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Created July 19, 2016 15:41
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  • Save SebastianSzturo/0e688da3c151c51f66704b56b1fb4430 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SebastianSzturo/0e688da3c151c51f66704b56b1fb4430 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote: -----> Ruby app detected
remote: -----> Compiling Ruby/Rails
remote: -----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.2.1
remote: -----> Installing dependencies using bundler 1.11.2
remote: Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment
remote: Fetching gem metadata from
remote: Fetching version metadata from
remote: Fetching dependency metadata from
remote: Using rake 10.4.2
remote: Installing i18n 0.7.0
remote: Installing minitest 5.5.1
remote: Installing json 1.8.2 with native extensions
remote: Installing builder 3.2.2
remote: Installing thread_safe 0.3.5
remote: Installing erubis 2.7.0
remote: Installing mini_portile 0.6.2
remote: Installing rack 1.6.0
remote: Installing mime-types 2.4.3
remote: Installing arel 6.0.0
remote: Installing coffee-script-source 1.9.1
remote: Installing execjs 2.5.2
remote: Installing hike 1.2.3
remote: Installing thor 0.19.1
remote: Using bundler 1.11.2
remote: Installing multi_json 1.11.0
remote: Installing pg 0.18.1 with native extensions
remote: Installing tilt 1.4.1
remote: Installing rails_serve_static_assets 0.0.4
remote: Using rdoc 4.2.0
remote: Installing rails_stdout_logging 0.0.3
remote: Installing sass 3.4.13
remote: Installing tzinfo 1.2.2
remote: Installing mail 2.6.3
remote: Installing nokogiri with native extensions
remote: Installing rack-test 0.6.3
remote: Installing puma 2.11.1 with native extensions
remote: Installing coffee-script 2.4.1
remote: Installing uglifier 2.7.1
remote: Installing sprockets 2.12.3
remote: Installing sdoc 0.4.1
remote: Installing rails_12factor 0.0.3
remote: Installing activesupport 4.2.1
remote: Installing rails-deprecated_sanitizer 1.0.3
remote: Installing globalid 0.3.5
remote: Installing activemodel 4.2.1
remote: Installing jbuilder 2.2.12
remote: Installing activejob 4.2.1
remote: Installing activerecord 4.2.1
remote: Installing rails-dom-testing 1.0.6
remote: Installing loofah 2.0.1
remote: Installing rails-html-sanitizer 1.0.2
remote: Installing actionview 4.2.1
remote: Installing actionpack 4.2.1
remote: Installing actionmailer 4.2.1
remote: Installing sprockets-rails 2.2.4
remote: Installing railties 4.2.1
remote: Installing coffee-rails 4.1.0
remote: Installing jquery-rails 4.0.3
remote: Installing rails 4.2.1
remote: Installing sass-rails 5.0.3
remote: Installing turbolinks 2.5.3
remote: Bundle complete! 14 Gemfile dependencies, 53 gems now installed.
remote: Gems in the groups development and test were not installed.
remote: Bundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.
remote: Bundle completed (30.47s)
remote: Cleaning up the bundler cache.
remote: -----> Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline
remote: Running: rake assets:precompile
remote: I, [2016-07-19T15:40:46.888695 #1083] INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_37e408709e39d41ef11b6ba820b25a64/public/assets/application-47fe71a3b34a93e1929c175b1755d405.js
remote: I, [2016-07-19T15:40:46.902330 #1083] INFO -- : Writing /tmp/build_37e408709e39d41ef11b6ba820b25a64/public/assets/application-c06dd6a542ea15147e6794e03643f87c.css
remote: Asset precompilation completed (4.26s)
remote: Cleaning assets
remote: Running: rake assets:clean
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote: Procfile declares types -> web
remote: Default types for buildpack -> console, rake, worker
remote: -----> Compressing...
remote: Done: 30.2M
remote: -----> Launching...
remote: Released v5
remote: deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.
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