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Created September 12, 2022 05:43
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  • Save SebastianRiquelmeM/59e4ddfb47dfdf32990825747c804440 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script to install and configure microk8s with dashboard, to run use ./
# to run use:
# ./
echo "snap remove microk8s"
snap remove microk8s
echo "snap install microk8s --channel=1.23/stable --classic"
snap install microk8s --channel=1.23/stable --classic
echo "microk8s enable dns dashboard storage"
microk8s enable dns dashboard storage
echo "microk8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces"
microk8s kubectl get all --all-namespaces
echo "Generando token..."
token=$(microk8s kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep default-token | cut -d " " -f1)
microk8s kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $token
echo "Para agregar nodo"
microk8s add-node
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