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Last active July 7, 2021 05:32
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const genIterator = (iterable) =>
typeof iterable === 'function' ? iterable() : iterable[Symbol.iterator]()
class Stream {
constructor(iterable = []) {
this._iterable = iterable
this._iterator = genIterator(iterable)
next() { return }
[Symbol.iterator]() { return genIterator(this._iterable) }
map(fun) {
const iterable = this._iterable
return new Stream(function* () {
for (let x of genIterator(iterable)) {
yield fun(x)
flatMap(fun) {
const iterable = this._iterable
return new Stream(function* () {
for (let x of genIterator(iterable)) {
yield* fun(x)
filter(fun) {
const iterable = this._iterable
return new Stream(function* () {
for (let x of genIterator(iterable)) {
if (fun(x)) yield x
take(n) {
const iterable = this._iterable
return new Stream(function* () {
const iterator = genIterator(iterable)
for (let count = 0; count < n; count++) {
const { done, value } =
if (done) return value
yield value
static iterate(initialValue, fun) {
return new Stream(function* () {
let value = initialValue
while (true) {
yield value
value = fun(value)
static cycle(iterable) {
return new Stream(function* () {
while (true) {
yield* genIterator(iterable)
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