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Last active February 23, 2021 03:25
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module ZZ
import Data.Sign
%default total
%access public export
data Diff : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
LTByS : (d : Nat) -> Diff n (n + S d)
GTByS : (d : Nat) -> Diff (n + S d) n
DiffZ : Diff n n
diff : (a, b : Nat) -> Diff a b
diff Z Z = DiffZ
diff Z (S b) = LTByS b
diff (S a) Z = GTByS a
diff (S a) (S b) = case diff a b of
LTByS d => LTByS d
GTByS d => GTByS d
DiffZ => DiffZ
data ZZ : Type where
Minus : Nat -> Nat -> ZZ
Eq ZZ where
(Minus a b) == (Minus c d) = a + d == b + c
data ZZEquiv : ZZ -> ZZ -> Type where
IsZZEquiv : (a + d = b + c) -> ZZEquiv (Minus a b) (Minus c d)
decEquiv : (x : ZZ) -> (y : ZZ) -> Dec (ZZEquiv x y)
decEquiv (Minus a b) (Minus c d) = case decEq (a + d) (b + c) of
Yes prf => Yes $ IsZZEquiv prf
No contra => No $ \(IsZZEquiv p) => absurd (contra p)
eqEquiv : (x = y) -> ZZEquiv x y
eqEquiv p {y = Minus a b} = rewrite p in IsZZEquiv (plusCommutative a b)
plus : ZZ -> ZZ -> ZZ
plus (Minus a b) (Minus c d) = Minus (a + c) (b + d)
minus : ZZ -> ZZ -> ZZ
minus (Minus a b) (Minus c d) = Minus (a + d) (b + c)
mult : ZZ -> ZZ -> ZZ
mult (Minus a b) (Minus c d) = Minus (a * c + b * d) (a * d + b * c)
Num ZZ where
(+) = plus
(*) = mult
fromInteger n =
if n < 0
then Minus Z (cast (-n))
else Minus (cast n) Z
Signed ZZ where
sign (Minus a b) = case compare a b of
LT => Minus
GT => Plus
EQ => Zero
Neg ZZ where
negate (Minus a b) = Minus b a
(-) = minus
Abs ZZ where
abs (Minus a b) = case diff a b of
LTByS d => Minus (S d) Z
GTByS d => Minus (S d) Z
DiffZ => Minus Z Z
Cast Nat ZZ where
cast n = Minus n Z
Cast ZZ Integer where
cast (Minus a b) = (cast a) - (cast b)
Cast Integer ZZ where
cast = fromInteger
natPlusZPlus : a + b = c -> ZZEquiv ((Minus a Z) + (Minus b Z)) (Minus c Z)
natPlusZPlus p {c} = rewrite p in IsZZEquiv (plusZeroRightNeutral c)
natMultZMult : a * b = c -> ZZEquiv ((Minus a Z) * (Minus b Z)) (Minus c Z)
natMultZMult p {a} {c} =
rewrite p in IsZZEquiv $
rewrite multZeroRightZero a in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral c in
plusZeroRightNeutral c
doubleNegElim : (z : ZZ) -> negate (negate z) = z
doubleNegElim (Minus a b) = Refl
posNotNeg : ZZEquiv (Minus (S a) Z) (Minus Z (S b)) -> Void
posNotNeg (IsZZEquiv prf) =
succNotLTEzero $ replace {P = \z => LTE z 0} (sym prf) LTEZero
plusZeroLeftNeutralZ : (right : ZZ) -> 0 + right = right
plusZeroLeftNeutralZ (Minus a b) = Refl
plusZeroRightNeutralZ : (left : ZZ) -> left + 0 = left
plusZeroRightNeutralZ (Minus a b) =
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral a in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral b in Refl
plusCommutativeZ : (left : ZZ) -> (right : ZZ) -> left + right = right + left
plusCommutativeZ (Minus a b) (Minus c d) =
rewrite plusCommutative a c in
rewrite plusCommutative b d in Refl
negateDistributesPlus : (x, y : ZZ) -> negate (x + y) = (negate x) + (negate y)
negateDistributesPlus (Minus a b) (Minus c d) = Refl
plusAssociativeZ : (x, y, z : ZZ) -> x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
plusAssociativeZ (Minus a1 b1) (Minus a2 b2) (Minus a3 b3) =
rewrite plusAssociative a1 a2 a3 in
rewrite plusAssociative b1 b2 b3 in Refl
plusNegateInverseLZ : (x : ZZ) -> ZZEquiv (x + negate x) 0
plusNegateInverseLZ (Minus a b) = IsZZEquiv $ rewrite plusCommutative a b in Refl
plusNegateInverseRZ : (x : ZZ) -> ZZEquiv (negate x + x) 0
plusNegateInverseRZ (Minus a b) = IsZZEquiv $ rewrite plusCommutative a b in Refl
multZeroLeftZeroZ : (right : ZZ) -> 0 * right = 0
multZeroLeftZeroZ (Minus a b) = Refl
multZeroRightZeroZ : (left : ZZ) -> left * 0 = 0
multZeroRightZeroZ (Minus a b) =
rewrite multZeroRightZero a in
rewrite multZeroRightZero b in Refl
multOneLeftNeutralZ : (right : ZZ) -> 1 * right = right
multOneLeftNeutralZ (Minus a b) =
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral a in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral a in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral b in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral b in Refl
multOneRightNeutralZ : (left : ZZ) -> left * 1 = left
multOneRightNeutralZ (Minus a b) =
rewrite multOneRightNeutral a in
rewrite multZeroRightZero b in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral a in
rewrite multZeroRightZero a in
rewrite multOneRightNeutral b in Refl
multCommutativeZ : (left : ZZ) -> (right : ZZ) -> left * right = right * left
multCommutativeZ (Minus a b) (Minus c d) =
rewrite multCommutative a c in
rewrite multCommutative b d in
rewrite multCommutative a d in
rewrite multCommutative b c in
rewrite plusCommutative (c * b) (d * a) in Refl
multNegLeftZ : (k : Nat) -> (j : ZZ) -> (Minus Z (S k)) * j = negate ((Minus (S k) Z) * j)
multNegLeftZ k (Minus a b) =
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral (b + k * b) in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral (a + k * a) in Refl
multNegateLeftZ : (k, j : ZZ) -> (negate k) * j = negate (k * j)
multNegateLeftZ (Minus a b) (Minus c d) =
rewrite plusCommutative (b * c) (a * d) in
rewrite plusCommutative (b * d) (a * c) in Refl
multAssociativeZ : (x, y, z : ZZ) -> x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z
multAssociativeZ (Minus a b) (Minus c d) (Minus e f) =
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight a (c * e) (d * f) in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight b (c * f) (d * e) in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight a (c * f) (d * e) in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight b (c * e) (d * f) in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusLeft (a * c) (b * d) e in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusLeft (a * d) (b * c) f in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusLeft (a * c) (b * d) f in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusLeft (a * d) (b * c) e in
rewrite multAssociative a c e in
rewrite multAssociative a d f in
rewrite multAssociative b c f in
rewrite multAssociative b d e in
rewrite multAssociative a c f in
rewrite multAssociative a d e in
rewrite multAssociative b c e in
rewrite multAssociative b d f in
rewrite plusCommutative (b * c * f) (b * d * e) in
rewrite plusAssociative (a * c * e + a * d * f) (b * d * e) (b * c * f) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (a * c * e) (a * d * f) (b * d * e) in
rewrite plusCommutative (a * d * f) (b * d * e) in
rewrite plusAssociative (a * c * e) (b * d * e) (a * d * f) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (a * c * e + b * d * e) (a * d * f) (b * c * f) in
rewrite plusAssociative (a * c * f + b * d * f) (a * d * e) (b * c * e) in
rewrite plusCommutative (a * c * f) (b * d * f) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (b * d * f) (a * c * f) (a * d * e) in
rewrite plusCommutative (b * d * f) (a * c * f + a * d * e) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (a * c * f + a * d * e) (b * d * f) (b * c * e) in
rewrite plusCommutative (b * d * f) (b * c * e) in Refl
multDistributesOverPlusRightZ : (x, y, z : ZZ) -> x * (y + z) = (x * y) + (x * z)
multDistributesOverPlusRightZ (Minus a b) (Minus c d) (Minus e f) =
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight a c e in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight b d f in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight a d f in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRight b c e in
rewrite plusAssociative (a * c + a * e) (b * d) (b * f) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (a * c) (a * e) (b * d) in
rewrite plusCommutative (a * e) (b * d) in
rewrite plusAssociative (a * c) (b * d) (a * e) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (a * c + b * d) (a * e) (b * f) in
rewrite plusAssociative (a * d + a * f) (b * c) (b * e) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (a * d) (a * f) (b * c) in
rewrite plusCommutative (a * f) (b * c) in
rewrite plusAssociative (a * d) (b * c) (a * f) in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative (a * d + b * c) (a * f) (b * e) in Refl
multDistributesOverPlusLeftZ : (x, y, z : ZZ) -> (x + y) * z = (x * z) + (y * z)
multDistributesOverPlusLeftZ x y z =
rewrite multCommutativeZ (x + y) z in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusRightZ z x y in
rewrite multCommutativeZ z x in
rewrite multCommutativeZ z y in Refl
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