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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Pipeline class utilizing C++11 Features, handles Visual Studio 2012 incompleteness of C++11 standard. Now with conditional items utilizing predicates
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
* Pipeline class.
* Note: This class is not copy assignable or copy constructible but movable! It is sealed per design.
* Use a wrapped TItem in order to execute specific operations for a given object prior/after calling the inner element
template<typename TDataObject, typename TItem = std::function<void(TDataObject)>>
class Pipeline final
typedef typename TDataObject DataType;
typedef typename std::function<bool(DataType)> Predicate;
bool static ALWAYS_TRUE(DataType)
return true;
bool static ALWAYS_FALSE(DataType)
return false;
Pipeline(const std::string name):
* Move assignment operator
Pipeline& operator=(Pipeline&& other)
if (this != &other)
std::swap(m_vPipeline, other.m_vPipeline);
return *this;
* Move constructor
Pipeline (Pipeline&& other)
std::swap(m_vPipeline, other.m_vPipeline);
* Adds a type of TItem into pipeline
void Add(TItem item, Predicate filter = &Pipeline::ALWAYS_TRUE)
* Helper for easier class method addition
template<typename TMethodAddress, typename TInstance>
void AddInstance(TMethodAddress address, TInstance instance, Predicate filter = &Pipeline::ALWAYS_TRUE)
Add(std::bind(address, instance, std::placeholders::_1), filter);
* Helper returns a TItem to be added via Add(TItem) or with the variadic template argument version of Add(...)
template<typename TMethodAddress, typename TInstance>
inline TItem Get(TMethodAddress address, TInstance instance)
return (std::bind(address, instance, std::placeholders::_1));
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Only with VS 2013 and higher, allows chaining of several arguments
template <typename ...Tail>
void Add(TItem head, Tail... tail)
void Execute(TDataObject argument)
for(auto object : m_vPipeline)
if(std::get<1>(object)(argument) == true)
const std::string & GetName() const { return m_sName; }
std::string m_sName;
std::vector<std::tuple<TItem, Predicate>> m_vPipeline;
Pipeline(const Pipeline&); // prevent copy constructor to be used
Pipeline& operator=(const Pipeline&); // prevent copy assignment to be used
// Simple example + moving of pipeline
Pipeline<int> p("Sample path");
p.Add([](int i){std::cout << i+1 << std::endl;});
p.Add([](int i){std::cout << i+42 << std::endl;});
auto f = std::move(p); // moveable class
// How to pass a pipeline around without moving
std::unique_ptr<Pipeline<int>> p2(new Pipeline<int>("second"));
auto & p3 = p2;
// Using Wrapper class without altering the Add() signature
Pipeline<int, Wrapper<FuncType>> p("Wrapped pipeline"); // <-- utilizing Wrapper
p.Add([](int i){std::cout << i+1 << std::endl;});
p.Add([](int i){std::cout << i+42 << std::endl;});
// Binding methods of class and utilizing C++11 variadic templates (VS 2013)
class Dummy
void method(int i)
Dummy d;
Pipeline<int> p("Variading path");
[](int i){std::cout << i + 1 << std::endl; }, // Lambda
std::bind(&Dummy::method, &d, std::placeholders::_1), // Standard bind
p.Get(&Dummy::method, &d) // Helper to remove verbose bindg call and placeholder
// Another helper for directly adding a bind instance (used when compiler does not support variadic template arguments)
p.Add(&Dummy::method, &d);
// Predicate
Pipeline<int &> p("Filter");
p.Add([](int & i) {++i;}, Pipeline<int &>::ALWAYS_FALSE);
p.Add([](int & i) {i+=2;}, [](int & v) { return v > 10;});
p.Add([](int & i) {i+=2;});
auto number = 42;
assert(number == 46);
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
typedef std::function<void(int)> FuncType;
template<class T>
class Wrapper
typename U,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible<T, U>::value, int >::type = 0
//use template<class U> for VS2012
Wrapper(U t)
: _t(std::move(t))
void operator()(int i) const
// Do wrapped code here e.g. benchmark, logging of _t.target_type().name()
T _t;
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