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Last active June 22, 2023 14:16
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Ansible playbook to move persistent journald logs to loopback mounted Btrfs filesystem with compression. Makes sure that journal files are kept decently compressed
# FIXME: override /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/journal-nocow.conf to avoid applying noCOW flag?
# systemd-tmpfiles --create?
# FIXME: systemd 250 reenables COW for archived journal. so we can skip parts of configuration.
- name: Store journald logs on compressed volume
hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
become: yes
- name: volume_size_mib
prompt: Choose size for compressed btrfs storage (MiB)
private: False
volume_location: /var/log/journal.btrfs
compressed_journal_location: /var/log/journal
# I usually get compression ratios around 0.12 - 0.15 but let's err on safe side
expected_compression_ratio: 0.2
SystemMaxFileSize_mib: "{{ (volume_size_mib | int / 16) | int }}"
bind_of_original_log: /var/log_original
recompression_timestamp_file: /var/log/journal/recompression_timestamp
- name: Check that /var/log/journal is not mounted yet
- "{{ ansible_facts.mounts | selectattr('mount', 'equalto', '/var/log/journal') | length == 0}}"
fail_msg: '/var/log/journal already mounted. Migration of mounted /var/log/journal is not supported'
- name: Get size of current journal data
command: du -sk /var/log/journal
changed_when: False
register: var_log_journal_du
- set_fact:
original_journal_dir_size_kib: "{{ var_log_journal_du.stdout.split()[0] | int }}"
- set_fact:
minimal_compressed_volume_size_mib: "{{ ((original_journal_dir_size_kib | int) * expected_compression_ratio / 1024 ) | int }}"
- name: Old journal data fits new partition
- "{{ (minimal_compressed_volume_size_mib | int) <= ( volume_size_mib | int) }}"
fail_msg: >-
Your original journal data probably will not fit in compressed journal size that you have requested.
You should allocate at least {{ minimal_compressed_volume_size_mib }} MiB for compressed volume.
- name: Check that distro family is supported
- "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr in ['apt', 'pacman'] }}"
fail_msg: "Only apt and pacman package managers are supporter. Cannot check and install dependencies."
- name: Install dependencies (deb)
when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt'
update_cache: yes
- btrfs-compsize
- btrfs-progs
- e2fsprogs #chattr
- rsync
- name: Install dependencies (arch)
when: ansible_pkg_mgr == 'pacman'
update_cache: yes
- btrfs-progs
- compsize
- e2fsprogs #chattr
- rsync
# community.general.filesize is too new and uses dd which might be slow
- name: Create block device for storage
# FIXME: umask! Important for security
cmd: fallocate --length {{ volume_size_mib }}MiB {{ volume_location }}
creates: "{{ volume_location }}"
# TODO: mark as nocow
- name: Proper permission on storage block device
path: "{{ volume_location }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0600'
- name: Setup filesystem
dev: "{{ volume_location }}"
fstype: btrfs
# I actually do not know when resize support for btrfs was added to this module, but in Ansible 2.10.8 it is not ailable
resizefs: "{{ ansible_version.full is version('2.10.8', '>') }}"
opts: "{{ ( (volume_size_mib | int) < 4096 ) | ternary('--mixed', omit) }}"
- name: Journald config
tags: [journald_config]
path: /etc/systemd/journald.conf
section: Journal
backup: yes
create: no
option: "{{ item.key }}"
value: "{{ item.value }}"
loop: "{{ journald_params | dict2items }}"
SystemMaxUse: "{{ ((volume_size_mib | int) / expected_compression_ratio) | int }}M" #Probably should give more space?
# Somewhere I see journal rotate before reaching SystemMaxFileSize. Dunno why.
SystemMaxFileSize: "{{ SystemMaxFileSize_mib }}M"
SystemKeepFree: "{{ SystemMaxFileSize_mib | int + 16 }}M"
SystemMaxFiles: "{{ volume_size_mib | int * 4}}" #default is 100. Let's store everything that fits
Compress: 'no'
- name: Rotate journald logs to save existing logs in archive
cmd: journalctl --rotate
- name: Mount compressed journal volume
path: "{{ compressed_journal_location }}"
src: "{{ volume_location }}"
state: mounted
fstype: btrfs
opts: 'rw,compress=zstd:8'
backup: yes
# All logged data from this point till systemd-journald restart will be lost
- name: Restore access to underlying journald logs
ansible.posix.mount: &bind_mount
path: "{{ bind_of_original_log }}"
src: /var/log/
opts: bind
state: mounted
fstype: none
# Without existing directory for machine logs systemd-journald creates it
# but system.journal file that it creates lacks proper permissions.
# Therefore has to create directories before resarting logging to new volume
# `systemd-tmpfiles --create` did not work here.
- name: Restore original directory layout
src: "{{ bind_of_original_log }}/journal/"
dest: "{{ compressed_journal_location }}/"
- '--acls'
- '--xattrs'
# Include only dirs
- '--include=*/'
- '--exclude=*'
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- name: Restart systemd-journald to start writing to new location
tags: [journald_config]
name: systemd-journald
state: restarted
# FIXME: this should be a last action?
- name: Copy original journal files archive (this takes a while)
src: "{{ bind_of_original_log }}/journal/"
dest: "{{ compressed_journal_location }}/"
# By default synchronize task calls uses rsync compression but this does not make sence on local system
# Disabling it decreased transfer time 5x times on test system
compress: no
- '--acls'
- '--xattrs'
- '--hard-links'
# Exclude current system and user files by excluding everything and including dirs and archived files
- '--include=*/'
- '--include=*@*.journal'
- '--include=*@*.journal~' #Improperly closed files?
- '--exclude=*'
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- name: Suggest running cleanup actions
tags: always
msg: >-
Rerun this playbook with `--tags cleanup` to cleanup old journald data and temporary bind mount
when you confirm that journal transfer worked properly.
when: "'cleanup' not in ansible_run_tags"
- name: Remove old data and temporary bind mount
tags: [never, cleanup] # Skip unless explicitly requested
- name: Remove uncompressed journald data from underlying storage
cmd: "rm -r '{{ bind_of_original_log }}/journal/'*"
warn: false # Can't use file module because it would remove journal dir itself
- name:
<<: *bind_mount
state: absent
- name: Setup recompression of rotated files
tags: maintenance
- name: Last recompression timestamp
path: "{{ recompression_timestamp_file }}"
state: touch
access_time: preserve
modification_time: preserve
- name: Override nocow policy for journald dir
dest: /etc/tmpfiles.d/journal-nocow.conf
content: |
# This is an empty file to override default systemd policy of setting No_COW attribute on journald directories.
# It is rumored that No_COW gives better performance on Btrfs
# but it actually prevents file compression and defragmentation
# which leads to wasted space and reduced performance
- name: Path file to monitor changes
dest: /etc/systemd/system/journal_rotated.path
backup: yes
# validate: 'systemd-analyze verify %s'
content: |
# Reacts to new files
PathChanged=/var/log/journal/{{ ansible_facts.machine_id }}
# FIXME: this watcher has to be an essential dependency of systemd-journald
- name: Service to recompress journal files
dest: /etc/systemd/system/journal_compress.service
backup: yes
# Validation is tricky. systemd requires that service file ends with .service Otherwise verify fails
# But temporary file is created with another extension. Same issue:
# Approach from ansible docs too complicated
# validate: 'systemd-analyze verify %s'
content: |
#FIXME: description (all units)
Description=Keep journal files compressed, see
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env touch {{ recompression_timestamp_file }}-new
# Prior to defragment make sure there are no files/dirs marked with no COW attribute
# It keeps appearing for unknown reason (probably on boot due to tmpfiles)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env find . -type d -exec chattr -V -C {} +
# OK just defragment everything
# Pro: don't complain on defragment attempt of deleted files
# Contra: caches whole journal contents in page cache
# Does not reduce space usage since ~ 2022-01-19 ((( Probably should be dropped
# FIXME: reads whole journal content. How to skip already defragmented files?
# Use timestamp file marker! Then move newer one on top
# `btrfs filesystem defragment -czstd $FILE` is not efficient as it does not reduce space wasted on prealloc
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env find -D exec . -type f ( -name '*@*.journal~' -o -name '*@*.journal' ) -newer '{{ recompression_timestamp_file }}' -print -exec sh -xc 'cp --reflink=never -av "$${0}" "$${0}_repack" && mv -v "$${0}_repack" "$${0}"' {} \;
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env mv -v {{ recompression_timestamp_file }}-new {{ recompression_timestamp_file }}
# FIXME: add fallocate --dig-holes ??? might improve compression as journald allocates by 8MB chunks but not always fills them
# Alternative: cp --sparse=always , --sparse=auto, --sparse=never, sync, retain smallest files
# cp sparse=always might produce bigger and smaller file. dig-holes seems to always reduce file size
# but probably leads to fragmentation?
- name: Enable path
name: journal_rotated.path
daemon_reload: yes
state: started
enabled: yes
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