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Created July 27, 2020 16:29
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ROS2 Node that subscribes to PointCloud2 messages and visualizes them using Open3D.
import sys
import os
import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
import sensor_msgs.msg as sensor_msgs
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
class PCDListener(Node):
def __init__(self):
## This is for visualization of the received point cloud.
self.vis = o3d.visualization.Visualizer()
self.o3d_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
# Set up a subscription to the 'pcd' topic with a callback to the
# function `listener_callback`
self.pcd_subscriber = self.create_subscription(
sensor_msgs.PointCloud2, # Msg type
'pcd', # topic
self.listener_callback, # Function to call
10 # QoS
def listener_callback(self, msg):
# Here we convert the 'msg', which is of the type PointCloud2.
# I ported the function read_points2 from
# the ROS1 package.
pcd_as_numpy_array = np.array(list(read_points(msg)))
# The rest here is for visualization.
self.o3d_pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud(
## The code below is "ported" from
# I'll make an official port and PR to this repo later:
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
import ctypes
import math
import struct
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2, PointField
_DATATYPES[PointField.INT8] = ('b', 1)
_DATATYPES[PointField.UINT8] = ('B', 1)
_DATATYPES[PointField.INT16] = ('h', 2)
_DATATYPES[PointField.UINT16] = ('H', 2)
_DATATYPES[PointField.INT32] = ('i', 4)
_DATATYPES[PointField.UINT32] = ('I', 4)
_DATATYPES[PointField.FLOAT32] = ('f', 4)
_DATATYPES[PointField.FLOAT64] = ('d', 8)
def read_points(cloud, field_names=None, skip_nans=False, uvs=[]):
Read points from a L{sensor_msgs.PointCloud2} message.
@param cloud: The point cloud to read from.
@type cloud: L{sensor_msgs.PointCloud2}
@param field_names: The names of fields to read. If None, read all fields. [default: None]
@type field_names: iterable
@param skip_nans: If True, then don't return any point with a NaN value.
@type skip_nans: bool [default: False]
@param uvs: If specified, then only return the points at the given coordinates. [default: empty list]
@type uvs: iterable
@return: Generator which yields a list of values for each point.
@rtype: generator
assert isinstance(cloud, PointCloud2), 'cloud is not a sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2'
fmt = _get_struct_fmt(cloud.is_bigendian, cloud.fields, field_names)
width, height, point_step, row_step, data, isnan = cloud.width, cloud.height, cloud.point_step, cloud.row_step,, math.isnan
unpack_from = struct.Struct(fmt).unpack_from
if skip_nans:
if uvs:
for u, v in uvs:
p = unpack_from(data, (row_step * v) + (point_step * u))
has_nan = False
for pv in p:
if isnan(pv):
has_nan = True
if not has_nan:
yield p
for v in range(height):
offset = row_step * v
for u in range(width):
p = unpack_from(data, offset)
has_nan = False
for pv in p:
if isnan(pv):
has_nan = True
if not has_nan:
yield p
offset += point_step
if uvs:
for u, v in uvs:
yield unpack_from(data, (row_step * v) + (point_step * u))
for v in range(height):
offset = row_step * v
for u in range(width):
yield unpack_from(data, offset)
offset += point_step
def _get_struct_fmt(is_bigendian, fields, field_names=None):
fmt = '>' if is_bigendian else '<'
offset = 0
for field in (f for f in sorted(fields, key=lambda f: f.offset) if field_names is None or in field_names):
if offset < field.offset:
fmt += 'x' * (field.offset - offset)
offset = field.offset
if field.datatype not in _DATATYPES:
print('Skipping unknown PointField datatype [%d]' % field.datatype, file=sys.stderr)
datatype_fmt, datatype_length = _DATATYPES[field.datatype]
fmt += field.count * datatype_fmt
offset += field.count * datatype_length
return fmt
def main(args=None):
# Boilerplate code.
pcd_listener = PCDListener()
# Destroy the node explicitly
# (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically
# when the garbage collector destroys the node object)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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BryanBetancur commented Nov 1, 2022

I solved the error changing this line in read_points()
yield unpack_from(data, offset)[:3]
It because this line was returning lists of 4 positions and o3d.utility.Vector3dVector works with lists of 3 positions.
Note: I don't know for what the 4 position value is for. Maybe it is the point color packed in float.

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Thanks for the solution!

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