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Created May 25, 2012 00:20
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Tweetbot Simplified Chinese Translate for 2.4
"%1$@ (via @%2$@)" = "%1$@ (通过 @%2$@)";
"%1$@ at %2$@" = "%1$@ %2$@";
"%1$d of %2$d" = "%1$d/%2$d";
"%@ and %@" = "%1$@ 和 %2$@";
"%@ Categories" = "%@ 类别";
"%@ Drafts" = "%@ 草稿";
"%@ Followers" = "%@ 关注者";
"%@ is following you." = "%@ 已关注你.";
"%@ is not following you." = "%@ 未关注你.";
"%@ Lists" = "%@ 列表";
"%@ miles away" = "%@ 英里远";
"%@ People" = "%@ 成员";
"%@ Replies" = "%@ 回复";
"%@ Retweets" = "%@ 转推";
"%@ Trends" = "%@ 条趋势";
"%@ Tweets" = "%@ 推文";
"%@ Tweets Matched" = "%@ 条推文匹配";
"%@d" = "%@天";
"%@km away" = "%@ 公里远";
"%d days" = "%d 天";
"%d hours" = "%d 小时";
"%d Messages" = "%d 私信";
"%d minutes" = "%d 分钟";
"%d New Tweets" = "%d 条新消息";
"%d seconds" = "%d 秒";
"%dd" = "%d天";
"%dh" = "%d小时";
"%dm" = "%d分钟";
"%ds" = "%d秒";
"(Source: %@)" = "(来源: %@)";
"1 Day" = "1 天";
"1 day" = "1 天";
"1 Draft" = "1 草稿";
"1 Follower" = "1 关注者";
"1 hour" = "1 小时";
"1 List" = "1 列表";
"1 Message" = "1 私信";
"1 mile away" = "1 英里远";
"1 minute" = "1 分钟";
"1 Month" = "1 月";
"1 New Tweet" = "1 新消息";
"1 Person" = "1 人";
"1 Reply" = "1 回复";
"1 Retweet" = "1 转推";
"1 second" = "1 秒";
"1 Tweet" = "1 消息";
"1 Week" = "1 周";
"@%@ has been reported for spam" = "@%@ 已举报";
"@%@ has been unblocked" = "@%@ 已取消屏蔽";
"@%@ is blocked." = "@%@ 已被屏蔽.";
"@%@ is following you." = "@%@ 已关注你.";
"@%@ is not blocked." = "@%@ 未被屏蔽.";
"@%@ is not following you." = "@%@ 未关注你.";
"@%@ will be muted" = "@%@ 将被静音";
"@%@ will be muted for %@" = "@%1$@ 将对 %2$@ 静音";
"@%@ will be unmuted" = "@%@ 将被取消静音";
"A large number of tweets match this keyword. Are you sure you want to save this mute filter?" = "有大量的推文匹配这个关键词. 你确定要保存这个静音过滤器吗?";
"A list’s name must start with a letter and consist only of 25 or fewer letters, numbers, '-', or '_' characters." = "列表的名称必须以字母开头并且只包含25个或更少的字母, 数字, '-' , 或 '_' 字符.";
"A request has been sent to follow @%@" = "关注请求已发送至 @%@";
"About" = "关于";
"Absolute" = "绝对时间";
"Account Login" = "帐号登陆";
"ACCOUNT SIGN IN" = "账号登入";
"Accounts" = "帐号";
"Accounts & Settings" = "帐号 & 设置";
"Action Denied" = "动作被拒绝";
"Actions" = "动作";
"Add Account" = "添加帐号";
"Add Account to iOS" = "添加账户至 iOS";
"Add Location" = "添加位置";
"Add Note…" = "添加便签...";
"Add to List" = "添加到列表";
"Add Your Account" = "添加帐号";
"Added to Lists" = "已添加到列表";
"All" = "所有";
"and" = "和";
"Are you sure you want to block and report @%@ for spam?" = "你确定要屏蔽并举报 @%@ ?";
"Are you sure you want to delete this account?" = "你确定要删除此帐号?";
"Authenticate with Twitter" = "与 Twitter 验证";
"Authorize Account" = "验证账户";
"Authorizing Credentials…" = "授权中…";
"Avatar" = "头像";
"Award Tweet of the Day" = "授予今日 Tweet 奖";
"Awarding Tweet of the Day" = "授予今日 Tweet 奖中";
"Be sure to follow @tapbots for the latest news about Tweetbot and our other little creations!" = "关注 @tapbots 以获得最新的 Tweetbot 产品进展等信息!";
"Bio" = "简介";
"Block" = "屏蔽";
"Block or Report as Spam" = "屏蔽或举报";
"Both" = "都是";
"BROWSE" = "浏览";
"By" = "来自";
"Cancel" = "取消";
"Cancelled" = "已取消";
"Can’t find user @%@." = "无法找到用户 @%@.";
"Change Account" = "更换帐号";
"Check your network connection. Twitter could also be down." = "请检查你的网络接入, 也有可能是Twitter当机.";
"Checking Blocked Status…" = "检查屏蔽状态…";
"Checking Definition" = "检查定义…";
"Checking Follow Status…" = "检查关注状态…";
"Checking Message Status…" = "检查信息状态...";
"Choose from Library…" = "从相簿选择...";
"Choose Recipient" = "选择接收者";
"CLIENTS" = "客户端";
"Close" = "关闭";
"Collect Them All!" = "全部收集!";
"Continue" = "继续";
"Conversation" = "对话";
"Conversation with " = "对话与";
"Conversation with %@" = "与 %@ 对话";
"Conversations and Details." = "对话与详情.";
"Copy Hashtag" = "复制话题标签";
"Copy Image" = "复制图片";
"Copy Link to Tweet" = "复制到推文的链接";
"Copy Message" = "复制私信";
"Copy Stock" = "复制股票";
"Copy Tweet" = "复制消息";
"Copy URL" = "复制网址";
"Couldn’t Add URL" = "无法添加网址";
"Couldn’t create story" = "无法创建故事";
"Couldn’t find %@" = "无法找到 %@";
"Couldn’t find what you were looking for." = "无法找到你要找的东西.";
"Couldn’t follow user." = "无法关注用户.";
"Couldn’t get location" = "无法获得位置";
"Couldn’t load image, please try again later." = "无法载入图像, 请稍后重试.";
"Couldn’t Login" = "无法登陆";
"Couldn’t parse JSON data." = "无法解析 JSON 数据.";
"Creating Story" = "创建故事";
"Custom" = "自定义";
"Customizable Tab Bar." = "可定制的标签栏.";
"Custom…" = "自定义…";
"Data Limit" = "数据限制";
"DATE FORMAT" = "日期格式";
"Define" = "定义";
"Delete" = "删除";
"Delete all messages in this thread?" = "删除所有私信?";
"Description" = "描述";
"Detail" = "详情";
"Direct Message" = "私信";
"Direct Messages" = "私信";
"Disable Retweets" = "禁用转推";
"DISPLAY" = "显示";
"Display" = "显示";
"DISPLAY NAME" = "显示名字";
"Display Name" = "显示名字";
"Done" = "完成";
"Double-tap a tweet to view details, tap and hold links and avatars to get options, and customize “triple-tap” to your needs." = "双击推文查看详情, 点击并按住头像可弹出选项, 而且你可以自定义三击为你需要的内容.";
"Drafts" = "草稿";
"Duplicate Account" = "重复帐号";
"Duration" = "持续时间";
"Edit" = "编辑";
"Edit in Camera+…" = "在 Camera+ 中编辑…";
"Edit List" = "编辑列表";
"Edit Note…" = "编辑便签...";
"Either you don’t have permission to access this or it is no longer available." = "你无权限访问此或此项目不可用.";
"Email Conversation" = "邮送对话";
"Email Location" = "邮送位置";
"Email Message" = "邮件信息";
"Email Support" = "邮件支持";
"Email this Conversation" = "邮件这个对话";
"Email Tweet" = "邮送推文";
"Email URL" = "邮送网址";
"Enable Retweets" = "启用转推";
"End Time" = "结束时间";
"Enter your email to get occasional Tapbots news. We only send emails a few times a year and you can unsubscribe anytime you’d like!" = "输入你的邮箱以获取最新资讯. 我们一年只发送几次,且你随时可以取消订阅!";
"Error Awarding." = "授权错误.";
"Error checking status." = "检测状态错误.";
"Error code %d" = "错误代码 %d";
"Error contacting Favstar, please try again." = "连接到 Favstar 错误,请重试.";
"Error deleting messages." = "删除私信错误.";
"Error Following" = "关注错误";
"Error Loading Image" = "载入图像错误";
"Error Posting" = "发送错误";
"Error Retrieving Current Location" = "获取当前位置错误";
"Error Saving Image" = "保存图像错误";
"Error Saving Video" = "保存视频错误";
"Error Translating." = "翻译错误.";
"Error Updating Image" = "图像上传错误";
"Error Updating Profile" = "更新资料错误";
"Error Uploading Media" = "上传媒体出错";
"Expired" = "已过期";
"Failed to add URL." = "添加网址失败.";
"Failed to contact Twitter" = "连接到 Twitter 失败";
"Failed to create short URL." = "创建短网址失败.";
"Failed to login." = "登陆失败.";
"Failed to update lists." = "上传列表失败.";
"Failed to upload data." = "上传数据失败.";
"Failed." = "失败.";
"Favorite" = "收藏";
"Favorite queued" = "收藏已加入队列";
"Favorited" = "已收藏";
"Favorites" = "收藏";
"Find People" = "找人";
"Find User" = "查找用户";
"Finish" = "完成";
"Follow" = "关注";
"Follow @tapbots" = "关注 @tapbots";
"Follow List" = "关注列表";
"Follow Tapbots on Twitter." = "在Twitter上关注Tapbots.";
"Follow us on Twitter" = "在Twitter上关注我们";
"FOLLOWED LISTS" = "已关注列表";
"Followers" = "关注者";
"Followers: %@" = "关注者: %@";
"Following" = "已关注";
"Following: %@" = "已关注: %@";
"Follows" = "关注者";
"FONT SIZE" = "字体大小";
"Font Size" = "字体大小";
"Forever" = "永远";
"from %@" = "通过 %@";
"Full Name" = "全名";
"GENERAL" = "通用";
"Gift to a Friend" = "赠送给朋友";
"Go to User @%@" = "前往用户 @%@";
"HASHTAGS" = "标签";
"Hashtags" = "标签";
"Help" = "帮助";
"Hide on Scroll" = "滚动时隐藏";
"Hold down on one of the last two tabs to manage Mute Filters." = "按下最后两个选项之一以管理静音过滤.";
"How long would you like to mute @%@ for?" = "你想将 @%@ 静音多久?";
"How long would you like to mute tweets containing #%@ for?" = "你想将含有 #%@ 的信息静音多久?";
"How long would you like to mute tweets containing “%@” for?" = "你希望静音包含 “%@” 的推文多长时间?";
"Huge" = "巨大";
"iCloud syncs the read position in your timelines and DM read status across other instances of Tweetbot." = "iCloud 可以同步你的时间轴和私信的阅读状态至其他Tweetbot实例.";
"If push is set up correctly on your device and our system is running smoothly, you should receive a message here confirming that push notifications are working." = "如果您的设备上推送通知设置正确, 且我们的系统运行顺利的话, 您将会收到一条消息用以确认推送通知工作正常.";
"Image" = "图片";
"Image from Camera" = "拍摄照片";
"Image from Library" = "本地相簿";
"Image from Tweetbot : %@" = "来自 Tweetbot 的图像 : %@";
"Image Upload" = "图片上传";
"Import iOS Accounts" = "导入 iOS 账户";
"In reply to…" = "在回复给......";
"Invalid Data" = "无效数据";
"Invalid email address." = "无效邮件地址.";
"Invalid Search" = "无效搜索";
"It’s against the Twitter Terms of Service to quote or retweet a private account." = "依靠 Twitter 服务条款来引用或转推私人贴.";
"Join" = "加入";
"Keyword" = "关键词";
"KEYWORDS" = "关键词";
"Large" = "最大";
"Last Notification" = "最后通知";
"Last tweet %@ ago" = "最后推文 %@ 前";
"Last Updated %d days ago" = "最后更新 %d 天前";
"Last Updated 1 day ago" = "最后更新 1 天前";
"Last Updated Never" = "最后更新 从不";
"Last Updated Today at %@" = "最后更新 今天 %@";
"LEARN MORE" = "学习更多";
"Leave %@?" = "离开 %@?";
"Leave Tweetbot?" = "离开 Tweetbot?";
"Link from Tweetbot" = "来自 Tweetbot 的链接";
"Link Queued" = "链接已加入队列";
"Link Saved Successfully" = "保存链接成功";
"List Followers" = "列表关注者";
"List Members" = "列表成员";
"List Tweets" = "列表内容";
"Listed" = "被列入";
"Lists" = "列表";
"Lists updated successfully." = "列表更新成功.";
"Loading categories…" = "载入分类…";
"Loading lists…" = "载入列表…";
"Loading places…" = "载入区域…";
"Loading saved searches…" = "载入已保存搜索…";
"Loading trends…" = "载入趋势…";
"Loading…" = "载入中…";
"Location" = "位置";
"LOCATIONS" = "位置";
"Locations Not Enabled" = "定位未打开";
"Log in Failed" = "登陆失败";
"Log in Successful" = "登入成功";
"Logging in" = "登入";
"Login" = "登陆";
"Lookup Stock" = "查找股票";
"Mailing List" = "邮送列表";
"Manage Accounts" = "管理帐户";
"Manage List Memberships" = "管理列表成员";
"Map Error" = "地图错误";
"Mark All Messages as Read" = "标记所有消息已读";
"Matching Tweets" = "匹配推文中";
"Medium" = "中等";
"Member Since %@" = "注册时间 %@";
"Member Since %@." = "注册时间 %@.";
"Members: %@" = "成员: %@";
"Mentions" = "提及";
"Message by %@" = "%@ 的私信";
"Messages" = "私信";
"Messages deleted." = "私信已删除.";
"Mobilizer" = "Mobilizer";
"Mobilizer strips javascript, css, and some images to make loading webpages faster. Some sites may not function properly with this feature turned on." = "Mobilizer 将通过忽略 JS脚本,CSS样式表以及部分图片来使网页再入更加快速.在部分站点将导致其功能无法正常运作.";
"More" = "更多";
"Mute" = "静音";
"Mute Client" = "静音客户端";
"Mute Filters" = "静音过滤";
"Mute filters are only applied to your main timeline and lists. Mentions are never muted." = "静音过滤只适用于你自己的时间轴和列表,提及永远不会被静音.";
"Mute Keyword" = "静音关键词";
"Mute Mentions" = "静音提及";
"Muting mentions will not prevent push notifications for those tweets." = "静音提及不会阻止那些推文的推送通知.";
"MY TAGS" = "我的标签";
"Name" = "名字";
"Navigation" = "导航";
"Nearby" = "附近";
"Nearby Tweets" = "附近推文";
"Nearby Tweets with “%@”" = "包含 “%@” 的附近推文";
"Network Connection Busy" = "网络正忙";
"Network Error" = "网络错误";
"New List" = "新建列表";
"New Tweet" = "新建推文";
"NEW TWEETS BAR" = "新推文栏";
"Next" = "下一个";
"No categories found." = "无分类.";
"No Data Found." = "无内容.";
"No Drafts" = "无草稿";
"No Drafts Found." = "无草稿.";
"No Followers Found." = "无关注者.";
"No Hashtags Found." = "无标签.";
"No Lists Found." = "无列表.";
"No lists found." = "无列表.";
"No Location" = "没有位置信息";
"No Mentions Found." = "无提及.";
"No Messages Found." = "无私信.";
"No muted clients found." = "未发现被静音客户端.";
"No muted hashtags found." = "未发现被静音标签.";
"No muted keywords found." = "未发现被静音关键词.";
"No muted users found." = "未发现被静音用户.";
"No People Found." = "无人.";
"No Replies Found." = "无回复.";
"No Retweets Found." = "无转推.";
"No saved searches found." = "无已存搜索.";
"No trends found." = "无排行.";
"No Tweets Found." = "无推文.";
"No URL" = "没有链接";
"None" = "无";
"Not Found" = "未发现";
"Note" = "便签";
"Note from Tweetbot : %@" = "Tweetbot 便签 : %@";
"Nothing Found." = "未发现.";
"Notice" = "通知";
"Notification" = "通知";
"Notifications" = "通知";
"Notifications Only" = "仅通知";
"Now" = "现在";
"Off" = "关闭";
"OFF" = "关闭";
"OK" = "确定";
"ON" = "打开";
"On" = "开启";
"Oops something went wrong." = "抱歉,有些东西出错了.";
"Open" = "打开";
"Open in Maps" = "在地图中打开";
"Open in Safari" = "在Safari中打开";
"OPTIONS" = "选项";
"Over 1 year" = "1年以上";
"Over Limit" = "超出上限";
"Password" = "密码";
"PEOPLE" = "找人";
"People" = "人物";
"People You Follow" = "你关注的人";
"Permission Denied" = "权限被拒绝";
"Persistent" = "保持";
"Pin to Top" = "保持页首";
"Play All" = "播放所有";
"Please make sure location services are enabled." = "请确保定位服务已打开.";
"Please try a different query." = "请尝试不同的查询.";
"Please try again later." = "请稍后再试.";
"Please try again." = "请重试.";
"Please Wait." = "请稍候.";
"Post In Background" = "在后台发送";
"Post Link to Tweet" = "发布此链接";
"Posted %d days ago" = "%d 天前发布";
"Posted Today" = "今天发布";
"Posted Yesterday" = "昨天发布";
"Powerful Gestures." = "强大的手势.";
"Privacy" = "隐私";
"PRIVATE LISTS" = "私有列表";
"Profile" = "用户配置";
"PUBLIC LISTS" = "公开列表";
"Public Reply" = "回复";
"Publishing Issue" = "提交问题";
"Pull Down to Refresh" = "下拉以刷新";
"Quote Format" = "引用格式";
"Quote Tweet" = "引用";
"Read Later" = "稍后再读";
"Receive Email from Tapbots" = "从 Tapbots 接收邮件";
"RECENT TAGS" = "最近标签";
"Regular Expression" = "正则表达式";
"Relative" = "相对时间";
"Relative Timestamp" = "相对时间戳";
"Release to Refresh" = "松开以刷新";
"Remove" = "移除";
"Remove Image" = "移除图像";
"Remove Location" = "移除位置";
"Remove Note" = "移除便签";
"Remove Video" = "移除视频";
"Replies" = "回复";
"Reply" = "回复";
"Reply To All" = "回复所有人";
"Report" = "报告";
"Report for Spam" = "举报";
"Report for Spam?" = "确定要举报?";
"Request Help" = "请求帮助";
"Request Timed Out" = "请求超时";
"Requesting Tokens…" = "正在连接授权页面…";
"Resend" = "重新发送";
"Reset" = "重置";
"Reset Account Cache" = "重置帐号缓存";
"Reset Account Cache?" = "确定要重置帐号缓存?";
"Retrieving Locations…" = "正在定位…";
"Retrieving Location…" = "正在定位…";
"Retry" = "重试";
"Retweet" = "转推";
"Retweet from…" = "转推来自…";
"Retweet to Followers" = "转推";
"Retweeted by " = "转推来自 ";
"Retweeted by You" = "被你转推";
"Retweeted with @%@" = "转推通过 @%@";
"Retweets" = "转推";
"Retweets by Others" = "被转推";
"Review on iTunes" = "在 iTunes 上评论";
"RT @%1$@: %2$@" = "RT @%1$@: %2$@";
"RT with Comment" = "第三方RT";
"Save" = "保存";
"Save as Draft" = "另存为草稿";
"Save Image" = "保存图片";
"Save Video" = "保存视频";
"SAVED SEARCHES" = "已保存搜索";
"Search" = "搜索";
"Search Conversation" = "搜索对话";
"Search Favorites" = "搜索收藏";
"Search Followers" = "搜索关注者";
"Search List" = "搜索列表";
"Search Lists" = "搜索列表";
"Search Mentions" = "搜索提及";
"Search People" = "搜索用户";
"Search Replies" = "搜索回复";
"Search Retweets" = "搜索转推";
"Search Timeline" = "搜索时间轴";
"Search Twitter" = "搜索推特";
"Search Users" = "搜索用户";
"Select" = "选择";
"Select a Location" = "选择一个地址";
"Select a Timeline" = "选择时间轴";
"Select an Account" = "选择账户";
"SELECT AN ACCOUNT" = "选择一个帐号";
"Send" = "发送";
"Send Suggestions" = "发送建议";
"Send to %@" = "发送至 %@";
"Sending…" = "发送中...";
"Service Busy" = "服务忙";
"Service Error" = "服务错误";
"SERVICES" = "服务";
"Settings" = "设置";
"Share" = "分享";
"Sign in with Twitter" = "登入到 Twitter";
"Signing Up" = "注册";
"Sleep" = "休眠";
"SLEEP OPTIONS" = "休眠选项";
"Small" = "小号";
"Sounds" = "声音";
"Standard Quote" = "标准引用";
"Start Time" = "开始时间";
"Start Typing a Name…" = "请输入名字…";
"Start Typing a Tag…" = "请输入标签…";
"Stream" = "数据流(实时更新)";
"Streaming" = "数据流";
"Streaming only works over a WiFi network. Pin to Top is only active when you are at the top of your timeline." = "数据流只在 WiFi 网络下工作. 保持页首只会在当前位于时间轴顶部时激活.";
"Streaming…" = "数据流化中...";
"Subscribed to Lists" = "已订阅列表";
"Subscribers: %@" = "订阅者: %@";
"Support" = "支持";
"Swipe to the right on a tweet to view the conversation and swipe left to view the tweet’s details." = "在推文上向右滑动来浏览对话, 向左滑动来浏览推文详情.";
"Sync" = "同步";
"Take Photo or Video…" = "拍摄照片或视频...";
"Take Photo with Camera+…" = "使用 Camera+ 拍摄照片...";
"Tap here to use one of your lists as your timeline." = "点击这里以时间轴方式查看列表.";
"Tapbots are utility robots designed and engineered for your iPhone and iPod touch. Our applications are easy to use, focused, and lots of fun. We hope our robots will create the same love for software that we have." = "Tapbots 是为的 iPhone 和 iPod touch 而设计的实用机器人.我们的应用程序易于使用,突出重点且很有趣.此程序由 @Semidio7 在 @luofee 基础上修正汉化而成.";
"Tapping in the center of your timeline navigation bar allows you to select and use one of your lists as your timeline." = "点击时间轴导航条的中部,可以选择以时间轴的方式使用列表.";
"Tapping the list icon in the left side of your timeline navigation bar allows you to select and use one of your lists as your timeline." = "单击你的时间轴导航栏左侧的列表按钮将允许你选择一个列表作为你的时间轴.";
"Test Notification System" = "测试通知系统";
"Test Sent" = "测试已发送";
"Text Upload" = "文本上传";
"Thank You for|Purchasing Tweetbot." = "感谢你购买 Tweetbot.";
"Thanks! We have successfully added you to our mailing list." = "感谢! 我们已成功将你加入我们的邮件名单.";
"The last two sections in the tab bar are customizable. Just hold one down for a split second to reveal the tab selector." = "标签栏的最后两项是可自定义的. 按住其中一项可显示定制内容.";
"The last two tabs are customizable. Just tap and hold one." = "最后两个标签是可自定义的. 只需要按住并选择一项即可.";
"The link is requesting to open an external application. Would you like to continue?" = "此链接要求打开一个外部应用程序.你要继续吗?";
"There was a problem authenticating with Twitter. You must sign in again to access your account." = "与 Twitter 验证时出现了一个问题. 你必须再次登录以访问帐号.";
"This account has been imported from iOS. Twitter requires you to authorize Tweetbot to access your DMs and we require it to enable Push Notifications. You will be taken to Twitter’s authorization page." = "这个账户已从 iOS 导入. Twitter 要求你授权 Tweetbot 访问你私信的权限, 以便于启用推送通知. 你将被转至Twiiter 授权页面.";
"This is you" = "这是你";
"This person is following you." = "此人已关注你.";
"This person is not following you." = "此人未关注你.";
"This will delete all cached data on this account. Tweetbot will download all data again once you go into your account." = "这将删除在该帐号上的所有缓存数据. 你下次登陆时,Tweetbot将重新下载所有数据.";
"Timeline" = "时间轴";
"Timeline List Selector." = "时间轴/列表选择.";
"Tiny" = "最小";
"Today at %@" = "今天 %@";
"Top Tweets" = "热门推文";
"Translate" = "翻译";
"Translating Tweet" = "翻译推文";
"Trends" = "趋势";
"Triple Tap" = "三击";
"Tweet" = "发送";
"Tweet by %@" = "%@ 的推文";
"Tweet Link" = "推文链接";
"Tweet Location is currently disabled on your Twitter account. Do you want to open to enable this feature?" = "当前Twitter帐号已禁用位置功能. 你相打开twitter.com启用此功能吗?";
"Tweet Marker syncs the read position with any Twitter client set up with Tweet Marker." = "Tweet Marker 可以同步你的阅读位置至其他支持此服务的Twitter客户端.";
"Tweet Posted!" = "发送成功!";
"Tweet this Conversation" = "推特这个对话";
"Tweet this Filter" = "推特这个过滤器";
"Tweet this Hashtag" = "推特这个话题标签";
"Tweet this Stock" = "推特这个股票";
"Tweet URL" = "转推网址";
"Tweetbot couldn’t find any accounts in iOS. Twitter requires you to authenticate with them. You will be taken to Twitter’s authorization page." = "Tweetbot 未能在 iOS 中找到任何 Twitter 账户.Twitter 要求您与他们验证账户信息.你将会被带至 Twitter 验证页面.";
"Tweetbot doesn’t recognize the data returned." = "Tweetbo 无法识别返回的数据.";
"Tweetbot is a full-featured Twitter client with personality. For a better experience, learn about some of its unique features." = "Tweetbot是一个个性化的全功能Twitter客户端,为了了更好的体验,请了解它的一些独特功能.";
"Tweetbot is unable to send you notifications. You must first go to your iOS Settings → Notifications and enable them for Tweetbot." = "Tweetbot无法向你发送通知.你必须先去将iOS设置→通知里打开.";
"Tweetbot supports Read Later services. You must first select a service in the Account Settings." = "Tweetbot支持稍后阅读服务. 你必须在账号设置里面选择一个服务.";
"Tweets" = "推文";
"Tweets from %@ will be muted" = "推文来自 %@ 将会被静音";
"Tweets from %@ will be unmuted" = "推文来自 %@ 将解除静音";
"Tweets with #%@ will be muted" = "含有 #%@ 的推文将被静音";
"Tweets with #%@ will be muted for %@" = "含有 #%1$@ 的推文将被 %2$@ 静音";
"Tweets with #%@ will be unmuted" = "包含 #%@ 的推文将被取消静音";
"Tweets with “%@”" = "包含 “%@” 的推文";
"Twitter did not accept your updates. Please fix any issues and try again." = "Twitter无法接受你的更改. 请修正后重试.";
"Twitter Failure" = "Twitter失败";
"Twitter is having issues. Please try again later." = "Twitter似乎遇到问题. 请稍后重试.";
"Twitter limits the number of requests you can make in an hour. Please wait %ld more minutes and try again." = "Twitter 限制了你每个小时所能发出的请求数. 请在 %ld 分钟后再此尝试.";
"Twitter limits the number of requests you can make in an hour. Please wait a while and try again." = "Twitter限制了每小时可请求的次数. 请稍等一会再试.";
"Twitter limits the number of streams an account may use concurrently. Please close other Tweetbot streams to re-enable streaming in this app." = "Twitter 限制了一个账户可以同时使用的数据流. 请关闭其他 Tweetbot 实例的数据流功能以重新启用数据流功能.";
"Twitter may take a few minutes to show this new image" = "Twitter可能需要花费几分钟来显示此图像";
"Twitter requires you to authorize Tweetbot to use your account. You will be taken to Twitter’s authorization page." = "Twitter的需要你授权Tweetbot使用你的帐号,将转到Twitter的授权页面.";
"Twitter User #%@" = "Twitter用户 #%@";
"Twitter User #%@." = "Twitter 用户 #%@.";
"Unable to Access Account" = "无法访问帐号";
"Unable to publish. This post has been saved to drafts." = "无法发布.此内容已被保存到草稿.";
"Unable to shorten a URL in this message. Would you like to publish anyway?" = "无法缩短此信息中的网址. 你要发送此消息吗?";
"Unable to Stream Tweets" = "无法流化推文";
"Unblock" = "取消屏蔽";
"Undo Retweet" = "撤消转推";
"Unfavorite queued" = "取消收藏已加入队列";
"Unfavorited" = "取消收藏";
"Unfollow" = "取消关注";
"Unfollow List" = "取消关注列表";
"Unfortunately you don’t have access to push notifications. Notifications are currently experimental and temporarily limited to a certain number of accounts. We are slowly increasing the number as we can.|Please visit for more details." = "不幸的是,你无法访问推送通知.通知目前处于试验阶段,并暂时限制一定数量的帐户使用.我们将慢慢的增加数量.有关详细信息,请访问";
"Unknown Error." = "未知错误.";
"Unknown Trend." = "未知趋势.";
"Unmute" = "取消静音";
"Updating Image" = "更新图片中";
"Upload Failed" = "上传失败";
"URL" = "网站";
"URL Shortening" = "网址缩短";
"URL Shortner Error" = "网址缩短错误";
"Use" = "使用";
"Use Coordinates" = "使用坐标";
"Use Last Photo Taken" = "使用最新的照片";
"Use This Account" = "使用此帐号";
"User Cancelled" = "用户已取消";
"User not found." = "未找到用户.";
"Username" = "用户名";
"Users with “%@”" = "包含 “%@” 的用户";
"via" = "通过";
"via @user" = "via @user";
"Video" = "视频";
"Video from Tweetbot : %@" = "视频来自Tweetbot : %@";
"Video Upload" = "视频上传";
"View Conversation" = "浏览对话";
"View Demo" = "查看演示";
"View Details" = "浏览详情";
"View Help" = "查看帮助";
"View Image…" = "查看图片...";
"View in Favstar" = "在Favstar中查看";
"View List Followers" = "查看列表关注者";
"View List Members" = "查看列表成员";
"View List Owner" = "查看列表所有者";
"View List Tweets" = "查看列表推文";
"View Retweets" = "浏览转推";
"View Trend Definition" = "查看趋势定义";
"View Video…" = "查看视频...";
"View Website" = "查看网站";
"Visual Marker" = "视觉标记";
"web" = "网站";
"Which account do you want to follow @tapbots with?" = "你想用哪个帐号来关注 @tapbots ?";
"Worldwide" = "全球";
"Yesterday at %@" = "昨天 %@";
"You" = "你";
"You are logged in as|%@" = "你已登陆为 %@";
"You are now following @%@" = "你已关注 @%@";
"You are now logged into your account." = "你已登陆.";
"You are posting tweets too fast and Twitter doesn’t like this." = "你发送推文的速度太快了,Twitter不喜欢这样.";
"You can message @%@" = "你可以私信 @%@";
"You can’t follow yourself" = "你不能关注你自己";
"You can’t message @%@" = "你不能私信 @%@";
"You can’t unfollow yourself" = "你不能取消关注你自己";
"You have a pending draft. Drafts are accessible from this menu." = "你有一个挂起的草稿. 按此访问草稿箱.";
"You have already added this account to Tweetbot." = "你已添加了此帐号到Tweetbot.";
"You have already sent a Tweet of the Day to @%@ today, please try again tomorrow." = "你已经向 @%@ 送出了今日 Tweet 奖,请明天再试.";
"You have awarded @%@ Tweet of the Day!" = "你将被授予 @%@ 今日 Tweet 奖!";
"You have blocked @%@" = "你已屏蔽 @%@";
"You have not created any lists. Create lists to use them as multiple timelines. They will become selectable here." = "你还没有创建任何名单. 创建列表像多个时间轴那样使用他们.";
"You have unfollowed @%@" = "你已取消关注 @%@";
"You need the Favstar Bonus Features to award Tweet of the Day." = "要想获得授予今日 Tweet 奖,你需要加入 Favstar 的附加计划.";
"Your Email Address" = "你的邮箱地址";
"Your email will never be shared or sold!" = "你的邮件资料永远不会被共享或出售!";
"Your tweet is over 140 characters. You can either edit it down or save it as a draft to fix later." = "你的推文超过140字符,你可以编辑他或另存为草稿稍后修正.";
"Your Tweets" = "你的推文";
"Your Tweets, Retweeted" = "你的所有推文";
"Your username and/or password is incorrect. Please try again." = "你的用户名/或密码不正确.请重试.";
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