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Created October 8, 2019 17:44
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using StaticArrays
using Profile
using BenchmarkTools
using OrdinaryDiffEq
function lorenz(u,p,t)
du1 = 10.0*(u[2]-u[1])
du2 = u[1]*(28.0-u[3]) - u[2]
du3 = u[1]*u[2] - (8/3)*u[3]
return SVector{3}(du1,du2,du3)
function lorenz2(u,p,t)
du1 = 10.0*(u[2]-u[1])
du2 = u[1]*(28.0-u[3]) - u[2]
du3 = u[1]*u[2] - (8/3)*u[3]
du4 = 10.0*(u[2+3]-u[1+3])
du5 = u[1+3]*(28.0-u[3+3]) - u[2+3]
du6 = u[1+3]*u[2+3] - (8/3)*u[3+3]
return SVector{6}(du1,du2,du3,du4,du5,du6)
const u0 = @SVector [1.0,0.0,0.0]
const u = vcat(u0,u0)
const tspan = (0.0,10.0)
const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan)
# const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz2,u,tspan)
@time solve(prob, Tsit5(), save_everystep=false);
@time solve(prob, Tsit5(), save_everystep=false);
@timev solve(prob, Tsit5(), save_everystep=false);
I ran the script with `julia --track-allocation=user --inline=no test.jl` with the result
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user --inline=no .\test.jl
7.693043 seconds (6.12 M allocations: 336.579 MiB, 2.85% gc time)
0.594925 seconds (934.62 k allocations: 45.458 MiB, 0.78% gc time)
0.601419 seconds (934.62 k allocations: 45.458 MiB, 0.48% gc time)
elapsed time (ns): 601419499
gc time (ns): 2899100
bytes allocated: 47666264
pool allocs: 934620
GC pauses: 1
The `.mem` file for the script indicates allocations in the user function
- function lorenz2(u,p,t)
39744 du1 = 10.0*(u[2]-u[1])
59616 du2 = u[1]*(28.0-u[3]) - u[2]
69552 du3 = u[1]*u[2] - (8/3)*u[3]
39744 du4 = 10.0*(u[2+3]-u[1+3])
59616 du5 = u[1+3]*(28.0-u[3+3]) - u[2+3]
69552 du6 = u[1+3]*u[2+3] - (8/3)*u[3+3]
0 return SVector{6}(du1,du2,du3,du4,du5,du6)
- end
Looking in the directory of `OrdinaryDiffEq` with
using Coverage, OrdinaryDiffEq
info = analyze_malloc(dirname(pathof(OrdinaryDiffEq)))
info = info[findall(x->x.bytes != 0, info)]
shows allocations in `perform_step`.
First, in solve:
- function DiffEqBase.solve!(integrator::ODEIntegrator)
0 @inbounds while !isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
6656 while integrator.tdir * integrator.t < top(integrator.opts.tstops)
0 loopheader!(integrator)
0 if check_error!(integrator) != :Success
0 return integrator.sol
- end
57680 perform_step!(integrator,integrator.cache)
0 loopfooter!(integrator)
0 if isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
- break
- end
- end
0 handle_tstop!(integrator)
- end
0 postamble!(integrator)
96 f = integrator.sol.prob.f
0 if DiffEqBase.has_analytic(f)
- DiffEqBase.calculate_solution_errors!(integrator.sol;timeseries_errors=integrator.opts.timeseries_errors,dense_errors=integrator.opts.dense_errors)
- end
0 if integrator.sol.retcode != :Default
0 return integrator.sol
- end
0 integrator.sol = DiffEqBase.solution_new_retcode(integrator.sol,:Success)
- end
and then in `perform_step/low_order_rk_perform_step.jl`
- @muladd function perform_step!(integrator, cache::Tsit5ConstantCache, repeat_step=false)
75808 @unpack t,dt,uprev,u,f,p = integrator
56032 @unpack c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,a21,a31,a32,a41,a42,a43,a51,a52,a53,a54,a61,a62,a63,a64,a65,a71,a72,a73,a74,a75,a76,btilde1,btilde2,btilde3,btilde4,btilde5,btilde6,btilde7 = cache
6592 k1 = integrator.fsalfirst
1648 a = dt*a21
14832 k2 = f(uprev+a*k1, p, t+c1*dt)
34608 k3 = f(uprev+dt*(a31*k1+a32*k2), p, t+c2*dt)
47792 k4 = f(uprev+dt*(a41*k1+a42*k2+a43*k3), p, t+c3*dt)
60976 k5 = f(uprev+dt*(a51*k1+a52*k2+a53*k3+a54*k4), p, t+c4*dt)
72512 g6 = uprev+dt*(a61*k1+a62*k2+a63*k3+a64*k4+a65*k5)
1648 k6 = f(g6, p, t+dt)
85696 u = uprev+dt*(a71*k1+a72*k2+a73*k3+a74*k4+a75*k5+a76*k6)
14832 integrator.fsallast = f(u, p, t+dt); k7 = integrator.fsallast
1200 += 6
0 if typeof(integrator.alg) <: CompositeAlgorithm
- g7 = u
- # Hairer II, page 22
- integrator.eigen_est = integrator.opts.internalnorm(k7 - k6,t)/integrator.opts.internalnorm(g7 - g6,t)
- end
0 if integrator.opts.adaptive
92288 utilde = dt*(btilde1*k1 + btilde2*k2 + btilde3*k3 + btilde4*k4 + btilde5*k5 + btilde6*k6 + btilde7*k7)
3296 atmp = calculate_residuals(utilde, uprev, u, integrator.opts.abstol, integrator.opts.reltol,integrator.opts.internalnorm,t)
4944 integrator.EEst = integrator.opts.internalnorm(atmp,t)
- end
6592 integrator.k[1] = k1
6592 integrator.k[2] = k2
6592 integrator.k[3] = k3
6592 integrator.k[4] = k4
6592 integrator.k[5] = k5
6592 integrator.k[6] = k6
6592 integrator.k[7] = k7
6592 integrator.u = u
- end
Now to compare with the case that doesn't present the problem I used
const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan)
# const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz2,u,tspan)
and deleted all the `*.mem` files in `.julia` and ran again.
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user --inline=no .\test.jl
8.038784 seconds (5.68 M allocations: 304.809 MiB, 8.82% gc time)
0.564761 seconds (667.71 k allocations: 22.686 MiB, 1.68% gc time)
0.594728 seconds (667.71 k allocations: 22.686 MiB)
elapsed time (ns): 594727700
bytes allocated: 23787592
pool allocs: 667713
Now the user function has
- function lorenz(u,p,t)
39744 du1 = 10.0*(u[2]-u[1])
59616 du2 = u[1]*(28.0-u[3]) - u[2]
69552 du3 = u[1]*u[2] - (8/3)*u[3]
0 return SVector{3}(du1,du2,du3)
- end
function DiffEqBase.solve!(integrator::ODEIntegrator)
0 @inbounds while !isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
6656 while integrator.tdir * integrator.t < top(integrator.opts.tstops)
0 loopheader!(integrator)
0 if check_error!(integrator) != :Success
0 return integrator.sol
- end
54384 perform_step!(integrator,integrator.cache)
0 loopfooter!(integrator)
0 if isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
- break
- end
- end
0 handle_tstop!(integrator)
- end
0 postamble!(integrator)
80 f = integrator.sol.prob.f
0 if DiffEqBase.has_analytic(f)
- DiffEqBase.calculate_solution_errors!(integrator.sol;timeseries_errors=integrator.opts.timeseries_errors,dense_errors=integrator.opts.dense_errors)
- end
0 if integrator.sol.retcode != :Default
0 return integrator.sol
- end
0 integrator.sol = DiffEqBase.solution_new_retcode(integrator.sol,:Success)
- end
and perform_setep
- @muladd function perform_step!(integrator, cache::Tsit5ConstantCache, repeat_step=false)
65920 @unpack t,dt,uprev,u,f,p = integrator
56032 @unpack c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,a21,a31,a32,a41,a42,a43,a51,a52,a53,a54,a61,a62,a63,a64,a65,a71,a72,a73,a74,a75,a76,btilde1,btilde2,btilde3,btilde4,btilde5,btilde6,btilde7 = cache
3296 k1 = integrator.fsalfirst
1648 a = dt*a21
8240 k2 = f(uprev+a*k1, p, t+c1*dt)
18128 k3 = f(uprev+dt*(a31*k1+a32*k2), p, t+c2*dt)
24720 k4 = f(uprev+dt*(a41*k1+a42*k2+a43*k3), p, t+c3*dt)
31312 k5 = f(uprev+dt*(a51*k1+a52*k2+a53*k3+a54*k4), p, t+c4*dt)
36256 g6 = uprev+dt*(a61*k1+a62*k2+a63*k3+a64*k4+a65*k5)
1648 k6 = f(g6, p, t+dt)
42848 u = uprev+dt*(a71*k1+a72*k2+a73*k3+a74*k4+a75*k5+a76*k6)
8240 integrator.fsallast = f(u, p, t+dt); k7 = integrator.fsallast
1200 += 6
0 if typeof(integrator.alg) <: CompositeAlgorithm
- g7 = u
- # Hairer II, page 22
- integrator.eigen_est = integrator.opts.internalnorm(k7 - k6,t)/integrator.opts.internalnorm(g7 - g6,t)
- end
0 if integrator.opts.adaptive
46144 utilde = dt*(btilde1*k1 + btilde2*k2 + btilde3*k3 + btilde4*k4 + btilde5*k5 + btilde6*k6 + btilde7*k7)
3296 atmp = calculate_residuals(utilde, uprev, u, integrator.opts.abstol, integrator.opts.reltol,integrator.opts.internalnorm,t)
4944 integrator.EEst = integrator.opts.internalnorm(atmp,t)
- end
3296 integrator.k[1] = k1
3296 integrator.k[2] = k2
3296 integrator.k[3] = k3
3296 integrator.k[4] = k4
3296 integrator.k[5] = k5
3296 integrator.k[6] = k6
3296 integrator.k[7] = k7
3296 integrator.u = u
- end
Now, as a sanity check we double the time and run again for `lorenz` to see that the problem is not present
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user --inline=no .\test.jl
8.996536 seconds (6.48 M allocations: 331.773 MiB, 7.13% gc time)
1.259313 seconds (1.46 M allocations: 49.645 MiB, 0.52% gc time)
1.238782 seconds (1.46 M allocations: 49.645 MiB, 0.37% gc time)
elapsed time (ns): 1238781701
gc time (ns): 4545901
bytes allocated: 52056944
pool allocs: 1460701
GC pauses: 1
This is quite strange, allocations increased. Let's try without disabling inlining.
const tspan = (0.0,10.0)
const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan)
# const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz2,u,tspan)
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user .\test.jl
8.964144 seconds (7.13 M allocations: 366.101 MiB, 3.86% gc time)
0.002369 seconds (50 allocations: 4.719 KiB)
0.002053 seconds (50 allocations: 4.719 KiB)
elapsed time (ns): 2053300
bytes allocated: 4832
pool allocs: 50
Now we don't have allocations during `perform_step~` in `solve!`
- function DiffEqBase.solve!(integrator::ODEIntegrator)
0 @inbounds while !isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
0 while integrator.tdir * integrator.t < top(integrator.opts.tstops)
0 loopheader!(integrator)
0 if check_error!(integrator) != :Success
0 return integrator.sol
- end
0 perform_step!(integrator,integrator.cache)
0 loopfooter!(integrator)
0 if isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
- break
- end
- end
0 handle_tstop!(integrator)
- end
0 postamble!(integrator)
- f = integrator.sol.prob.f
- if DiffEqBase.has_analytic(f)
- DiffEqBase.calculate_solution_errors!(integrator.sol;timeseries_errors=integrator.opts.timeseries_errors,dense_errors=integrator.opts.dense_errors)
- end
0 if integrator.sol.retcode != :Default
0 return integrator.sol
- end
128 integrator.sol = DiffEqBase.solution_new_retcode(integrator.sol,:Success)
- end
and increasing the time
const tspan = (0.0,20.0)
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user .\test.jl
7.858750 seconds (7.13 M allocations: 366.101 MiB, 4.89% gc time)
0.004894 seconds (50 allocations: 4.719 KiB)
0.005789 seconds (50 allocations: 4.719 KiB)
elapsed time (ns): 5789000
bytes allocated: 4832
pool allocs: 50
which has the same number of allocations as in the previous case. Thus does not present the problem.
Let's now try again for `lorenz2`.
const tspan = (0.0,10.0)
# const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz,u0,tspan)
const prob = ODEProblem(lorenz2,u,tspan)
The first run gives
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user .\test.jl
8.975788 seconds (7.52 M allocations: 381.617 MiB, 4.78% gc time)
0.002314 seconds (368 allocations: 20.156 KiB)
0.003371 seconds (368 allocations: 20.156 KiB)
elapsed time (ns): 3371000
bytes allocated: 20640
pool allocs: 368
Strangely no allocations appear in `perform_step!`
- function DiffEqBase.solve!(integrator::ODEIntegrator)
0 @inbounds while !isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
0 while integrator.tdir * integrator.t < top(integrator.opts.tstops)
0 loopheader!(integrator)
0 if check_error!(integrator) != :Success
0 return integrator.sol
- end
0 perform_step!(integrator,integrator.cache)
0 loopfooter!(integrator)
0 if isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
- break
- end
- end
0 handle_tstop!(integrator)
- end
0 postamble!(integrator)
- f = integrator.sol.prob.f
- if DiffEqBase.has_analytic(f)
- DiffEqBase.calculate_solution_errors!(integrator.sol;timeseries_errors=integrator.opts.timeseries_errors,dense_errors=integrator.opts.dense_errors)
- end
0 if integrator.sol.retcode != :Default
0 return integrator.sol
- end
144 integrator.sol = DiffEqBase.solution_new_retcode(integrator.sol,:Success)
- end
let us consider
const tspan = (0.0,20.0)
This gives
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user .\test.jl
9.308793 seconds (7.52 M allocations: 381.634 MiB, 5.08% gc time)
0.003696 seconds (737 allocations: 37.453 KiB)
0.006386 seconds (737 allocations: 37.453 KiB)
elapsed time (ns): 6385600
bytes allocated: 38352
pool allocs: 737
which has roughly double the allocations, but again the allocations are not shown in `perform_step`.
This may indicate that the problem still exists, but it is more difficult to debug due to inlining.
Running the last case and disabling inlining gives
& "C:\Program Files\Julia-1.3.0-rc3\bin\julia.exe" --track-allocation=user --inline=no .\test.jl
9.043187 seconds (7.23 M allocations: 390.388 MiB, 7.61% gc time)
1.343243 seconds (2.04 M allocations: 99.522 MiB, 0.54% gc time)
1.406408 seconds (2.04 M allocations: 99.522 MiB, 0.73% gc time)
elapsed time (ns): 1406407900
gc time (ns): 10232400
bytes allocated: 104356704
pool allocs: 2044948
GC pauses: 3
Comparing with the very first case, we can se a roughly 2x increase in the allocations.
In the user function we have
- function lorenz2(u,p,t)
86976 du1 = 10.0*(u[2]-u[1])
130464 du2 = u[1]*(28.0-u[3]) - u[2]
152208 du3 = u[1]*u[2] - (8/3)*u[3]
86976 du4 = 10.0*(u[2+3]-u[1+3])
130464 du5 = u[1+3]*(28.0-u[3+3]) - u[2+3]
152208 du6 = u[1+3]*u[2+3] - (8/3)*u[3+3]
0 return SVector{6}(du1,du2,du3,du4,du5,du6)
- end
in solve
- function DiffEqBase.solve!(integrator::ODEIntegrator)
0 @inbounds while !isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
14528 while integrator.tdir * integrator.t < top(integrator.opts.tstops)
0 loopheader!(integrator)
0 if check_error!(integrator) != :Success
0 return integrator.sol
- end
126560 perform_step!(integrator,integrator.cache)
0 loopfooter!(integrator)
0 if isempty(integrator.opts.tstops)
- break
- end
- end
0 handle_tstop!(integrator)
- end
0 postamble!(integrator)
96 f = integrator.sol.prob.f
0 if DiffEqBase.has_analytic(f)
- DiffEqBase.calculate_solution_errors!(integrator.sol;timeseries_errors=integrator.opts.timeseries_errors,dense_errors=integrator.opts.dense_errors)
- end
0 if integrator.sol.retcode != :Default
0 return integrator.sol
- end
0 integrator.sol = DiffEqBase.solution_new_retcode(integrator.sol,:Success)
- end
and perform_step
- @muladd function perform_step!(integrator, cache::Tsit5ConstantCache, repeat_step=false)
166336 @unpack t,dt,uprev,u,f,p = integrator
122944 @unpack c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,a21,a31,a32,a41,a42,a43,a51,a52,a53,a54,a61,a62,a63,a64,a65,a71,a72,a73,a74,a75,a76,btilde1,btilde2,btilde3,btilde4,btilde5,btilde6,btilde7 = cache
14464 k1 = integrator.fsalfirst
3616 a = dt*a21
32544 k2 = f(uprev+a*k1, p, t+c1*dt)
75936 k3 = f(uprev+dt*(a31*k1+a32*k2), p, t+c2*dt)
104864 k4 = f(uprev+dt*(a41*k1+a42*k2+a43*k3), p, t+c3*dt)
133792 k5 = f(uprev+dt*(a51*k1+a52*k2+a53*k3+a54*k4), p, t+c4*dt)
159104 g6 = uprev+dt*(a61*k1+a62*k2+a63*k3+a64*k4+a65*k5)
3616 k6 = f(g6, p, t+dt)
188032 u = uprev+dt*(a71*k1+a72*k2+a73*k3+a74*k4+a75*k5+a76*k6)
32544 integrator.fsallast = f(u, p, t+dt); k7 = integrator.fsallast
9072 += 6
0 if typeof(integrator.alg) <: CompositeAlgorithm
- g7 = u
- # Hairer II, page 22
- integrator.eigen_est = integrator.opts.internalnorm(k7 - k6,t)/integrator.opts.internalnorm(g7 - g6,t)
- end
0 if integrator.opts.adaptive
202496 utilde = dt*(btilde1*k1 + btilde2*k2 + btilde3*k3 + btilde4*k4 + btilde5*k5 + btilde6*k6 + btilde7*k7)
7232 atmp = calculate_residuals(utilde, uprev, u, integrator.opts.abstol, integrator.opts.reltol,integrator.opts.internalnorm,t)
10848 integrator.EEst = integrator.opts.internalnorm(atmp,t)
- end
14464 integrator.k[1] = k1
14464 integrator.k[2] = k2
14464 integrator.k[3] = k3
14464 integrator.k[4] = k4
14464 integrator.k[5] = k5
14464 integrator.k[6] = k6
14464 integrator.k[7] = k7
14464 integrator.u = u
- end
Again comparing, there are about 2x more allocations.
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