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Last active July 30, 2019 18:53
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Either [Kotlin]
sealed class Either<out E, out A> {
data class Left<E>(val left: E) : Either<E, Nothing>()
data class Right<A>(val right: A) : Either<Nothing, A>()
fun <R> fold(ifLeft: (E) -> R, ifRight: (A) -> R): R =
when (this) {
is Left -> ifLeft(left)
is Right -> ifRight(right)
fun <R> foldLeft(init: R, f: (E) -> R): R =
fold(f, { init })
fun <R> foldRight(init: R, f: (A) -> R): R =
fold({ init }, f)
fun <F, B> bimap(f: (E) -> F, g: (A) -> B): Either<F, B> =
fold({ left(f(it)) }, { right(g(it)) })
fun <B> map(f: (A) -> B): Either<E, B> =
bimap({ it }, f)
fun <F> mapLeft(f: (E) -> F): Either<F, A> =
bimap(f, { it })
fun swap(): Either<A, E> =
fold(::right, ::left)
companion object {
fun <E> left(e: E): Either<E, Nothing> = Left(e)
fun <A> right(a: A): Either<Nothing, A> = Right(a)
fun <E, A> pure(a: A): Either<E, A> = right(a)
fun <E, A, B, C> map2(e1: Either<E, A>, e2: Either<E, B>, f: (A, B) -> C): Either<E, C> =
e1.fold(::left) { a -> e2.fold(::left) { b -> right(f(a, b)) } }
fun <E, A, B> product(e1: Either<E, A>, e2: Either<E, B>): Either<E, Pair<A, B>> =
map2(e1, e2, ::Pair)
fun <E, A, B> ap(ef: Either<E, (A) -> B>, ea: Either<E, A>): Either<E, B> =
map2(ef, ea) { f, a -> f(a) }
fun <E, A, B> flatMap(e: Either<E, A>, f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, B> =
e.fold(::left, f)
fun <E, F, A> flatMapLeft(e: Either<E, A>, f: (E) -> Either<F, A>): Either<F, A> =
e.fold(f, ::right)
fun <E, A> join(e: Either<E, Either<E, A>>): Either<E, A> =
flatMap(e) { it }
// These exist as extension methods because Kotlin doesn't have lower bounds checking
fun <E, A, B, C> Either<E, A>.map2(other: Either<E, B>, f: (A, B) -> C): Either<E, C> =
Either.map2(this, other, f)
fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.product(other: Either<E, B>): Either<E, Pair<A, B>> =
Either.product(this, other)
fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.times(other: Either<E, B>): Either<E, Pair<A, B>> =
Either.product(this, other)
fun <E, A, B> Either<E, (A) -> B>.ap(e: Either<E, A>): Either<E, B> =
Either.ap(this, e)
fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.flatMap(f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, B> =
Either.flatMap(this, f)
fun <E, F, A> Either<E, A>.flatMapLeft(f: (E) -> Either<F, A>): Either<F, A> =
Either.flatMapLeft(this, f)
fun <E, A> Either<E, Either<E, A>>.join(): Either<E, A> =
fun <E, A> Either<E, A>.orElse(f: (E) -> A): A =
fold(f) { it }
// Traversable for Either<E, A>
// Note: The definition is duplicated because Kotlin can't type check `sequence = traverse(id)`
// Note: The definition of traverse is intentionally not `map(f).sequence()` to avoid an extra traversal
fun <E, A> Collection<A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Either<E, A>): Either<E, Collection<A>> =
fold(Either.pure(listOf())) { eacc, ee -> eacc.map2(f(ee)) { acc, e -> acc + e } }
fun <E, A> Collection<Either<E, A>>.sequence(): Either<E, Collection<A>> =
fold(Either.pure(listOf())) { eacc, ee -> eacc.map2(ee) { acc, e -> acc + e } }
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