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Created January 25, 2022 21:53
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PowerShell script for creating a new PR in Azure DevOps
Create a new PR
Long description
.PARAMETER Directory
Source directory of the PR, defaults to current directory
Title for PR. Will pull from last commit comment
.PARAMETER Description
Title for PR. Will pull from last commit comment
To branch for PR, defaults to main
Azure DevOps project. Defaults to pulling from remote url
Azure DevOps repo name. Defaults to pulling from remote url
.PARAMETER SuppressBrowser
Do not launch the browser to the PR page.
Create a new PR with the defaults
New-AzDoPR -AzDoProject $MyProject -RepoName $MyRepoName
Create a new PR for the specified project and repo.
function New-AzDoPR {
[string] $Directory = $PWD,
[string] $Title,
[string] $Description,
[string] $ToBranch = 'main',
[string] $AzDoProject,
[string] $RepoName,
[switch] $SuppressBrowser
begin {
if (!(Get-Command Get-VSTeamGitRepository)) {
throw "VSTeam is not installed. Install it using Install-Package VSTeam"
if (!(Get-Command git)) {
throw "git is not installed."
process {
Push-Location $Directory
try {
if (!$AzDoProject -and !$RepoName) {
try {
if ((git remote -v )[0] -match 'dev\.azure\.com/[^/]*/(?<project>[^/]+)/.*/(?<repo>\S*)') {
$AzDoProject = $matches.project
$RepoName = $matches.repo
} else {
throw "Couldn't parse Project and Repo from git remote"
} catch {
if (!$AzDoProject -or !$RepoName) {
throw 'Must pass in AzDoProject and RepoName parameters'
$repo = Get-VSTeamGitRepository -ProjectName $AzDoProject -Name $RepoName
$fromBranch = git branch --show-current --no-color
if (!$Title) {
$t = git log --pretty=oneline -n 1 --no-color
if ($t -match "\s(.*)$") {
$Title = $matches[1]
if (!$Title) {
throw "Must supply title -- or have on in last commit"
if ($repo) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$fromBranch->$ToBranch on Project $RepoName", "Create a PR")) {
$pr = Add-VSTeamPullRequest -ProjectName $AzDoProject `
-RepositoryId $repo.ID `
-SourceRefName "refs/heads/$fromBranch" `
-TargetRefName "refs/heads/$ToBranch" `
-Title $Title `
-Description ($Description ? $Description : $Title)
if ($pr -and $pr.url) {
$uri = ($pr.url -replace "_apis/git/repositories", "_git") -replace '/pullRequests/', '/pullrequest/'
if ($SuppressBrowser) {
"Link to UI:"
} else {
Start-Process $uri
} else {
Write-Warning "No repo $($RepoName)"
} catch {
Write-Error "Error!`n$_`n$($_.ScriptStackTrace)"
} finally {
if (!(Test-Path alias:New-PR)) {
New-Alias -Name New-PR -Value New-AzDoPR
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