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Last active May 31, 2017 16:38
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Example of fitting a log-linear model to journals in communities
C <- scrooge::citations
n <- nrow(C)
#G <- sort(, floor(n/2))) # split into two communities
#G <- list(c1 = G, c2 = setdiff(1:n, G))
G <- split(1:n, cutree(hclust(as.dist(cor(C))), h = .85)) # hierarchical clustering into 4 groups
ngroups <- length(G)
Y <- as.matrix(cbind(win1 = t(C)[lower.tri(C)],
win2 = C[lower.tri(C)]))
npairs <- nrow(Y)
get_comm <- function(xs, comm) {
# Given a vector of journals `xs` and a membership list `comm`,
# return the community ID of each element of `xs`
in_list <- function(e, l) which(sapply(l, function(li) e %in% li))
idx <- sapply(xs, function(x) in_list(x, comm))
X <- matrix(0, npairs, n + ngroups)
X[cbind(1:npairs, col(C)[lower.tri(C)])] <- 1 # winning journal
X[cbind(1:npairs, row(C)[lower.tri(C)])] <- -1 # losing journal
X[cbind(1:npairs, n + get_comm(col(C)[lower.tri(C)], G))] <- 1 # winning community
X[cbind(1:npairs, n + get_comm(row(C)[lower.tri(C)], G))] <- -1 # losing community
colnames(X) <- varNames <- c(colnames(C), paste0('Community', 1:ngroups))
X <- X[, -1] # First variable is redundant
model <- glm(Y ~ 0 + X, family = binomial)
# Get vector of ALL coefficients s.t. mean = 0
mu <- setNames(c(0, coef(model)), varNames)
mu <- mu - mean(mu)
# Convert into alpha(i, c) parametrisation
alpha <- outer(mu[1:n], mu[(n+1):(n+ngroups)], '-')
(alpha <- alpha - mean(alpha))
# The above design matrix assumes additive effects,
# which isn't really what we discussed/are interested in.
# What if there are actually n * ngroups coefs?
# ----------------------------------------------------------
X2 <- matrix(0, npairs, n * ngroups)
X2[cbind(1:npairs, col(C)[lower.tri(C)] + n * (get_comm(row(C)[lower.tri(C)], G) - 1))] <- 1 # winning journal : losing community
X2[cbind(1:npairs, row(C)[lower.tri(C)] + n * (get_comm(col(C)[lower.tri(C)], G) - 1))] <- -1 # losing journal : winning community
colnames(X2) <- varNames2 <- c(outer(colnames(C), paste0('C', 1:ngroups), paste, sep = '__'))
X2 <- X2[, -1] # get rid of (at least) one redundant column (?)
model2 <- glm(Y ~ 0 + X2, family = binomial) ## Not sure if this really works yet. Try `?alias` to find redundancies
mu2 <- setNames(c(0, coef(model2)), varNames2)
(mu2 <- mu2 - mean(mu2, na.rm = TRUE)) ## Possibly meaningless due to many NAs
# NB: this method doesn't like communities of size 1, because they will be entirely redundant
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