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Created January 19, 2018 09:32
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A small game of Tic Tac Toe
Tests for Tic Tac Toe module
import unittest
import tic_tac_toe
class Testtic_tac_toe(unittest.TestCase):
# Test creation of the game grid
def test_create_game_grid(self):
expected = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
actual = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
# Test is_valid_number
def test_is_valid_number_success_0(self):
actual = tic_tac_toe.is_valid_number(0)
def test_is_valid_number_fail_0(self):
actual = tic_tac_toe.is_valid_number(-1)
def test_is_valid_number_fail_1(self):
actual = tic_tac_toe.is_valid_number(9)
# Tests checking the validity of the player's move
def test_is_valid_move_success_0(self):
grid = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
input_square = 1
actual = tic_tac_toe.is_valid_move(input_square, grid)
def test_is_valid_move_fail_0(self):
grid = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
grid[0] = 'O'
input_square = 0
actual = tic_tac_toe.is_valid_move(input_square, grid)
def test_is_valid_move_fail_1(self):
grid = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
grid[8] = 'X'
input_square = 8
actual = tic_tac_toe.is_valid_move(input_square, grid)
# Check if the token has won the game
def test_check_win_success_0(self):
grid = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
token = 'X'
grid[2] = token
grid[5] = token
grid[8] = token
actual = tic_tac_toe.check_win(grid, token)
def test_check_win_fail_0(self):
grid = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
token = 'X'
grid[2] = token
grid[5] = token
grid[1] = token
actual = tic_tac_toe.check_win(grid, token)
# Check if the tokens are in a row
def test_token_matches_success_0(self):
grid = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
token = 'X'
grid[0] = token
grid[4] = token
grid[8] = token
actual = tic_tac_toe.token_matches(grid, token, 0, 4, 8)
def test_token_matches_fail_0(self):
grid = tic_tac_toe.create_game_grid()
token = 'X'
grid[0] = token
grid[5] = token
grid[1] = 'O'
actual = tic_tac_toe.token_matches(grid, token, 0, 5, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Tic Tac Toe
This is a small Tic Tac Toe game between 2 players.
def store_names():
Stores the players names to use in the game.
player_nought = input('Who will be naughts? ')
player_cross = input('Who will be crosses? ')
return player_nought, player_cross
def display_game_board(grid):
Displays the game board on the screen for the players.
print('-' * 13)
print('| ' + grid[0] + ' | ' + grid[1] + ' | ' + grid[2] + ' |')
print('-' * 13)
print('| ' + grid[3] + ' | ' + grid[4] + ' | ' + grid[5] + ' |')
print('-' * 13)
print('| ' + grid[6] + ' | ' + grid[7] + ' | ' + grid[8] + ' |')
print('-' * 13)
def display_welcome(player_nought, player_cross):
Displays the welcome message for the players.
print('Welcome ' + player_nought + ' and ' + player_cross + '!')
def create_game_grid():
Creates the game grid for the players to put tokens on.
numbers = []
for i in range(1, 10):
return numbers
def is_valid_number(input_square):
Checks if the player's chosen square is a valid place on the board.
return input_square >= 0 and input_square <= 8
def is_valid_move(input_square, grid):
Checks if the player's chosen square doesn't already contain a token.
return grid[input_square] != 'X' and grid[input_square] != 'O'
def get_user_input(player, token, grid):
Get user input from the player, and ensure it is both a valid number, and
can be put on a valid place on the board.
is_valid = False
while not is_valid:
input_square = int(input(player + " (" + token + ")" + ', select from 1-9 the spot you would like to choose: ')) - 1
if not is_valid_number(input_square):
print("That's not a valid number on the game board. Try again.")
if not is_valid_move(input_square, grid):
print("Someone's already placed a move here. Try again.")
# If we've got this far, the input is valid and can be used.
is_valid = True
except ValueError:
print("That's not a number! Try again.")
return input_square
def place_symbol(grid, player, token):
Places the player's symbol on the board.
input_square = get_user_input(player, token, grid)
grid[input_square] = token
return grid
def token_matches(grid, token, first, second, third):
Checks if the tokens match the correct squares
return grid[first] == token and grid[second] == token and grid[third] == token
def check_win(grid, token):
Check if a player has won the game.
player_won = False
if token_matches(grid, token, 0, 1, 2) or \
token_matches(grid, token, 3, 4, 5) or \
token_matches(grid, token, 6, 7, 8) or \
token_matches(grid, token, 0, 3, 6) or \
token_matches(grid, token, 1, 4, 7) or \
token_matches(grid, token, 2, 5, 8) or \
token_matches(grid, token, 0, 4, 8) or \
token_matches(grid, token, 6, 4, 2):
player_won = True
return player_won
def run():
The main game loop
grid = create_game_grid()
player_nought, player_cross = store_names()
token_map = {player_nought:'O', player_cross:'X'}
display_welcome(player_nought, player_cross)
for turn in range(9):
if turn % 2 == 0:
current_player = player_nought
current_player = player_cross
current_token = token_map[current_player]
grid = place_symbol(grid, current_player, current_token)
player_won = check_win(grid, current_token)
if player_won:
print(current_player + ' won the game!')
print('Nobody won this time!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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