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Created November 23, 2020 04:53
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module NamelessLambda
%default total
%access public export
data Term: Type where
Var : Nat -> Term
Lambda : Term -> Term
Apply : Term -> Term -> Term
Eq Term where
(Var m) == (Var n) = m == n
(Lambda t1) == (Lambda t1') = t1 == t1'
(Apply t1 t2) == (Apply t1' t2') = t1 == t1' && t2 == t2'
_ == _ = False
doShiftUp : Nat -> Nat -> Term -> Term
doShiftUp n cutoff (Var m) = if m < cutoff then Var m else Var (m + n)
doShiftUp n cutoff (Lambda t1) = Lambda $ doShiftUp n (S cutoff) t1
doShiftUp n cutoff (Apply t1 t2) = Apply (doShiftUp n cutoff t1) (doShiftUp n cutoff t2)
shiftUp : Nat -> Term -> Term
shiftUp n t = doShiftUp n Z t
doShiftDown : Nat -> Nat -> Term -> Term
doShiftDown n cutoff (Var m) = if m < cutoff then Var m else Var (minus m n)
doShiftDown n cutoff (Lambda t1) = Lambda $ doShiftDown n (S cutoff) t1
doShiftDown n cutoff (Apply t1 t2) = Apply (doShiftDown n cutoff t1) (doShiftDown n cutoff t2)
shiftDown : Nat -> Term -> Term
shiftDown n t = doShiftDown n Z t
substitute : Nat -> Term -> Term -> Term
substitute k s (Var m) = if k == m then s else Var m
substitute k s (Lambda t1) = Lambda $ substitute (S k) (shiftUp 1 s) t1
substitute k s (Apply t1 t2) = Apply (substitute k s t1) (substitute k s t2)
rank : Term -> Nat
rank (Var m) = S m
rank (Lambda t1) = pred $ rank t1
rank (Apply t1 t2) = maximum (rank t1) (rank t2)
eval1 : Term -> Term
eval1 (Var m) = Var m
eval1 (Lambda t1) = Lambda t1
eval1 (Apply (Var m) t2) = Apply (Var m) (eval1 t2)
eval1 (Apply (Lambda t1) t2) = shiftDown 1 $ substitute 0 (shiftUp 1 t2) t1
eval1 (Apply t1 t2) = Apply (eval1 t1) t2
partial eval : Term -> Term
eval t = case eval1 t of
(Apply (Lambda t1) t2) => eval $ substitute 0 t2 t1
t' => t'
-- Properties
Closed : Term -> Type
Closed t = (rank t = Z)
varIsNotClosed : (n : Nat) -> Not $ Closed (Var n)
varIsNotClosed n = absurd
doShiftUpZeroNeutral : (t : Term) -> (cutoff : Nat) -> doShiftUp Z cutoff t = t
doShiftUpZeroNeutral (Lambda t1) cutoff = rewrite doShiftUpZeroNeutral t1 (S cutoff) in Refl
doShiftUpZeroNeutral (Apply t1 t2) cutoff = rewrite doShiftUpZeroNeutral t1 cutoff in rewrite doShiftUpZeroNeutral t2 cutoff in Refl
doShiftUpZeroNeutral (Var m) cutoff with (m < cutoff)
doShiftUpZeroNeutral (Var m) cutoff | True = Refl
doShiftUpZeroNeutral (Var m) cutoff | False = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral m in Refl
shiftUpZeroNeutral : (t : Term) -> shiftUp Z t = t
shiftUpZeroNeutral t = doShiftUpZeroNeutral t Z
Uninhabited (EQ = LT) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (EQ = GT) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (LT = EQ) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (Prelude.Interfaces.LT = GT) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (GT = EQ) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (Prelude.Interfaces.GT = LT) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
compareRecoversLT : (m, n : Nat) -> compare m n = LT -> LT m n
compareRecoversLT Z Z eq = absurd $ uninhabited eq
compareRecoversLT Z (S n) eq = LTESucc LTEZero
compareRecoversLT (S m) Z eq = absurd $ uninhabited eq
compareRecoversLT (S m) (S n) eq = LTESucc $ compareRecoversLT m n eq
compareRecoversEQ : (m, n : Nat) -> compare m n = EQ -> m = n
compareRecoversEQ Z Z eq = Refl
compareRecoversEQ Z (S n) eq = absurd $ uninhabited eq
compareRecoversEQ (S m) Z eq = absurd $ uninhabited eq
compareRecoversEQ (S m) (S n) eq = rewrite compareRecoversEQ m n eq in Refl
compareRecoversGT : (m, n : Nat) -> compare m n = GT -> GT m n
compareRecoversGT Z Z eq = absurd $ uninhabited eq
compareRecoversGT Z (S n) eq = absurd $ uninhabited eq
compareRecoversGT (S m) Z eq = LTESucc LTEZero
compareRecoversGT (S m) (S n) eq = LTESucc $ compareRecoversGT m n eq
succNotLTE : (n : Nat) -> Not $ LTE (S n) n
succNotLTE Z lte = succNotLTEzero lte
succNotLTE (S n) lte = succNotLTE n (fromLteSucc lte)
lteSuccPred : (n : Nat) -> LTE n (S (pred n))
lteSuccPred Z = LTEZero
lteSuccPred (S n) = lteRefl
lteMaxLeft : (m, n : Nat) -> LTE m (maximum m n)
lteMaxLeft Z n = LTEZero
lteMaxLeft (S m) Z = lteRefl
lteMaxLeft (S m) (S n) = LTESucc (lteMaxLeft m n)
lteMaxRight : (m, n : Nat) -> LTE n (maximum m n)
lteMaxRight m n = rewrite maximumCommutative m n in lteMaxLeft n m
shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral : (t : Term) -> (cutoff : Nat) -> GTE cutoff (rank t) -> (n : Nat) -> doShiftUp n cutoff t = t
shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral (Var m) c p n with (compare m c) proof p'
shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral (Var m) c p n | LT = Refl
shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral (Var m) c p n | EQ = absurd $ succNotLTE c $ replace {P = \m => LTE (S m) c} (compareRecoversEQ m c (sym p')) p
shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral (Var m) c p n | GT = absurd $ succNotLTE m $ lteTransitive (lteSuccRight p) (compareRecoversGT m c (sym p'))
shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral (Lambda t1) c p n = rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral t1 (S c) (lteTransitive (lteSuccPred (rank t1)) (LTESucc p)) n in Refl
shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral (Apply t1 t2) c p n =
let r1 = rank t1 in
let r2 = rank t2 in
let r1LTEc = lteTransitive (lteMaxLeft r1 r2) p in
let r2LTEc = lteTransitive (lteMaxRight r1 r2) p in
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral t1 c r1LTEc n in
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral t2 c r2LTEc n in Refl
shiftUpClosedNeutral : (t : Term) -> Closed t -> (n : Nat) -> shiftUp n t = t
shiftUpClosedNeutral t cl n = shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral t Z (replace cl lteRefl) n
plusNDistributesOverMaximumRight : (n : Nat) -> (a : Nat) -> (b : Nat) -> n + maximum a b = maximum (a + n) (b + n)
plusNDistributesOverMaximumRight Z a b = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral a in rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral b in Refl
plusNDistributesOverMaximumRight (S n) a b =
rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc a n in
rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc b n in
rewrite plusNDistributesOverMaximumRight n a b in Refl
nonZeroPredLT : (n : Nat) -> LT Z (pred n) -> LT (pred n) n
nonZeroPredLT Z lt = absurd $ succNotLTEzero lt
nonZeroPredLT (S n) lt = lteRefl
plusPredLeftPred : (m, n : Nat) -> LT Z m -> pred (m + n) = pred m + n
plusPredLeftPred Z n lt = absurd $ succNotLTEzero lt
plusPredLeftPred (S m) n lt = Refl
maximumToEither : (m, n : Nat) -> Either (maximum m n = m) (maximum m n = n)
maximumToEither Z Z = Left Refl
maximumToEither Z (S n) = Right Refl
maximumToEither (S m) Z = Left Refl
maximumToEither (S m) (S n) = case maximumToEither m n of
Left eq => rewrite eq in Left Refl
Right eq => rewrite eq in Right Refl
ltOrGte : (m, n : Nat) -> Either (LT m n) (GTE m n)
ltOrGte m n with (compare m n) proof cmp
ltOrGte m n | LT = Left $ compareRecoversLT m n (sym cmp)
ltOrGte m n | EQ = rewrite compareRecoversEQ m n (sym cmp) in Right lteRefl
ltOrGte m n | GT = Right $ lteTransitive (lteSuccRight lteRefl) (compareRecoversGT m n (sym cmp))
maximumOfGte : (m, n : Nat) -> GTE m n -> maximum m n = m
maximumOfGte Z Z gte = Refl
maximumOfGte Z (S n) gte = absurd $ succNotLTEzero gte
maximumOfGte (S m) Z gte = Refl
maximumOfGte (S m) (S n) gte = rewrite maximumOfGte m n (fromLteSucc gte) in Refl
shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank : (t : Term) -> (cutoff : Nat) -> LT cutoff (rank t) -> (n : Nat) -> rank (doShiftUp n cutoff t) = rank t + n
shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank (Var m) c lt n with (compare m c) proof cmp
shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank (Var m) c lt n | LT = absurd $ succNotLTE c $ lteTransitive lt (compareRecoversLT m c (sym cmp))
shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank (Var m) c lt n | EQ = Refl
shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank (Var m) c lt n | GT = Refl
shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank (Lambda t1) c lt n =
let rankt1GTpred = nonZeroPredLT (rank t1) (lteTransitive (LTESucc LTEZero) lt) in
let cPlus1LTrankt1 = lteTransitive (LTESucc lt) rankt1GTpred in
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank t1 (S c) cPlus1LTrankt1 n in
rewrite plusPredLeftPred (rank t1) n (lteTransitive (LTESucc LTEZero) cPlus1LTrankt1) in Refl
shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank (Apply t1 t2) c lt n = case maximumToEither (rank t1) (rank t2) of
Left eq =>
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank t1 c (replace eq lt) n in
case ltOrGte c (rank t2) of
Left lt' =>
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank t2 c lt' n in
rewrite sym $ plusNDistributesOverMaximumRight n (rank t1) (rank t2) in
plusCommutative n (maximum (rank t1) (rank t2))
Right gte' =>
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral t2 c gte' n in
let rankt2LTErankt1 = replace eq (lteTransitive (lteTransitive gte' (lteSuccRight lteRefl)) lt) in
rewrite maximumOfGte (rank t1 + n) (rank t2) (lteTransitive rankt2LTErankt1 (lteAddRight (rank t1))) in
rewrite eq in Refl
Right eq =>
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank t2 c (replace eq lt) n in
case ltOrGte c (rank t1) of
Left lt' =>
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank t1 c lt' n in
rewrite sym $ plusNDistributesOverMaximumRight n (rank t1) (rank t2) in
plusCommutative n (maximum (rank t1) (rank t2))
Right gte' =>
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffGTERankNeutral t1 c gte' n in
let rankt1LTErankt2 = replace eq (lteTransitive (lteTransitive gte' (lteSuccRight lteRefl)) lt) in
rewrite maximumCommutative (rank t1) (rank t2 + n) in
rewrite maximumOfGte (rank t2 + n) (rank t1) (lteTransitive rankt1LTErankt2 (lteAddRight (rank t2))) in
rewrite eq in Refl
shiftUpNonClosedAddsRank : (t : Term) -> Not (Closed t) -> (n : Nat) -> rank (shiftUp n t) = rank t + n
shiftUpNonClosedAddsRank t ncl n with (rank t) proof rt
shiftUpNonClosedAddsRank t ncl n | Z = absurd $ ncl Refl
shiftUpNonClosedAddsRank t ncl n | (S r) =
rewrite shiftUpWithCutoffLTRankAddsRank t Z (replace rt (LTESucc LTEZero)) n in
rewrite sym rt in Refl
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