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Created January 25, 2021 10:20
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module Main
import Data.Vect
infixr 5 .+.
data Schema
= SString
| SChar
| SInt
| (.+.) Schema Schema
SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType SChar = Char
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)
record DataStore where
constructor MkData
schema : Schema
size : Nat
items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)
addToStore : (store : DataStore) -> SchemaType (schema store) -> DataStore
addToStore (MkData schema size xs) newItem =
MkData schema (S size) (addToData xs) where
addToData : Vect size' (SchemaType schema) -> Vect (S size') (SchemaType schema)
addToData [] = [newItem]
addToData (item :: items) = item :: addToData items
data Command : (schema : Schema) -> Type where
SetSchema : (newschema : Schema) -> Command schema
Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema
Get : Integer -> Command schema
GetAll : Command schema
Size : Command schema
Quit : Command schema
parsePrefix : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (SchemaType schema, String)
parsePrefix SString input = getQuoted (unpack input) where
getQuoted : List Char -> Maybe (String, String)
getQuoted ('"' :: rest1) = case span (/= '"') rest1 of
(quoted, '"' :: rest2) => Just (pack quoted, ltrim (pack rest2))
_ => Nothing
getQuoted chars = Nothing
parsePrefix SChar input with (strM input)
parsePrefix SChar "" | StrNil = Nothing
parsePrefix SChar (strCons char rest) | (StrCons char rest) = Just (char, ltrim rest)
parsePrefix SInt input = case span isDigit input of
("", rest) => Nothing
(num, rest) => Just (cast num, ltrim rest)
parsePrefix (schema1 .+. schema2) input = do
(item1, rest1) <- parsePrefix schema1 input
(item2, rest2) <- parsePrefix schema2 rest1
Just ((item1, item2), rest2)
parseBySchema : (schema : Schema) -> (item_str : String) -> Maybe (SchemaType schema)
parseBySchema schema item_str = case parsePrefix schema item_str of
Just (item, "") => Just item
Just _ => Nothing
Nothing => Nothing
parseSchema : String -> Maybe Schema
parseSchema schema_str = parseTypeList (words schema_str) where
parseTypeList : List String -> Maybe Schema
parseTypeList ("String" :: []) = Just SString
parseTypeList ("String" :: rest) = (SString .+.) <$> parseTypeList rest
parseTypeList ("Char" :: []) = Just SChar
parseTypeList ("Char" :: rest) = (SChar .+.) <$> parseTypeList rest
parseTypeList ("Int" :: []) = Just SInt
parseTypeList ("Int" :: rest) = (SInt .+.) <$> parseTypeList rest
parseTypeList _ = Nothing
parseCommand : (schema : Schema) -> (cmd : String) -> (args : String) -> Maybe (Command schema)
parseCommand schema "schema" schema_str = SetSchema <$> parseSchema schema_str
parseCommand schema "add" item_str = Add <$> parseBySchema schema item_str
parseCommand schema "get" "" = Just GetAll
parseCommand schema "get" index_str =
if all isDigit (unpack index_str)
then Just (Get (cast index_str))
else Nothing
parseCommand schema "quit" "" = Just Quit
parseCommand schema "size" "" = Just Size
parseCommand schema _ _ = Nothing
parse : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (Command schema)
parse schema input = case span (/= ' ') input of
(cmd, args) => parseCommand schema cmd (ltrim args)
display : SchemaType schema -> String
display {schema = SString} item = item
display {schema = SChar} item = "'" ++ cast item ++ "'"
display {schema = SInt} item = show item
display {schema = (x .+. y)} (iteml, itemr) = display iteml ++ ", " ++ display itemr
getEntry : (pos : Integer) -> (store : DataStore) -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
getEntry pos store = case integerToFin pos (size store) of
Nothing => Just ("Out of range\n", store)
(Just id) => Just (display (index id (items store)) ++ "\n", store)
setSchema : (store : DataStore) -> (schema : Schema) -> Maybe DataStore
setSchema store schema = case size store of
Z => Just (MkData schema _ [])
(S k) => Nothing
formatStore : (store : DataStore) -> String
formatStore store = formatItems Z (items store) where
formatItems : (id : Nat) -> Vect _ (SchemaType (schema store)) -> String
formatItems _ [] = ""
formatItems id (item :: rest) = show id ++ ": " ++ display item ++ "\n" ++ formatItems (S id) rest
processInput : DataStore -> String -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
processInput store input =
case parse (schema store) input of
Nothing => Just ("Invalid command\n", store)
(Just (SetSchema newschema)) => case setSchema store newschema of
Nothing => Just ("Can't update schema\n", store)
Just newstore => Just ("OK\n", newstore)
(Just (Add item)) => Just ("ID: " ++ show (size store) ++ "\n", addToStore store item)
(Just (Get pos)) => getEntry pos store
(Just GetAll) => Just (formatStore store, store)
(Just Size) => Just (show (size store) ++ "\n", store)
(Just Quit) => Nothing
main : IO ()
main = replWith (MkData (SString .+. SString .+. SInt) 0 []) "Command: " processInput
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