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Created January 14, 2015 23:33
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  • Save SelvinPL/f89476b6585690cb252b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SelvinPL/f89476b6585690cb252b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
apply plugin: ''
def createTheme(colorPrimary, colorPrimaryDark, colorAccent, colorDisabled) {
def returnTheme = new Expando()
returnTheme.colorPrimary = colorPrimary
returnTheme.colorPrimaryDark = colorPrimaryDark
returnTheme.colorAccent = colorAccent
returnTheme.colorDisabled = colorDisabled
return returnTheme
def colorDisabled = "ADADAD"
//define theme
def themeOrangeBlueGrey = createTheme("F57C00", "E65100", "78909C", colorDisabled)
def themeIndigoPink = createTheme("3F51B5", "1A237E", "F50057", colorDisabled)
def themeOSA1 = createTheme("284E3D", "293326", "8CC63F", colorDisabled)
def themeOSA1a = createTheme("284E3D", "1A3327", "8CC63F", colorDisabled)
def themeOSA2 = createTheme("404F3C", "1F261D", "A6C03B", colorDisabled)
def themeTealLime = createTheme("009688", "00796B", "C6FF00", colorDisabled)
//select theme
def theme = themeOSA1a
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.resValue "color", "colorPrimary", "#" + theme.colorPrimary
variant.resValue "color", "colorPrimaryDark", "#" + theme.colorPrimaryDark
variant.resValue "color", "colorAccent", "#" + theme.colorAccent
variant.resValue "color", "colorDisabled", "#" + theme.colorDisabled
for ( i in 1..9 ) {
def hex = Integer.toHexString(((int)i * 25.5))
variant.resValue "color", "colorPrimary" + "A" + i + "0", "#" + hex + theme.colorPrimary
variant.resValue "color", "colorPrimaryDark" + "A" + i + "0", "#" + hex + theme.colorPrimaryDark
variant.resValue "color", "colorAccent" + "A" + i + "0", "#" + hex + theme.colorAccent
variant.resValue "color", "colorDisabled" + "A" + i + "0", "#" + hex + theme.colorDisabled
variant.outputs.each { output ->
def apk = output.outputFile
def newName = "TheApp"
newName = newName + "-${android.defaultConfig.versionName}.apk"
output.outputFile = new File(new File(apk.parentFile,, newName)
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