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Last active September 17, 2021 13:22
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Brainfuck JIT written in Assembly
# Brainfuck JIT
# The brainfuck code is directly compiled to machine code.
# In the machine code, the register r13 is used to store the cell index.
.global brainfuck
# Uncomment to write the JIT code to a file
.equ DEBUG, 1
CELLS: .skip 100000 # cells to operate on
INSTRUCTIONS: .skip 200000 # machine code instructions of the brainfuck
newline: .asciz "\n"
# If DEBUG is defined we declare the file name and file mode
.ifdef DEBUG
filename: .asciz "jit.out"
filemode: .asciz "wb"
# character constants
.equ CHAR_NUL, 0x0
.equ CHAR_LT, 0x3C
.equ CHAR_GT, 0x3E
.equ CHAR_PLUS, 0x2B
.equ CHAR_MINUS, 0x2D
.equ CHAR_DOT, 0x2E
.equ CHAR_COMMA, 0x2C
.equ CHAR_LB, 0x5B
.equ CHAR_RB, 0x5D
# Brainfuck JIT entrypoint
# rdi should contain a NUL terminated string containing the brainfuck code
# compile code
# rdi already contains the code
call compile
# execute the code
movq %rax, %rdi # move instruction size to rdi
call execute
# print newline
movq $newline, %rdi
movq $0, %rax
call printf
# return
movq $0, %rax
# Compile the brainfuck code to machine code
# rdi should contain a NUL terminated string containing the brainfuck code
# rax will contain the instruction size
pushq %rbp # store caller's base pointer
movq %rsp, %rbp # set base pointer to the stack pointer
movq $0, %rsi # store code index
movq $0, %rdx # store instruction index
# macro for emitting 8 bits
.macro emit_8 bytes:vararg
.irp byte, \bytes # loop over all bytes
movb \byte, INSTRUCTIONS(%rdx) # store byte
incq %rdx # increment instruction index
# macro for emitting 32 bits
.macro emit_32 value
movl \value, INSTRUCTIONS(%rdx) # store value
addq $4, %rdx # add 4 to instruction index
# macro for emitting 64 bits
.macro emit_64 value
movq \value, INSTRUCTIONS(%rdx) # store value
addq $8, %rdx # add 8 to instruction index
# movabs <address of first index CELLS>, %r13
emit_8 $0x49, $0xBD
leaq (CELLS), %r13
emit_64 %r13
# Compile loop
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store current char in al
incq %rsi # increment code index
cmpb $CHAR_NUL, %al # if c == NUL
je c_loop_end # jump to loop end
cmpb $CHAR_LT, %al # if c == <
je c_lt
cmpb $CHAR_GT, %al # if c == >
je c_gt
cmpb $CHAR_PLUS, %al # if c == +
je c_plus
cmpb $CHAR_MINUS, %al # if c == -
je c_minus
cmpb $CHAR_DOT, %al # if c == .
je c_dot
cmpb $CHAR_COMMA, %al # if c == ,
je c_comma
cmpb $CHAR_LB, %al # if c == [
je c_lb
cmpb $CHAR_RB, %al # if c == ]
je c_rb
# ignore other chars
jmp c_loop
movb $1, %bl # store count
call skip_other_chars
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store current char in al
cmpb $CHAR_LT, %al # if char != <
jne c_lt_loop_end # jump to loop end
incb %bl # increment count
incq %rsi # increment code index
cmpb $0xF, %bl # if count == F
je c_lt_loop_end # jump to loop end
jmp c_lt_loop # else continue loop
# subq <count>, %r13
emit_8 $0x49, $0x83, $0xED
emit_8 %bl
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
movb $1, %bl # store count
call skip_other_chars
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store current char in al
cmpb $CHAR_GT, %al # if char != >
jne c_gt_loop_end # jump to loop end
incb %bl # increment count
incq %rsi # increment code index
cmpb $0xF, %bl # if count == F
je c_gt_loop_end # jump to loop end
jmp c_gt_loop # else continue loop
# addq <count>, %r13
emit_8 $0x49, $0x83, $0xC5
emit_8 %bl
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
movb $1, %bl # store count
call skip_other_chars
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store current char in al
cmpb $CHAR_PLUS, %al # if char != +
jne c_plus_loop_end # jump to loop end
incb %bl # increment count
incq %rsi # increment code index
cmpb $0xFF, %bl # if count == FF
je c_plus_loop_end # jump to loop end
jmp c_plus_loop # else continue loop
# addb <count>, (%13)
emit_8 $0x41, $0x80, $0x45, $0x0
emit_8 %bl
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
movb $1, %bl # store count
call skip_other_chars
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store current char in al
cmpb $CHAR_MINUS, %al # if char != -
jne c_minus_loop_end # jump to loop end
incb %bl # increment count
incq %rsi # increment code index
cmpb $0xFF, %bl # if count == FF
je c_minus_loop_end # jump to loop end
jmp c_minus_loop # else continue loop
# subb <count>, (%13)
emit_8 $0x41, $0x80, $0x6D, $0x0
emit_8 %bl
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
# movq $1, %rax # sys_write
# movq $1, %rdi # write to stdout
# movq %r13, %rsi # store the address of the cell we want to put in rsi
# movq $1, %rdx # write 1 byte
# syscall
emit_8 $0x48, $0xC7, $0xC0, $0x01, $0x00, $0x00, $0x00
emit_8 $0x48, $0xC7, $0xC7, $0x01, $0x00, $0x00, $0x00
emit_8 $0x4C, $0x89, $0xEE
emit_8 $0x48, $0xC7, $0xC2, $0x01, $0x00, $0x00, $0x00
emit_8 $0x0F, $0x05
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
# movq $0, %rax # sys_read
# movq $2, %rdi # read from stdin
# movq %13, %rsi # store the address of the cell we want to get in rsi
# movq $1, %rdx # read 1 byte
# syscall
emit_8 $0x48, $0xC7, $0xC0, $0x00, $0x00, $0x00, $0x00
emit_8 $0x48, $0xC7, $0xC7, $0x02, $0x00, $0x00, $0x00
emit_8 $0x4C, $0x89, $0xEE
emit_8 $0x48, $0xC7, $0xC2, $0x01, $0x00, $0x00, $0x00
emit_8 $0x0F, $0x05
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
call skip_other_chars
pushq %rsi # store current code index on the stack
# check for -]
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store current char
cmpb $CHAR_MINUS, %al # if c != -
jne c_lb_emit_loop # emit loop
incq %rsi # skip -
call skip_other_chars
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store next char
cmpb $CHAR_RB, %al # if c != ]
jne c_lb_emit_loop # emit loop
incq %rsi # skip ]
addq $8, %rsp # "pop" code index from stack, ignoring the value
# movb $0, (%r13)
emit_8 $0x41, $0xC6, $0x45, $0x00, $0x00
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
popq %rsi # restore code index
# cmpb $0, (%r13)
emit_8 $0x41, $0x80, $0x7D, $0x00, $0x00
# store the instruction index on the stack
pushq %rdx
# je <offset>
emit_8 $0x0F, $0x84
emit_32 $0 # reserve 4 bytes for the jump offset, this will be updated later
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
# cmpb $0, (%r13)
emit_8 $0x41, $0x80, $0x7D, $0x00, $0x00
# store the offset of [
popq %r10
# calculate relative offset for ]
movq %rdx, %r11 # store instruction after the ] jump in r11
addq $6, %r11 # skip the jump instruction
movq %r10, %r12 # store instruction after the [ jump in r12
addq $6, %r12 # skip the jump instruction
subq %r12, %r11 # calculate offset to jump, r11 - r12, stored in r11
notq %r11 # flip bits
incq %r11 # add 1
# jne <offset>
emit_8 $0x0F, $0x85
emit_32 %r11d
# calculate relative offset for [
movq %r10, %r11 # store instrution after the [ jump in r11
addq $6, %r11 # skip the jump instruction
movq %rdx, %r12 # store instruction after the ] jump in r12
subq %r11, %r12 # calculate offset to jump, r12 - r11, stored in r12
addq $2, %r10 # add 2 to r10 to get the jump location
movl %r12d, INSTRUCTIONS(%r10)
# continue compile loop
jmp c_loop
# ret
emit_8 $0xC3
movq %rdx, %rax # set the instruction size as the return value
movq %rbp, %rsp # clear local variables from stack
popq %rbp # restore caller's base pointer
ret # return from subroutine
# Skip characters that are not brainfuck instructions
# rdi should contain a NUL terminated string containing the brainfuck code
# rsi should contain code index
pushq %rbp # store caller's base pointer
movq %rsp, %rbp # set base pointer to the stack pointer
movb (%rdi, %rsi), %al # store current char in al
cmpb $CHAR_NUL, %al # if c == NUL
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_LT, %al # if c == <
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_GT, %al # if c == >
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_PLUS, %al # if c == +
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_MINUS, %al # if c == -
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_DOT, %al # if c == .
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_COMMA, %al # if c == ,
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_LB, %al # if c == [
je s_loop_end
cmpb $CHAR_RB, %al # if c == ]
je s_loop_end
incq %rsi # increment code index
jmp s_loop # continue loop
movq %rbp, %rsp # clear local variables from stack
popq %rbp # restore caller's base pointer
ret # return from subroutine
# Execute the compiled brainfuck code
# rdi should contain the instruction size
pushq %rbp # store caller's base pointer
movq %rsp, %rbp # set base pointer to the stack pointer
pushq %rdi # store the instruction size on the stack
# If DEBUG is defined the JIT code should be written to a file
.ifdef DEBUG
# open file
movq $filemode, %rsi # mode
movq $filename, %rdi # name
call fopen
# store file on stack
pushq %rax
# write to file
movq -16(%rbp), %rcx # file
movq -8(%rbp), %rdx # amount
movq $1, %rsi # size
leaq (INSTRUCTIONS), %rdi # memory
call fwrite
# close file
movq -16(%rbp), %rdi # file
call fclose
# remove file from stack
popq %rax
# allocate RW memory
movq $0, %r9 # offset
movq $-1, %r8 # fd
movq $34, %rcx # flags (MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS)
movq $3, %rdx # prot (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE)
movq -8(%rbp), %rsi # length
movq $0, %rdi # addr
call mmap
pushq %rax # store program memory on the stack
# copy instructions to new memory region
movq -8(%rbp), %rdx # size
leaq (INSTRUCTIONS), %rsi # source
movq -16(%rbp), %rdi # destination
call memcpy
# make memory executable
movq $5, %rdx # prot (PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)
movq -8(%rbp), %rsi # size
movq -16(%rbp), %rdi # address
call mprotect
# execute the code at the new memory
call * -16(%rbp)
# clean the allocated memory
movq -8(%rbp), %rsi # length
movq -16(%rbp), %rdi # address
call munmap
movq %rbp, %rsp # clear local variables from stack
popq %rbp # restore caller's base pointer
ret # return from subroutine
# Instructions the brainfuck JIT uses
# Run "make instructions" to see the machine code for these instructions
# <
# NOTE: This has a max value of 0xF, because 0xFF would take 3 extra bytes of space, which slows it down
subq $0xF, %r13
# >
# NOTE: This has a max value of 0xF, because 0xFF would take 3 extra bytes of space, which slows it down
addq $0xF, %r13
# +
addb $0xFF, (%r13)
# -
subb $0xFF, (%r13)
# .
movq $1, %rax # sys_write
movq $1, %rdi # write to stdout
movq %r13, %rsi # store the address of the cell we want to put in rsi
movq $1, %rdx # write 1 byte
# ,
movq $0, %rax # sys_read
movq $2, %rdi # read from stdin
movq %r13, %rsi # store the address of the cell we want to get in rsi
movq $1, %rdx # read 1 byte
# [
cmpb $0, (%r13)
je 0xFF
# ]
cmpb $0, (%r13)
jne 0xFF
# [-]
movb $0, (%r13)
# start
movabs $0xFFFFFFFF, %r13
# end
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