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Created August 3, 2015 10:49
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Example fabfile for Neos
from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
env.use_ssh_config = True
env.user = 'username'
env.hosts = ['hostname']
release_dir = '/var/www/path/to/website'
remote_context = 'Production'
local_context = 'Development'
site_package_key = 'Vendor.Sitename'
site_package_path = 'Packages/Sites/%s' % site_package_key
repository = 'git@repository'
content_folder = "%s/Resources/Private/Content" % site_package_path
def getSite():
Transfers the remote site content to the local instance
with cd(release_dir), shell_env(FLOW_CONTEXT=remote_context):
run("./flow site:export --tidy --package-key %s --filename %s/Sites.xml" % (site_package_key, content_folder))
local("rm -rf %s/*" % content_folder)
get(content_folder, "%s/Resources/Private" % site_package_path)
if prompt("Download finished. Do you want to import the site? [Y/n]", default="y") == "y":
def pushSite():
Transfers the local site content to the remote instance
with cd(release_dir), shell_env(FLOW_CONTEXT=remote_context):
put(content_folder, "%s/Resources/Private" % site_package_path)
run("./flow site:prune")
run("./flow site:import --package-key %s" % site_package_key)
def importSite():
Prune local site and reimport content
with shell_env(FLOW_CONTEXT=local_context):
local("./flow site:prune")
local("./flow site:import --package-key %s" % site_package_key)
def exportSite():
Exports local content to site package
with shell_env(FLOW_CONTEXT=local_context):
local("./flow site:export --tidy --package-key %s --filename %s" % (site_package_key, content_folder))
def createUser(username, password):
Create new user
local("./flow typo3.neos:user:create --username=%s --password=%s --first-name=Admin --last-name=Istrator" % (username, password))
def setUserPassword(password, username='admin'):
Set a users password
local("./flow typo3.neos:user:setpassword --username=%s --password=%s" % (username, password))
def nodeRepair():
Run node repair on remote host
with cd(release_dir), shell_env(FLOW_CONTEXT=remote_context):
run("./flow node:repair")
def clearCache():
Run cache flush on remote host
with cd(release_dir), shell_env(FLOW_CONTEXT=remote_context):
run("./flow flow:cache:flush")
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