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Last active March 13, 2019 20:46
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"default": "Choose a dataset from the dropdown and then mouse over any neighborhood to explore.",
"population": "Number of people in Thousands, 2016. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>American Community Survey</a>",
"popdensityperacre": "Number of people per acre in Thousands, 2016. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>American Community Survey</a>",
"percapitaincome": "Average income earned per person, 2016. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>American Community Survey</a>",
"percentnonwhite": "Non-White percent of population, 2016. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>American Community Survey</a>",
"percentinpoverty": "Percent of population with earnings below the poverty line, 2016. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>American Community Survey</a>",
"medianhomevalue": "Median home value, 2016. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>American Community Survey</a>",
"unemploymentrate": "Jobless share of the labor force, 2016. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>American Community Survey</a>",
"percapitacriminalarrests": "Rate of Criminal Arrests per 1,000 residents, 2018. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>DataSF Crime Portal</a>",
"percapitaencampments": "Rate of 311 Encampment Reports per 1,000 residents, 2018. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>DataSF 311 Portal</a>",
"medianhoursofsummerfog": "Average hours of summertime fog and low cloud cover, 1999-2009. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>Climate Commons</a>",
"percentinliquefaction": "Percent of land area in a Liquefaction or Landslide zone, 2018. Source: <a href='' target='_blank'>DataSF Seismic Hazard Zones</a>"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
/* .counties {
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} */
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stroke-width: 20;
stroke: #9400D3;
stroke-linejoin: round;
} */
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stroke: #737373;
stroke-width: .1;
} */
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opacity: 0.9;
.hidden {
display: none;
.header {
font-family: Garamond;
#intro-text {
font-size: 1em;
font-family: Palatino, sans-serif;
/* stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255);
stroke-width: .5px */
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script> -->
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">
<h1 class="header"> A Walk through the Neighorhoods </h1>
<!-- begin content -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2 blurb-row">
<p id="intro-text">People say that San Francisco is many cities, crumpled into one. Pick which dataset is relevant to you and see how it varies across the city.</p>
<div class="dropdown">
<select class="select_box" id="opts">
<option value="default">Select a dataset</option>
<option value="population">Population</option>
<option value="popdensityperacre">Population Density</option>
<option value="percapitaincome">Income</option>
<option value="percentnonwhite">Racial Diversity</option>
<option value="percentinpoverty">Poverty</option>
<option value="medianhomevalue">Home Value</option>
<option value="unemploymentrate">Unemployment</option>
<option value="percapitacriminalarrests">Crime</option>
<option value="percapitaencampments">Homelessness</option>
<option value="medianhoursofsummerfog">Fog</option>
<option value="percentinliquefaction">Liquefaction</option>
<!-- viz row -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2 viz-row">
<!-- <script src="w3color.js"></script> -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
var w = 1000;
var h = 620;
// make the hover-over box
// make the dropdown and title
// make the city name and position
// add the extra information
function cmykToRgb(c, m, y, k) {
var r, g, b;
r = Math.round(255 - ((Math.min(1, c * (1 - k) + k)) * 255));
g = Math.round(255 - ((Math.min(1, m * (1 - k) + k)) * 255));
b = Math.round(255 - ((Math.min(1, y * (1 - k) + k)) * 255));
return "rgb("+r+","+g+","+b+")";
//Create variable for updating dataset
var newData;
var svg ="body .viz-row")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h);
//Define path generator
var path = d3.geoPath()
// var a = "rgb(0, 227, 198)"
// var b = "rgb(190, 148, 188)"
// var colorCheck = d3.interpolateRgb(a, b)
// var colorCheck = d3.interpolateRgb("blue", "red");
var color = d3.scaleLinear()
var colorcmyk = d3.scaleLinear()
// .range([1,0])
var tooltip ="body .viz-row")
.attr("class", "tooltip")
.style("position", "absolute")
.style("opacity", 0);
//Display data function
// load the dataset specified in the dropdown
function displayData(dataset) {
// var max = []
console.log("displayData executed on " + dataset);
// load the csv file with all the data
d3.csv("TheSFData.csv", function(data) {
//Set domain for color scale
// solves a problem caused by the extroardinary ratio of crimes to people in golden gate park
if (dataset === "percapitacriminalarrests") {
d3.min(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); }),
d3.max(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(200); })
d3.min(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); }),
d3.max(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(200); })
else if (dataset === "percapitaencampments") {
d3.min(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); }),
d3.max(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(600); })
d3.min(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); }),
d3.max(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(600); })
else {
d3.min(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); }),
d3.max(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); })
d3.min(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); }),
d3.max(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); })
// max = d3.max(data, function(d) { return parseFloat(d[dataset]); })
// console.log(max)
//Load in GeoJSON data with all the json
d3.json("bs.json", function(json) {
// json.transform.translate = [100,0]
var jsonClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json));
json = topojson.feature(json, json.objects.SFgeojson).features
jsonClone = topojson.feature(jsonClone, jsonClone.objects.SFgeojson)
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var dataState = data[i].nhood;
var dataValue = parseFloat(data[i][dataset]);
for (var j = 0; j < json.length; j++) {
var jsonState = json[j].properties.nhood;
if (dataState == jsonState) {
json[j].properties.value = dataValue;
// console.log(json[j].properties.value)
//Bind data and create one path per GeoJSON feature
var projection = d3.geoIdentity()
var pathFlipped = d3.geoPath()
const mapSelection = svg.selectAll("path")
.attr("d", pathFlipped)
.style("stroke-width", "1")
if (dataset == "default") {
for (j in json) {
if ("Financial District/South Beach".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
.text("Financial District/")
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 30) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'})
.text("South Beach")
else if ("Castro/Upper Market".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)){
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 30) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 5) + ')'})
.text("Upper Market")
else if ("Treasure Island".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)){
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 30) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 30) + ')'})
else if ("Lone Mountain/USF".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)){
.text("Lone Mountain")
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 9) + ')'})
else if ("Oceanview/Merced/Ingleside".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)){
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 35) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 5) + ')'})
else if (json[j].properties.nhood === "Presidio Heights") {
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 25) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] ) + ')'})
else if ("Pacific Heights".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)){
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 30) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] -5) + ')'})
else if ("Russian Hill".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)){
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 12) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] -5) + ')'})
else if ("Sunset/Parkside".includes(json[j].properties.nhood)){
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 50) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 50 ) + ')'})
else if (json[j].properties.nhood === "Inner Richmond"){
.attr('transform', function(d) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 25) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] -5 ) + ')'})
else {
.attr('transform', function(d) {
if (["Outer Richmond"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 50) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 10) + ')'}
else if (["Golden Gate Park"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 60) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Sunset/Parkside"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 53) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Bayview Hunters Point"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 50) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 20) + ')'}
else if (["Visitacion Valley"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 40) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 14) + ')'}
else if (["Excelsior"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 45) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 40) + ')'}
else if (["Bernal Heights"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 15) + ')'}
else if (["West of Twin Peaks"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 50) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 20) + ')'}
else if (["Portola"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 10) + ')'}
else if (["Potrero Hill"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 35) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Mission Bay"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 43) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 20) + ')'}
else if (["Inner Sunset"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 40) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 5) + ')'}
else if (["Lincoln Park"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 30) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Seacliff"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] ) + ')'}
else if (["Glen Park"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Haight Ashbury"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 25) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Noe Valley"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 35) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 10) + ')'}
else if (["McLaren Park"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Twin Peaks"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 3) + ')'}
else if (["Treasure Island"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 30) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 30) + ')'}
else if (["Outer Mission"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0])) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 20) + ')'}
else if (["Mission"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 10) + ')'}
else if (["Chinatown"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 15) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["North Beach"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1]) + ')'}
else if (["Tenderloin"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1]) + ')'} // else if (["Pacific Heights"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
// return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 40) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 5) + ')'}
// else if (["Russian Hill"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
// return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 15) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 5) + ')'}
else if (["Nob Hill"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 25) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 15) + ')'}
else if (["Marina"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 30) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1]) + ')'}
// else if (["Presidio Heights"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
// return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 25) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] - 7) + ')'}
else if (["Japantown"].includes(json[j].properties.nhood)) {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 20) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 3) + ')'}
else {
return 'translate(' + (parseFloat(pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[0]) - 35) + ',' + (pathFlipped.centroid(json[j])[1] + 10) + ')'
var addLineBreak = svg.selectAll("tspan")
.attr('x', '0')
.attr('y', '20')
var addLineBreakSpecial = svg.selectAll("#nested-text")
.attr('x', '0')
.attr('y', '40')
var mapLabel = svg.selectAll("text")
.attr('font-size','10 pt')
.attr('text-shadow','#000 0px 0px 0.5px')
// add pause
// if its quick, try the random color scheme from bl.ocks
// re-arrange the name when it's in its final place
else {
//Remove old text
.style("fill", function(d) {
//Get data value
var value =;
if (value || value == "0") {
// console.log("1")
// console.log(colorCheck(value/max))
// console.log(value/max)
// // return colorCheck(value/max);
// console.log(value)
// console.log(colorcmyk(value))
return "rgb(" + color(value) + ",0,0)";
// return cmykToRgb(colorcmyk(value), .5);
// return cmykToRgb(colorcmyk(value), .02, .12, .05);
// return cmykToRgb(.98,0,.15,colorcmyk(value));
} else {
//If default dataset
if (dataset == "default") {
// console.log("2")
return "#f1ebd4";
//If any other dataset
} else {
// console.log("3")
// return "#f1ebd4";
return "#000";
// var tooltip =".viz-row")
// .append("div")
// .attr("id", "tooltip")
// .style("position", "absolute")
// .style("z-index", "10")
// .style("visibility", "hidden")
// .text("a simple tooltip");
mapSelection.on("mouseover", function(d) {
//add hover over box
//Inject data value into paragraph
//Remove old text".blurb-row .dropdown #value-label")
// remove old
// .style("visibility","visibile")
// .on("mouseover", function(){return"visibility", "visible");})
// .on("mousemove", function(){return"top", (event.pageY-10)+"px").style("left",(event.pageX+10)+"px");})
// .on("mouseout", function(){return"visibility", "hidden");});
//Display new text
var paragraph =".blurb-row .dropdown")
.text(function() {
var value =;
if (value || value == "0") {
//Based on the dataset, we'll return different tooltips (formatting in terms of percentages, etc.)
if (["percapitaincome", "medianhomevalue"].includes(dataset)) {
return ( + ": $" +\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","));
} else if (["percentnonwhite", "percentinpoverty", "unemploymentrate",
return ( + ": " + + "%");
} else if (["medianhoursofsummerfog"].includes(dataset)){
return ( + ": " + + " hours");
} else if (["popdensityperacre", "population"].includes(dataset)){
return ( + ": " + + "K");
} else if (["percapitacriminalarrests", "percapitaencampments"].includes(dataset)){
return ( + ": " +\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","));
} if (dataset=="default"){
return (;
} else {
return ( + ": " +;
else {
return "-"
.attr("id", "value-label")
.classed("supreme", true)
.style("font-size", "1em")
.style("display", "inline")
.style("margin-left", "30px");
//Highlight current state
.style("opacity", .6);
// .on("mouseover", function(){return"visibility", "visible");})
// .on("mousemove", function(){return"top", (event.pageY-10)+"px").style("left",(event.pageX+10)+"px");})
// .on("mouseout", function(){return"visibility", "hidden");});
.on("mousemove", function(d,i) {
var mouse = d3.mouse(svg.node()).map( function(d) { return parseInt(d); } );
.classed("hidden", false)
.attr("style", "left:"+(mouse[0]+25)+"px;top:"+mouse[1]+"px")
.on("mouseout", function(d) {
//Remove old text".dropdown #value-label")
//Return state to original opacity
.style("opacity", 1);
tooltip.classed("hidden", true)
// // just the pop over
// mapSelection.on("mouseover", function(d) {
// // add text box
// .append("div")
// .attr("id", "tooltip")
// .style("z-index", "10")
// .text("a simple tooltip")
// .style("position", "absolute")
// .style("top", (d3.event.pageY-10)+"px")
// .style("left",(d3.event.pageX+10)+"px")
// .style("visibility","visible")
// });
// mapSelection.on("mousemove", function(d) {
// // move text box
// .style("top", (d3.event.pageY-10)+"px")
// .style("left",(d3.event.pageX+10)+"px")
// .style("visibility","visible")
// });
// .on("mouseout", function(d) {
// .append("div")
// .attr("id", "tooltip")
// .style("z-index", "10")
// .text("a simple tooltip")
// .style("position", "absolute")
// .style("top", (d3.event.pageY-10)+"px")
// .style("left",(d3.event.pageX+10)+"px");
// // .on("mousemove", function(){return"top", (event.pageY-10)+"px").style("left",(event.pageX+10)+"px");})
// // .on("mouseout", function(){return"visibility", "hidden");});
// // remove old
// .style("visibility","visibile")
// I like those colors a lot ^
//Display text function
function displayInformation(dataset) {
//Load in dataset:description json file
d3.json("descriptions.json", function(json) {
var description = json[dataset];
//Remove old text"#dataset-description")
//Display new text
var paragraph ="body .blurb-row")
.attr("id", "dataset-description")
.style("font-size", "1em")
.style("font-family", "Georgia, sans-serif")
.style("font-style", "italic");
//Load initial data and description
// handle on click event'#opts')
.on('change', function() {
newData ='value');
nhood population popdensityperacre percapitaincome percentnonwhite percentinpoverty medianhomevalue unemploymentrate totalarrests percapitacriminalarrests totalencampmentreports percapitaencampments medianhoursofsummerfog percentinliquefaction
Treasure Island 3 5 15886 66 51 -- 12 37 12 7 2 4 79
McLaren Park 1 2 15387 94 33 669643 26 34 40 19 22 7 4
Tenderloin 28 112 27946 57 30 509804 8 2589 92 3929 139 4 22
Lakeshore 14 8 22570 54 28 681159 16 418 29 24 2 8 14
Chinatown 15 103 24653 86 27 846774 7 542 37 141 10 4 49
South of Market 19 34 54202 62 27 752521 6 3613 188 12189 636 4 95
Japantown 4 47 68352 43 20 606250 5 281 77 128 35 4 0
Bayview Hunters Point 38 11 24817 86 19 566355 12 1543 41 1241 33 5 55
Western Addition 22 60 51264 57 17 636719 6 1188 54 2134 96 4 0
North Beach 13 39 60254 49 16 806903 7 1087 86 622 49 3 55
Visitacion Valley 19 47 20942 88 15 580231 10 393 21 28 2 7 2
Nob Hill 22 97 58623 45 14 685404 5 858 39 2957 133 4 1
Mission 59 49 53196 43 14 797306 6 3722 64 17388 297 5 33
Oceanview/Merced/Ingleside 28 42 26413 80 14 624528 10 354 13 84 3 8 1
Hayes Valley 18 58 61210 33 13 805046 5 875 48 644 35 4 13
Inner Richmond 23 47 56925 46 13 839002 6 466 21 314 14 6 0
Lone Mountain/USF 18 49 50860 38 10 904561 8 491 27 82 5 4 3
Outer Richmond 45 39 44745 56 10 880501 4 662 15 331 7 6 4
Sunset/Parkside 81 30 42430 65 10 829029 6 972 12 167 2 6 9
Russian Hill 18 56 91854 33 9 810158 3 718 40 146 8 4 12
Haight Ashbury 18 51 81392 20 9 908163 4 479 27 1166 65 4 7
Excelsior 39 44 28057 72 9 628628 8 530 14 82 2 6 2
Bernal Heights 26 38 53243 43 9 838307 7 549 21 557 21 6 11
Portola 16 31 29659 78 9 653611 7 349 21 157 10 7 7
Financial District/South Beach 17 24 114083 46 9 681493 5 2575 148 5215 299 4 61
Mission Bay 11 20 70287 58 9 754513 5 472 45 2141 203 4 93
Potrero Hill 14 19 84521 36 9 879765 6 720 52 2212 161 4 31
Presidio Heights 11 33 88517 31 8 913846 5 163 15 85 8 5 0
Castro/Upper Market 21 38 94317 22 7 907208 4 1030 49 4607 218 4 13
Outer Mission 24 38 32582 76 7 684176 8 450 19 129 5 6 4
Glen Park 8 19 72039 30 7 954665 5 133 16 79 10 6 20
Pacific Heights 24 47 102141 26 6 866733 4 554 23 631 26 4 0
West of Twin Peaks 38 20 67869 46 6 927384 4 622 16 60 2 7 7
Seacliff 2 18 117489 24 6 869565 5 14 6 3 1 6 12
Marina 25 38 98411 17 5 975000 4 741 30 576 23 4 51
Twin Peaks 7 18 64279 36 5 885714 4 84 11 30 4 4 16
Noe Valley 19 39 91014 22 4 934003 4 285 15 55 3 4 4
Presidio 4 3 86967 12 4 -- 1 8 2 9 2 5 19
Lincoln Park 0.3 1 43922 44 4 750000 10 10 31 9 28 5 38
Inner Sunset 29 32 63133 44 0.09 910805 4 343 12 124 4 6 11
Golden Gate Park 0.09 0.1 278 3089 203 2256 6 6
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