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Created January 9, 2023 19:05
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  • Save SeeminglyScience/82bbb49f7e53444dd812a1118f27ac6e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SeeminglyScience/82bbb49f7e53444dd812a1118f27ac6e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$today = [datetime]::Today
$updatedAt = if ($today -eq $_.updatedAt.Date) {
" `u{fbae} {0} " -f $_.updatedAt.ToString(
} else {
$days = ($today - $_.updatedAt.Date).TotalDays
$str = if ($days -gt 1) { 'days' } else { 'day' }
" `u{fbae} {0} {1} ago " -f $days, $str
$suffix = "`u{2500}" * 5
$bb = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack
$bw = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightWhite
$re = $PSStyle.Reset
"$bb$("`u{2500}" * ($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 2 - $suffix.Length - $updatedAt.Length))$bw$updatedAt$bb$suffix$re"
<NewLine />
<Text> </Text>
'{0}{2, 5}{1}' -f (
"`u{ea6b} $($_.commentsCount)")
<Text> </Text>
if ($_.state -eq 'open') {
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.Green)`u{ea64}$($PSStyle.Reset)"
if ($_.state -eq 'closed') {
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.Red)`u{ebda}$($PSStyle.Reset)"
if ($_.state -eq 'merged') {
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.BrightMagenta)`u{eafe}$($PSStyle.Reset)"
if ($_.state -eq 'draft') {
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack)`u{ebdb}$($PSStyle.Reset)"
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.Red)?$($PSStyle.Reset)"
<Text> </Text>
<Text> </Text>
(($_.title | Show-Markdown | % TrimEnd) -join "`n"),
<NewLine />
<Text> </Text>
"{3}#{0} opened on {1:yyyy/MM/dd} by {2}{4}" -f (
<NewLine />
<Text> </Text>
($_.Labels | Get-GithubLabelDisplay) -join ' '
$today = [datetime]::Today
$updatedAt = if ($today -eq $_.updatedAt.Date) {
" `u{fbae} {0} " -f $_.updatedAt.ToString(
} else {
$days = ($today - $_.updatedAt.Date).TotalDays
$str = if ($days -gt 1) { 'days' } else { 'day' }
" `u{fbae} {0} {1} ago " -f $days, $str
$suffix = "`u{2500}" * 5
$bb = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightBlack
$bw = $PSStyle.Foreground.BrightWhite
$re = $PSStyle.Reset
"$bb$("`u{2500}" * ($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 2 - $suffix.Length - $updatedAt.Length))$bw$updatedAt$bb$suffix$re"
<NewLine />
<Text> </Text>
'{0}{2, 5}{1}' -f (
"`u{ea6b} $($_.commentsCount)")
<Text> </Text>
if ($_.state -eq 'open') {
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.Green)`u{eb0c}$($PSStyle.Reset)"
if ($_.state -eq 'closed') {
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.Red)`u{f41d}$($PSStyle.Reset)"
return "$($PSStyle.Foreground.Red)?$($PSStyle.Reset)"
<Text> </Text>
<Text> </Text>
(($_.title | Show-Markdown | % TrimEnd) -join "`n"),
<NewLine />
<Text> </Text>
"{3}#{0} opened on {1:yyyy/MM/dd} by {2}{4}" -f (
<NewLine />
<Text> </Text>
($_.Labels | Get-GithubLabelDisplay) -join ' '
function Get-GithubLabelDisplay {
[string] $Color,
[string] $Name
begin {
$re = $PSStyle.Reset
process {
$color = [int]('0x' + $Color)
$b = [byte]($color -band 0xFF)
$g = [byte]($color -shr 8 -band 0xFF)
$r = [byte]($color -shr 16 -band 0xFF)
$primaryR = [Math]::Min(($r * 1.8), 255)
$primaryG = [Math]::Min(($g * 1.8), 255)
$primaryB = [Math]::Min(($b * 1.8), 255)
$secondaryR = [Math]::Min(($r * 0.33), 255)
$secondaryG = [Math]::Min(($g * 0.33), 255)
$secondaryB = [Math]::Min(($b * 0.33), 255)
$bgPrimary = $PSStyle.Background.FromRgb($primaryR, $primaryG, $primaryB)
$fgPrimary = $PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb($primaryR, $primaryG, $primaryB)
$bgSecondary = $PSStyle.Background.FromRgb($secondaryR, $secondaryG, $secondaryB)
$fgSecondary = $PSStyle.Foreground.FromRgb($secondaryR, $secondaryG, $secondaryB)
return "$fgSecondary`u{e0d4}$fgPrimary$bgSecondary $Name $re$fgSecondary`u{e0b0}$re"
function Find-Issue {
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
[string[]] $ArgumentList,
[ValidateSet('Open', 'Closed')]
[string] $State,
[string[]] $Filter,
[datetime] $UpdatedSince,
[switch] $Involved
end {
$PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing = 'Legacy'
$properties =
'assignees', 'author', 'authorAssociation', 'body',
'closedAt', 'commentsCount', 'createdAt', 'id', 'isLocked',
'isPullRequest', 'labels', 'number', 'repository', 'state',
'title', 'updatedAt', 'url'
$argList = ('--json', ($properties -join ','), '--sort', 'updated')
$queries = @($Filter)
$queryTemplate = 'map(select({0}))'
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey((nameof{$UpdatedSince}))) {
$queries += ('((.updatedAt | fromdate) > ("{0}" | fromdate))' -f (
if ($Involved) {
$argList += '--involves=@me'
if ($State) {
$argList += '--state={0}' -f $State.ToLowerInvariant()
if ($queries) {
$fullQuery = ($queries -match '.') -join ' and ' -replace '"', '\"'
$argList += '--jq', ($queryTemplate -f $fullQuery)
$argList += $ArgumentList
# gh search issues @argList
gh search issues @argList | ConvertFrom-Json | & { process {
$PSItem.updatedAt = $PSItem.updatedAt.ToLocalTime()
$PSItem.createdAt = $PSItem.createdAt.ToLocalTime()
$PSItem.closedAt = $PSItem.closedAt.ToLocalTime()
$PSItem.pstypenames.Insert(0, 'Utility.Issue')
function Find-PullRequest {
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
[string[]] $ArgumentList,
[ValidateSet('Open', 'Closed', 'Merged', 'Draft')]
[string] $State,
[string[]] $Filter,
[datetime] $UpdatedSince,
[switch] $ReviewRequested,
[switch] $IncludeBots
end {
$PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing = 'Legacy'
$properties =
'assignees', 'author', 'authorAssociation', 'body', 'closedAt',
'commentsCount', 'createdAt', 'id', 'isLocked', 'labels', 'number',
'repository', 'state', 'title', 'updatedAt', 'url'
$argList = ('--json', ($properties -join ','), '--sort', 'updated')
$queries = @($Filter)
$queryTemplate = 'map(select({0}))'
if (-not $IncludeBots) {
$queries += '.author.type != "Bot"'
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey((nameof{$UpdatedSince}))) {
$queries += ('((.updatedAt | fromdate) > ("{0}" | fromdate))' -f (
if ($State -eq 'merged') {
$argList += '--merged'
} elseif ($State -eq 'draft') {
$argList += '--draft'
} elseif ($State) {
$argList += '--state={0}' -f $State.ToLowerInvariant()
if ($ReviewRequested) {
$argList += '--review-requested=@me'
if ($queries) {
$fullQuery = ($queries -match '.') -join ' and ' -replace '"', '\"'
$argList += '--jq', ($queryTemplate -f $fullQuery)
$argList += $ArgumentList
# gh search prs @argList
gh search prs @argList | ConvertFrom-Json | & { process {
$PSItem.updatedAt = $PSItem.updatedAt.ToLocalTime()
$PSItem.createdAt = $PSItem.createdAt.ToLocalTime()
$PSItem.closedAt = $PSItem.closedAt.ToLocalTime()
$PSItem.pstypenames.Insert(0, 'Utility.PullRequest')
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