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Last active April 25, 2022 20:38
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  • Save SebiderSushi/4b541ec5eddfe04201ad08f450fb780a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SebiderSushi/4b541ec5eddfe04201ad08f450fb780a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backup & restore android app data. Intended for rooted/recovery terminal or adb shell.
# Create a backup from one app datadir into a tape archive
# APP_DATADIR is the corresponding app data directory for the user you want to back up
# the primary is located in /data/data, for additional users see /data/user/
function abr_backup {
[ $# -ne 2 ] && { echo "usage: $FUNCNAME APP_DATADIR BACKUP_FILEPATH"; return; }
local datadir="$1"; local archive="$2"
tar cf "$archive" -C "$datadir" --exclude="lib" . && echo "${archive} backup ok!"
# Restore app data from a tape archive and set proper file permissions & SELinux context
function abr_restore {
[ $# -ne 2 ] && { echo "usage: $FUNCNAME APP_DATADIR BACKUP_FILEPATH"; return; }
local datadir="$1"
local archive="$2"
local own="$(stat -c '%u' "$datadir")" &&
local grp="$(stat -c '%g' "$datadir")" &&
local ctx="$(ls -Zd "$datadir")" &&
ctx="${ctx%% *}" &&
while read -r item; do
[ "$item" == "lib" ] && continue
rm -fr "${datadir}/${item}"
done <<<"$(cd "$datadir" && ls -A)" &&
tar xf "$archive" -C "$datadir" --exclude="lib" &&
while read -r item; do
[ "$item" == "lib" ] && continue
chown -hR "$own":"$grp" "${datadir}/${item}" || break
chcon -hR "$ctx" "${datadir}/${item}" || break
done <<<"$(cd "$datadir" && ls -A)" &&
chown "$own":"$grp" "${datadir}" &&
chcon "$ctx" "${datadir}" &&
echo "${archive} restore ok!"
# Make sure that the application is stopped prior to backing up
function abr_backupruntime {
[ $# -ne 3 ] && { echo "usage: $FUNCNAME USER_ID PACKAGE_NAME BACKUP_FILEPATH"; return; }
local user="$1"; local pkg="$2"; local archive="$3"
am force-stop --user "$user" "$pkg" &&
abr_backup "/data/user/${user}/${pkg}" "$archive"
# Make sure that the application is stopped prior to restoring
function abr_restoreruntime {
[ $# -ne 3 ] && { echo "usage: $FUNCNAME USER_ID PACKAGE_NAME BACKUP_FILEPATH"; return; }
local user="$1"; local pkg="$2"; local archive="$3"
am force-stop --user "$user" "$pkg" &&
abr_restore "/data/user/${user}/${pkg}" "$archive"
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