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Created June 28, 2017 09:41
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import BaseWidget from 'widgets/mixins/base/BaseWidget';
import Taggable from 'widgets/mixins/behaviour/Taggable';
type TaggableWidget = BaseWidget & Taggable;
* Find intersection of two intervals: (a, b) and (c, d)
function findIntersection(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number {
if (!(b > c && a < d)) {
return 0;
return Math.min(b, d) - Math.max(a, c);
export default function LyingOnLongest <TBase extends planner.Mixinable<TaggableWidget>>(Base: TBase) {
return class LyingOnLongest extends Base {
public getDefaultDistanceFromFloor(): number {
const items = this.getTaggedItems((item) =>'Unit'));
if (items.length === 0) {
return super.getDefaultDistanceFromFloor();
const thisCenter = this.getActualPosition();
const thisWidth = this.getActualWidth();
const thisCoords = {
startX: thisCenter.x - thisWidth / 2,
endX: thisCenter.x + thisWidth / 2
const groupedData: { [distance: number]: number } = {};
let maxIntersection = 0;
let result = 0;
for (const item of items) {
const center = item.getActualPosition();
const width = item.getActualWidth();
const distance = item.getDistanceFromFloorToTop();
const intersection = findIntersection(thisCoords.startX, thisCoords.endX, center.x - width / 2, center.x + width / 2);
groupedData[distance] = groupedData[distance] || 0;
groupedData[distance] += intersection;
if (groupedData[distance] > maxIntersection) {
maxIntersection = groupedData[distance];
result = distance;
return result;
public setDefaultHeight() {
const current = this.getDistanceFromFloor();
const proposed = this.getDefaultDistanceFromFloor();
if (proposed !== current) {
import Vector2D from 'wrenderer/utils/Vector2D';
import * as stringHelper from 'helpers/StringHelper';
import LyingOnLongest from 'widgets/mixins/behaviour/LyingOnLongest';
define(function (require) {
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var compose = require('compose');
var aspect = require('aspect');
// var wrenderer = require('singleton!wrenderer/Wrenderer');
var planModel = require('singleton!plan/PlanModel');
var worktopData = require('singleton!service/data/WorktopData');
var imageHelper = require('singleton!helpers/ImageHelper');
var constants = require('json!config/constants/constants.json');
var viewModeManager = require('singleton!plan/PlannerViewModeManager');
var worktopOverhangService = require('kitchens/services/WorktopOverhangService');
var worktopConstants = require('json!config/constants/worktop.json');
var worktopsHelper = require('kitchens/helpers/WorktopsHelper');
var worktopEdgesHelper = require('kitchens/helpers/WorktopEdgesHelper');
var worktopConfigurationHelper = require('kitchens/helpers/WorktopConfigurationHelper');
var WorktopCurve = require('widgets/worktops/helpers/WorktopCurve');
var worktopCornersHelper = require('kitchens/helpers/WorktopCornersHelper');
var edgesHelper = require('helpers/EdgeHelper');
var cornersAvailability = require('kitchens/helpers/CornersAvailability');
var clipperHelper = require('helpers/math/ClipperHelper');
var cornerCalculator = require('helpers/calculators/CornerCalculator');
var PopoverOnHover = require('widgets/features/PopoverOnHover');
var _mixins = [
require('widgets/mixins/behaviour/WorktopInnerSnap'), // no
// TODO: Amend DisabledSnappingWorktopBehaviour when IntersectWorktopsFixer will be not necessary
* Checks if item should collide if it's rotation not multiple to 90 degree
function shouldNotHaveRotatedCollision(item) {
return'BasicWorktop') ||'CornerWorktop');
// NOTE: it has dynamic sprite sprites/worktop/BoltsSprite,
// see overridden getSprites method
return LyingOnLongest(compose(_mixins,
* @constructs WorktopWidget
* @memberOf WorktopWidget#
function () {
this.stepsEditable = ['new-worktops'];
this.stepsHoverable = ['new-worktops'];
this.features.addFeature(new PopoverOnHover(this));
this.hoverableAreas = this.hoverableAreas || [];
getAreaPoints: this.getRealPoints.bind(this)
aspect.on(planModel, 'setFrontalRange', () => this.setDefaultHeight());
* @lends WorktopWidget.prototype
* @extends ItemWidget
* @extends BadPlacement
* @extends PreferencesFilterChange
handle: 'worktop',
rotatable: true,
cascadeMovement: false,
doResetBaseRotation: false,
mouseTargetPrecedence: true,
boundingThreshold: 50,
snapper: true,
isWorktop: _.constant(true),
doCustomXYZCollision: true,
canDisableSnapping: _.constant(true),
getSprites: function () {
if (this.step && this.step.isOneOf(['new-worktops', 'notes'])) {
return this.sprites.concat(
} else {
return this.sprites;
customXYZCollision: function (target, collision) {
// enable collision with walls when worktop is snapped to another worktop or current worktop is corner worktop
var shouldCollideWithWalls = &&'Worktop') ||'CornerWorktop');
if ('OuterWall') || (shouldCollideWithWalls &&'Wall')) ||'Worktop')) {
this.standardXYZCollision(target, collision);
to3dObject: compose.after(function () {
var item = this.threeDObject;
item.worktop = this.get3dDefaults();
getFeatureData: function () {
var data = false;
if (!this.isAnyOf('ButcherBlock', 'Upstand')) {
data = {
worktopItemId: this.itemId,
cutouts: [],
notches: this.getNotches()
return data;
getNotches: function () {
var notches = {};
var taggedButcherBlocks = this.getTaggedItems(_.method('is', 'ButcherBlock'));
var subjectShape = this.getRealPoints();
var edges = worktopEdgesHelper.getMappedEdges(this);
taggedButcherBlocks.forEach(function (butcher) {
var cutOutShape = butcher.getRealPoints();
var intersection = clipperHelper.getIntersectionArea([subjectShape], [cutOutShape])[0];
if (!intersection) {
var adjacentEdge = _.find(edges, function (edgeMap) {
return _.any(intersection, function (point) {
return edgeMap.edge.has(point);
if (!adjacentEdge) {
var sortedPoints = worktopEdgesHelper.sortAgainstEdgeStart(intersection, adjacentEdge.edge);
if (notches[adjacentEdge.side]) {
notches[adjacentEdge.side] = notches[adjacentEdge.side].concat(sortedPoints);
} else {
notches[adjacentEdge.side] = sortedPoints;
}, this);
return notches;
get3dDefaults: function () {
var data = {
features: [],
notchPoints: {
back: [],
right: [],
front: [],
left: []
cornerConfig: [0, 0, 0, 0],
surfaceColour: 'None',
edgeColour: 'None'
return data;
getMaxOverhang: function () {
return worktopOverhangService.getMaximumOverhang(this);
getMinOverhang: function () {
return worktopOverhangService.getMinimumOverhang(this);
getSnapPriority: compose.around(function (base) {
return function (widget) {
if ('Worktop')) {
return 3;
return, widget);
getRealEdges: function () {
if ('CornerWorktop')) {
var offset;
if ('InternalCurveWorktop')) {
offset = worktopConstants.LARGE_CURVE_CORNER_EDGE_OFFSET;
} else if ('InternalSquareWorktop')) {
offset = worktopConstants.SQUARE_CORNER_EDGE_OFFSET;
} else if ('ExternalSplayWorktop')) {
offset = worktopConstants.LARGE_SPLAY_CORNER_EDGE_OFFSET;
} else {
throw '[WorktopWidget#getRealEdges] unknown corner worktop';
var matrix = this.getTranslationMatrix();
var points = [];
if ('InternalSquareWorktop')) {
points.push(new Vector2D(0, 0));
points.push(new Vector2D(this.getWidth(), 0));
points.push(new Vector2D(this.getWidth(), offset));
points.push(new Vector2D(offset, offset));
points.push(new Vector2D(offset, this.getDepth()));
points.push(new Vector2D(0, this.getDepth()));
} else { // curve or splay
points.push(new Vector2D(0, 0));
points.push(new Vector2D(this.getWidth(), 0));
points.push(new Vector2D(this.getWidth(), offset));
points.push(new Vector2D(this.worktop.module.w, offset));
points.push(new Vector2D(offset, this.worktop.module.d));
points.push(new Vector2D(offset, this.getDepth()));
points.push(new Vector2D(0, this.getDepth()));
var edges = edgesHelper.getEdgesFromPoints(, function (point) {
return point.applyMatrix(matrix.m);
return edges.filter(function (edge) {
return edge[0].getDistance(edge[1]) > 1;
if (this.isCutted()) {
var translationMatrix = this.getTranslationMatrix().m;
return edgesHelper.getEdgesFromPoints('applyMatrix', translationMatrix)));
return this.getEdges();
isTargetOverhangItem: function (item) {
return item.isAnyOf('BaseUnit', 'Appliance') && item.getDistanceFromFloorToTop() === this.getDistanceFromFloor();
isBasicWorktop: function () {
return !this.isCornerWorktop();
doCollisionWith: function (item) {
if (this.isSnappingDisabled()) {
return false;
if ('SnappingDisabled')) {
return false;
var isSideElevationMode = viewModeManager.isSideElevationMode();
if (isSideElevationMode) {
return item.getOverlapLevel && item.getOverlapLevel() === this.getOverlapLevel();
if (Math.abs(this.getRotation() - item.getRotation()) % 90 > 1) {
if (shouldNotHaveRotatedCollision(this) && shouldNotHaveRotatedCollision(item)) {
return false;
return'Wall') ||
('Worktop') && !'ButcherBlock') && !'Upstand'));
getTaggedForPlacement: function () {
var itemsToExclude = ['PipeBoxing', 'ButcherBlock', 'Stool'];
return this.getTaggedItems(function (taggedItem) {
return'SubjectForPlacementCheck') && !taggedItem.isAnyOf(itemsToExclude) ||
(!this.isCutted() &&'AngledWall'));
}, this);
cascadeWith: compose.after(function (item) {
if (viewModeManager.isSideElevationMode()) {
if ('SinkTop')) {
return true;
if (!'Upstand') &&'Upstand')) {
var taggedItem = _.find(item.taggedItems, {itemId: this.itemId});
return !!taggedItem;
} else {
if ('Worktop')) {
return false;
hasResizeableFlag: function () {
var resizeableFlag = _.get(this, 'model.worktop.module.resizeable', '0');
return Number(resizeableFlag) === 1;
isResizable: function () {
return !viewModeManager.isSideElevationMode() && this.hasResizeableFlag();
getSidesToResize: compose.after(function () {
if (this.isCornerWorktop()) {
var title = _.get(this, 'model.worktop.title');
if (worktopsHelper.isRightHandedCorner(title)) {
return [this.LEFT];
} else if (worktopsHelper.isLeftHandedCorner(title)) {
return [this.FRONT];
// Override this method for each shape to provide custom handles
getHandleConfig: compose.after(function () {
if (this.isCornerWorktop()) {
var handles = [];
var x = 600 / this.getWidth() - 1;
var z = 600 / this.getDepth() - 1;
side: 'top',
type: 'edge',
adjust: 'depth',
position: new Vector2D(x, -1),
normal: new Vector2D(0, -1),
enabled: this.canAdjustSide(this.BACK)
side: 'bottom',
type: 'edge',
adjust: 'depth',
position: new Vector2D(x, 1),
normal: new Vector2D(0, 1),
enabled: this.canAdjustSide(this.FRONT)
side: 'left',
type: 'edge',
adjust: 'width',
position: new Vector2D(-1, z),
normal: new Vector2D(-1, 0),
enabled: this.canAdjustSide(this.RIGHT)
side: 'right',
type: 'edge',
adjust: 'width',
position: new Vector2D(1, z),
normal: new Vector2D(1, 0),
enabled: this.canAdjustSide(this.LEFT)
return handles;
doResizeUpTo: function (item) {
if ('Island')) {
return false;
if ('AngledWall')) {
return false;
if ('Unit')) {
return false;
return this.doCollisionWith(item);
handleSnappingAt: compose.before(function () {
var vSize = this.getVerticalSize();
if ( && this.snapNormal && this.snapEdges) {
if ('Wall')) {
var offset = this.getWallOffset();
if ('Island')) {
if ('IslandWorktop')) {
offset = -vSize / 2;
} else if ('BreakfastBar')) {
offset = -vSize + 602;
} else {
offset = 0;
} else if (this.getWallOffset() < 0) {
offset = 0;
if (offset !== this.getWallOffset()) {
getBestIntersectionRange: function (worktopEdge, intersectionAxis) {
var isValidIntersect = function (intersect, worktopEdge) {
if (_.isNaN(intersect.x) && _.isNaN(intersect.z)) {
return false;
var threshold = 2;
var maxXCoord = planModel.getRoomLength();
var maxZCoord = planModel.getRoomWidth();
// Get the very left (top) coordinate of worktop's edge
var leftCoord = Math.min(worktopEdge[0][intersectionAxis], worktopEdge[1][intersectionAxis]);
// Get the very right (bottom) coordinate of worktop's edge
var rightCoord = Math.max(worktopEdge[0][intersectionAxis], worktopEdge[1][intersectionAxis]);
var isIntersectInsideRoom = intersect.x >= 0 && intersect.x <= maxXCoord &&
intersect.z >= 0 && intersect.z <= maxZCoord;
var isIntersectOnWidgetEdge = leftCoord <= intersect[intersectionAxis] + threshold &&
rightCoord >= intersect[intersectionAxis] - threshold;
return isIntersectInsideRoom && isIntersectOnWidgetEdge;
var calcVector = new Vector2D();
var taggedWalls = this.getTaggedItems(function (item) {
var intersectionData = _(taggedWalls)
.map(function (taggedWall) {
var wallEdges = taggedWall.getEdges();
var intersections =, function (wallEdge) {
var worktopEdgeVector = new Vector2D(worktopEdge[0].x - worktopEdge[1].x, worktopEdge[1].z - worktopEdge[0].z);
var wallEdgeVector = new Vector2D(wallEdge[0].x - wallEdge[1].x, wallEdge[1].z - wallEdge[0].z);
var isParallel = worktopEdgeVector.isParallelToWithRounding(wallEdgeVector);
var intersect = calcVector.getPlaneIntersect(worktopEdge[0], worktopEdge[1], wallEdge[0], wallEdge[1]);
if (intersect && !isParallel && isValidIntersect(intersect, worktopEdge)) {
return {
item: taggedWall,
coord: intersect[intersectionAxis]
} else {
return null;
return _.compact(intersections);
var ranges = [];
var minWorktopLength = 20;
_.each(intersectionData, function (intersection, index) {
var nextIntersection = intersectionData[index + 1];
if (nextIntersection && nextIntersection.item !== intersection.item) {
var rangeLength = nextIntersection.coord - intersection.coord;
if (rangeLength < minWorktopLength) {
start: intersection.coord,
end: nextIntersection.coord,
length: rangeLength
if (_.isEmpty(ranges)) {
return null;
return _.max(ranges, 'length');
* Resize and move the worktop to make it fit in the given area
* @returns {boolean}
resizeWorktop: function () {
if (!this.isAdjustable() ||'CornerWorktop') || this.isSnappingDisabled()) {
return false;
var baseRotation = this.getBaseRotation();
var isRotated = baseRotation === 90 || baseRotation === 270;
var horizontalAxis = isRotated ? 'z' : 'x';
var verticalAxis = isRotated ? 'x' : 'z';
var topEdgeIntersectionRange = this.getBestIntersectionRange(this.getTopEdgePoints(), horizontalAxis);
var bottomEdgeIntersectionRange = this.getBestIntersectionRange(this.getBottomEdgePoints(), horizontalAxis);
if (topEdgeIntersectionRange || bottomEdgeIntersectionRange) {
var topIntersectionLength = topEdgeIntersectionRange ? topEdgeIntersectionRange.length : 0;
var bottomIntersectionLength = bottomEdgeIntersectionRange ? bottomEdgeIntersectionRange.length : 0;
var worktopEdgePoints = topIntersectionLength > bottomIntersectionLength ? this.getTopEdgePoints() : this.getBottomEdgePoints();
var worktopStart = _.min([worktopEdgePoints[0][horizontalAxis], worktopEdgePoints[1][horizontalAxis]]);
var worktopEnd = _.max([worktopEdgePoints[0][horizontalAxis], worktopEdgePoints[1][horizontalAxis]]);
var largestWidthRange = _.max([topEdgeIntersectionRange, bottomEdgeIntersectionRange], 'length');
var newWidth = largestWidthRange.length;
var rotation = this.getRotationByNormal(this.getEdgeNormal(this.getTopEdgePoints()));
if (isRotated) {
rotation = rotation - 90;
var rotationInRads = rotation * (Math.PI / 180);
* Offset worktop by deltaX and deltaZ
* /|
* / |
* t/ |
* e/ |
* s/ | deltaZ
* f/ |
* f/ |
* o/ alpha |
* /________|
* deltaX
var cosAlpha = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotationInRads));
var deltaX = (largestWidthRange.start - worktopStart + (largestWidthRange.end - worktopEnd)) / 2;
var deltaZ = deltaX * Math.tan(rotationInRads);
var newXPosition = this[horizontalAxis] + deltaX;
var newZPosition = this[verticalAxis] + deltaZ;
this.setHorizontalSize(newWidth / cosAlpha);
this[horizontalAxis] = newXPosition;
this[verticalAxis] = newZPosition;
return true;
return false;
determineAutoRotate: function (target, snapNormal) {
var autoRotate = false;
if (target && snapNormal) {
var rotatedItems = ['AngledWall', 'Island'];
if (target.isAnyOf(rotatedItems)) {
autoRotate = true;
// See if we need to check that the "default" edge is at the front (facing away from the wall)
if (!this.hasCustomizedCorners()) {
this.getTaggedItems().forEach(function (item) {
if (this.getRotationNormal().negate().equals(item.getRotationNormal(), 0.004) &&'Wall')) {
this.setBaseRotation(this.getBaseRotation() - 180);
}, this);
} else {
var neededRotation = this.getNeededRotation();
if (neededRotation !== 0) {
this.setBaseRotation(this.getBaseRotation() + neededRotation);
return autoRotate;
appendChildProcesses: function (buffer) {
this.getSnappedItems().forEach(function (item) {
var process = item.toWorktopProcess && item.toWorktopProcess();
if (process) {
if (buffer[process]) {
buffer[process] += 1;
} else {
buffer[process] = 1;
appendSundries: function (buffer) {
var sundries = this.getSundries();
for (var property in sundries) {
if (sundries.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
var qty = sundries[property];
if (qty > 0) {
var process = stringHelper.toHandle(property);
if (buffer[process]) {
buffer[process] += qty;
} else {
buffer[process] = qty;
appendShaping: function (buffer) {
var corners = this.getWorktopCurveArray();
corners.forEach(function (corner) {
var legacyCorner = worktopCornersHelper.convertCornerToLegacyCorner(corner, this);
var process = worktopData.getShapeProcessByTypeAndValue(legacyCorner.type, legacyCorner.value);
if (process) {
var handle = stringHelper.toHandle(process);
buffer[handle] = buffer[handle] ? buffer[handle] + 1 : 1;
}, this);
getProcesses: function () {
var buffer = {};
var processes = [];
for (var property in buffer) {
if (buffer.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
var process = {
process: property,
quantity: buffer[property]
return processes;
getEdgebandingLength: function () {
var edgebandingConfig = this.getEdgebandingConfig();
var width = this.getWidth();
var depth = this.getDepth();
var edgebandingLengthMm = 0;
if (edgebandingConfig.front) {
edgebandingLengthMm += width;
if (edgebandingConfig.back) {
edgebandingLengthMm += width;
if (edgebandingConfig.left) {
edgebandingLengthMm += depth;
if (edgebandingConfig.right) {
edgebandingLengthMm += depth;
if (edgebandingConfig.curve) {
edgebandingLengthMm += cornerCalculator.getCornerLength(this);
return edgebandingLengthMm;
* Get a proposed height to set the worktop above based on
* units below constants.worktopHoistThreshold
getDefaultDistanceFromFloor: () => constants.worktopLineFromFloor,
* Trigger a height adjustment to update any tagged items
* that care about the worktop
updateWorktopChildren: function () {
var filter = function (item) {
if ('Upstand')) {
var items = this.getTaggedItems(filter);
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
var item = items[i];
isBasketClickable: function () {
return false;
setDepthFromPanel: function (depth) {
if (!this.taggedWalls || this.taggedWalls.length < 1) {
} else {
setWidthFromPanel: function (width) {
if (!this.taggedWalls || this.taggedWalls.length < 1) {
} else {
isBaseLayerItem: function () {
return false;
isWallLayerItem: function () {
return false;
isWorktopLayerItem: function () {
return true;
getInfoForPopover: function () {
var worktop = this.worktop;
if (!worktop) {
return null;
var info = {
imgSrc: imageHelper.getWorktopColourImageUrl(this.getSurfaceColour()),
material: this.getMaterial(),
colour: this.getSurfaceColour(),
thickness: this.getSelectedHeight(),
profile: this.getEdgeProfile()
if (worktopsHelper.isLuxuryLaminate(this.getMaterial())) {
info.edgeBanding = this.getEdgeColour();
return info;
getListOfTabsForConfigurationPopup: function () {
return worktopConfigurationHelper.getListOfTabsForConfigurationPopup(this);
isBreakfastBar: function () {
return _.get(this.model, 'worktop.worktopType') === constants.worktopType.BreakfastBar;
getNormalsToCollide: function () {
var normals;
if (!this.isHorizontallyMovable()) {
normals = [,
} else {
normals = this.getAllSideNormals();
return normals;
getSelectedHeight: function () {
return this.getHeight();
setSelectedHeight: function (height) {
this.selectedHeight = height;
var heightInt = worktopsHelper.convertThicknessToHeight(height);
var distanceFromFloor = this.getDistanceFromFloor();
updateCorners: function () {
var corners = this.worktopCurve.getRaw();
this.worktopCurve.setCustom( (cornerId, index) {
var isAvailable = cornersAvailability.isCornerConfigAvailableForCorner(this, index, {id: cornerId});
return isAvailable ? cornerId : worktopCornersHelper.getUnfinishedCornerConfig().id;
}, this));
populateObject: compose.after(function (model) {
this.worktop = model.worktop || {};
this.selectedHeight = model.selectedHeight;
this.worktopCurve = new WorktopCurve();
var originalCurves = _.get(model.worktop, ['module', 'curve'], worktopCornersHelper.defaultCornersConfig());
if (model.corners) {
// Handle legacy specialists' corners
var convertedConfig = worktopCornersHelper.convertLegacyCornersConfig(model.corners);
originalCurves = convertedConfig;
_.set(model, 'worktop.module.curve', convertedConfig);
if (model.customCurveConfig) {
if (model.automaticCurveConfig) {
this.snappingDisabled = _.get(model, 'worktop.snappingDisabled');
toPlanObject: compose.after(function () {
var item = this.planObject.item;
item.worktop = this.worktop;
var notRequiredGroups = _.get(this.model, 'notRequiredGroups', {});
var configuredProducts = _.get(this.model, 'configuredProducts', {});
item.selectedHeight = this.getSelectedHeight();
item.notRequiredGroups = notRequiredGroups;
item.configuredProducts = configuredProducts;
if (this.worktopCurve.isCustomised()) {
item.customCurveConfig = this.worktopCurve.getRaw().join('');
if (this.worktopCurve.automatic) {
item.automaticCurveConfig = this.worktopCurve.automatic.join('');
// Legacy edge profiles config support
// TODO: remove
if (this.model.legacyEdgebandingConfig) {
item.legacyEdgebandingConfig = this.model.legacyEdgebandingConfig;
_.set(item, 'worktop.snappingDisabled', this.snappingDisabled);
return this.planObject;
getOverlapLevel: _.constant(3),
getEdgebandingConfig: function () {
if (worktopsHelper.isLaminate(this.getMaterial())) {
return {};
if ('CornerWorktop')) {
return {
curve: true
// Legacy edge profiles config support
// TODO: remove
if (this.model.legacyEdgebandingConfig) {
return this.model.legacyEdgebandingConfig;
// don't replace with just 'Wall' because islands should not trigger this (needed for stealth islands)
var isTaggedToWall = this.isTaggedToAny('OuterWall', 'InternalWall');
var isIslandSpecialist = worktopsHelper.isSpecialist(this.getMaterial()) && !isTaggedToWall;
if (worktopsHelper.isSquareEdgeProfile(this.getEdgeProfile()) || isIslandSpecialist) {
return {
front: true,
back: true,
left: true,
right: true
if (!this.hasCustomizedCorners()) {
return {
front: true
var curves = this.getWorktopCurveArray();
return {
front: curves[2] || curves[3],
back: curves[0] || curves[1],
left: curves[1] || curves[2],
right: curves[3] || curves[0]
getFullWorktopLength: function () {
return parseInt(this.worktop.module.w, 10);
getFullWorktopDepth: function () {
return parseInt(this.worktop.module.d, 10);
isConfiguredForBasket: function () {
var material = this.getMaterial();
if (!material) {
return false;
if (((worktopsHelper.isSpecialist(material) || worktopsHelper.isTimber(material)) && !this.isAnyOf(['Upstand', 'ButcherBlock'])) && !this.getEdgeProfile()) {
return false;
if (worktopsHelper.isLuxuryLaminate(material) && !this.getEdgeColour()) {
return false;
if (!this.getSelectedHeight()) {
return false;
if (!this.getSurfaceColour()) {
return false;
if ('Upstand') && worktopsHelper.isCorian(this.getMaterial()) && _.isEmpty(this.getUpstandType())) {
return false;
return true;
isConfigured: function () {
if (this.shouldHaveUnderside() && !this.getUnderside()) {
return false;
if (!this.isConfiguredForBasket()) {
return false;
return true;
shouldHaveUnderside: _.constant(false),
setUpstandType: _.noop,
getUpstandType: _.noop,
isSubjectForPlacementCheck: function () {
return !this.isSnappingDisabled();
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