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Last active August 16, 2018 16:55
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For future reference after the discussion

How to go from Cauchy notation to cyclic notation of a permutation with python

After insights from @Accumulation (working but with extra loop and with no inverse) and @Martin R (not working but with cool insight and inverse), here is what I have got: (it seems to work, but is far from the pythonic-elegance suggested by Martin R).

def permutation_from_cauchy_to_disjoints_cycles(cauchy_perm):
    # ...
    list_cycles = []
    cycle = [cauchy_perm[0][0]]
    while len(cauchy_perm[0]) > 0:
        first_row_element, second_row_element = cycle[-1], cauchy_perm[1][cauchy_perm[0].index(cycle[-1])]
        if cycle[0] == cycle[-1]:
            if len(cycle) > 2:
               list_cycles += [cycle[:-1]]
            if len(cauchy_perm[0]) > 0:
               cycle = [cauchy_perm[0][0]]
    return list_cycles

def permutation_from_disjoint_cycles_to_cauchy(cyclic_perm):
    from [[1, 3, 5], [2, 4]]
    to   [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5, 2, 1]]
    pairs = sorted([(a, b) for cycle in cyclic_perm for a, b in zip(cycle, cycle[1:] + cycle[:1])])
    return [list(i) for i in zip(*pairs)]

And here is a naive recursive version:

def permutation_from_cauchy_to_disjoints_cycles_recursive(cauchy_perm, list_cycles=[]):
    if len(cauchy_perm[0]) == 0:
        return list_cycles
    cycle = [cauchy_perm[0][0], cauchy_perm[1][0]]
    while cycle[0] != cycle[-1]:
        first_row_element, second_row_element = cycle[-1], cauchy_perm[1][cauchy_perm[0].index(cycle[-1])]
    if len(cycle) > 2:
        list_cycles += [cycle[:-1]]
    return permutation_from_cauchy_to_disjoints_cycles_recursive(cauchy_perm, list_cycles=list_cycles)

Note about a possible generalised Cauchy notation

As a side note, in comments at the link above, it came out the definition of generalised Cauchy notation, where only the elements of a list that are moved are written. E.G. The permutation written in Cauchy notation

[[0,1,2,3,4,5], [0,2,1,3,4,5]]

in generalised Cauchy notation becomes:

[[1,2], [2,1]]

Whose cyclic version is


. The name is justified by the fact that also write other things than numbers. The notation

    [['worker 5', 'worker 23'], 
     ['task 5',   'task 23']] 

implies that worker 5 and worker 23 swap, and all the other worker stay where they are.

This makes the permutation_from_cauchy_to_disjoints_cycles and permutation_from_disjoint_cycles_to_cauchy one the inverse of the other.

Moreover it turns out to be a better notation when dealing with permutations of large lists of objects.

The generalised Cauchy notation for the pedantic mathematician

An element of the generalised Cauchy notation provides an incomplete definition of an element of the symmetric group in a classical sense. What remains is only the orbit of the elements involved in the permutation. Nonetheless, if we consider the definition of group as a group acting on a set - as advocated among others by V.I.Arnold -, then mathematically the Cauchy notation, when considered with the set where the group is acting, still satisfy the definition of group acting on a set. The neutral element of the permutation group acting on range(1000) is [] with the generalised Cauchy notation, instead of [range(1000), range(1000)] with the classical Cauchy notation.

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