prevDir, _targetDir] call fnc_angleConstraint;
[_base, _point, _deltaT, _offsetCurrent, _offsetTarget, _currentDir, _targetDir] call _fnc_setVelTransformation;
// Update position of current node
_offsetCurrent = _offsetCurrent vectorAdd _currentDir;
_offsetTarget = _offsetTarget vectorAdd _targetDir;
_prevDir = _targetDir;
} forEach _points;
spider_fnc_speedConstraint = {
// Constrains the rotational speed magnitude
params ["_currentDir", "_targetDir", "_deltaT", "_clampVal"];
private _rotDiff = _targetDir vectorDiff _currentDir;
private _rotMagnitude = vectorMagnitude _rotDiff;
private _maxRot = _clampVal * _deltaT;
if (_rotMagnitude > _maxRot) then {
_targetDir = [_currentDir, _targetDir, _maxRot/_rotMagnitude] call BIS_fnc_slerp;
spider_fnc_legPlacedEffect = {
params ["_tip", "_target"];
params ["_tip", "_target"];
private _distancetoTarget = (getPosASL _tip) vectorDistance (getPosASL _target);
_distancetoTarget < spider_minimum_distance
params ["_tip", "_target"];
private _targetPos = getPos _target;
_targetPos set [2, -5];
private _shell = createVehicle ["R_60mm_HE", _target, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_shell setDamage 1;
_x setDamage 1;
} forEach (nearestTerrainObjects [_target, [], 10, false]);
[_tip, _target],
] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute
spider_fnc_placeLegGroup = {
params [
["_doEffect", true]
private _leg = _x;
private _target = _leg getVariable "spider_target";
private _pos = +spider_leg_active_position;
_pos set [0, (_pos#0) * (_leg getVariable "spider_side")];
// Flip legs on the x axis depending on side
detach _target;
private _pos = (_leg modeltoWorldWorld _pos);
_pos set [2, 0];
_target setPos _pos;
_target setvectorDirAndUp [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]];
if (_doEffect) then {
[(_leg getVariable "spider_points")#spider_num_segments, _target] call spider_fnc_legPlacedEffect;
} forEach _legGroup;
spider_fnc_liftLegGroup = {
params ["_leggroup"];
private _leg = _x;
private _pos = +spider_leg_neutral_position;
// Set leg position to neutral, Z off of ground
_pos = _leg modeltoWorld _pos;
_pos set [0, (_pos#0) * (_leg getVariable "spider_side")];
_pos set [2, spider_leg_neutral_position#2];
// Flip legs on the x axis depending on side
_pos set [0, (_pos#0) * (_leg getVariable "spider_side")];
private _target = _leg getVariable "spider_target";
_target setPosASL (AGLtoASL _pos);
} forEach _leggroup;
spider_fnc_createSpider = {
params ["_core"];
private _van = createVehicle ["C_Van_02_medevac_F", _core, [], 0, "NONE"];
private _group = createGroup [civilian, true];
private _man = _group createUnit ["C_man_1", _core, [], 0, "NONE"];
_man moveInDriver _van;
_core allowDamage false;
_man disableAI "all";
_van allowDamage false;
_man allowDamage false;
_van attachto [_core, [0, -15, 6.5]];
_core setVariable ["spider_group", _group];
_core setVariable ["spider_driver", _man];
private _bodyLength = 110;
private _bodyWidth = 5;
private _height = -5;
private _handles = [];
private _objects = [_core, _van, _man];
_core setVariable ["spider_handles", _handles];
_core setVariable ["spider_objects", _objects];
_core setVariable ["spider_phase", 0];
_core setVariable ["spider_nextUpdate", time+5];
private _legs = [];
for "_pair" from -1.5 to 1.5 step 1 do {
private _posY = _pair * _bodyLength/4;
for "_side" from -1 to 1 step 2 do {
private _posX = _side * _bodyWidth/2;
private _legBasePos = [_posX, _posY, _height];
private _legDir = _side*90;
private _legBase = spider_target_object createvehicle [0, 0, 0];
_legBase attachto [_core, _legBasePos];
_legBase setDir _legDir;
private _legTarget = spider_target_object createvehicle [0, 0, 0];
private _legTargetPos = _legBase modelToWorldWorld [0, 2*spider_total_leg_length, 2*spider_total_leg_length];
_legTarget setPosASL _legTargetPos;
_legs pushBack _legBase;
_legBase setVariable ["spider_side", _side];
[_legBase, _legTarget] call spider_fnc_createLeg;
private _handle = _legBase getVariable "spider_handle";
_handles pushBack _handle;
_objects append (_legBase getVariable "spider_objects");
private _legGroup1 = [_legs#0, _legs#3, _legs#4, _legs#7];
private _legGroup2 = [_legs#1, _legs#2, _legs#5, _legs#6];
_core setVariable ["spider_legGroup1", _legGroup1];
_core setVariable ["spider_legGroup2", _legGroup2];
[_van, _core] spawn {
params ["_van", "_core"];
waitUntil {sleep 1; time > 5};
_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[_van, _core], true];
} forEach (allCurators);
// Brain and leg shit
private _handle = [{
if (isGamePaused) exitWith {};
params ["_args", "_handle"];
_args params ["_core"];
[_core] call spider_fnc_shouldExit;
private _fnc_handlePosUpdate = {
params ["_core"];
private _group = _core getVariable "spider_group";
private _start = getPosASL _core;
// fix retarded arma bullshit in setvelocityTransformation
private _pivot = _core worldToModel (ASLtoAGL _start);
_start set [2, (getTerrainHeightASL _start) + spider_walk_height];
private _currentWaypointindex = (currentWaypoint _group);
private _hasWaypoint = count (waypoints _group) > 1;
// Has waypoint?
private _end = if (_hasWaypoint) then {
private _wpPos = waypointPosition [_group, _currentWaypointindex];
AGLtoASL _wpPos
} else {
private _distancetoTarget = _start distance2D _end;
private _active = _distancetoTarget > 20;
if (!_active && _hasWaypoint) then {
deleteWaypoint [_group, (currentWaypoint _group)];
_core setVariable ["spider_active", _active];
private _deltaT = 1/diag_fps;
private _velocityAdd = [0, 0, 9.81*_deltaT];
private _currentDir = vectorDir _core;
private _currentUp = vectorUp _core;
if !(_active) exitwith {
_core setvelocityTransformation [
private _dirtoTarget = _start vectorFromTo _end;
private _newDir = [_currentDir, _dirtoTarget, _deltaT, spider_max_rot_speed] call spider_fnc_speedConstraint;
private _velocity = (_newDir vectorMultiply (spider_move_speed * _deltaT));
private _velocityNetwork = _velocity vectorAdd _velocityAdd;
private _newPos = _start vectorAdd _velocity;
_newPos set [2, (getTerrainHeightASL _newPos) + spider_walk_height];
// Draw a line from front to back of the spider, get the angle of the line
private _offset = _newDir vectorMultiply 40;
private _front = _newPos vectorAdd _offset;
private _back = _newPos vectorAdd (_offset vectorMultiply -1);
_x set [2, getTerrainHeightASL _x];
} forEach [_front, _back];
private _actualnewDir = _back vectorFromTo _front;
private _targetUp = surfaceNormal _newPos;
private _newUp = [_currentUp, _targetUp, _deltaT, spider_max_rot_speed] call spider_fnc_speedConstraint;
_core setvelocityTransformation [
private _fnc_handleLegUpdate = {
params ["_core"];
private _nextUpdate = _core getVariable "spider_nextUpdate";
if (time > _nextUpdate) then {
_core setVariable ["spider_nextUpdate", time + spider_leg_sleep];
private _phase = _core getVariable "spider_phase";
private _legGroup1 = _core getVariable "spider_legGroup1";
private _legGroup2 = _core getVariable "spider_legGroup2";
if !(_core getVariable "spider_active") exitWith {
[_x, false] call spider_fnc_placeLegGroup;
} forEach [_legGroup1, _legGroup2];
_core setVariable ["spider_phase", 1];
switch _phase do {
case 0: {
[_legGroup2] call spider_fnc_placeLegGroup;
_core setVariable ["spider_phase", 1];
case 1: {
[_legGroup1] call spider_fnc_liftLegGroup;
_core setVariable ["spider_phase", 2];
case 2: {
[_legGroup1] call spider_fnc_placeLegGroup;
_core setVariable ["spider_phase", 3];
case 3: {
[_legGroup2] call spider_fnc_liftLegGroup;
_core setVariable ["spider_phase", 0];
[_core] call _fnc_handlePosUpdate;
[_core] call _fnc_handleLegUpdate;
}, 0, [_core]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
_handles pushBack _handle;
_core addEventHandler ["Deleted", {
params ["_core"];
[_core, true] call spider_fnc_shouldExit;
spider_fnc_shouldExit = {
// Tear down the spider if an object is deleted or the driver is dead
params ["_core", "_override"];
private _objects = _core getVariable "spider_objects";
private _driver = _core getVariable "spider_driver";
private _objectsMissing = _objects find objNull != -1;
private _driverDead = !(alive _driver);
if (_objectsMissing || {_driverDead} || {_override}) then {;
private _handles = _core getVariable "spider_handles";
systemChat str _x;
_x call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
} forEach _handles;
detach _x;
} forEach _objects;
isNil {
[_core] call spider_fnc_createSpider;
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