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Last active February 22, 2018 12:10
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Collin Tyrell

As the Principal of the Pioneer 2 colony ship, he has the highest position of authority onboard, including the military duties of governor-general and those of top political executive. He is an austere, just man of integrity, and is very popular with his subordinates and the colonists.

He is a widower and the father of the famed Hunter hero, Red Ring Rico. He has become deeply involved with his official duties in order to hide his deep concern for his only daughter's safety; one rarely catches a glimpse of the emotional hardship that he suffers.

On their home planet, Tyrell served as a high-ranking government officer and knew Heathcliff Flowen. There are rumors that he has a history with the Hunters, and compared to other political figures, his trust and faith in their organization is quite high.

Rico Tyrell

Beyond being the daughter of Pioneer 2's Principal, Rico Tyrell has established quite a name for herself in her own right, both as a Hunter and a scientist. The people affectionately call her 'Red Ring Rico,' due to a red armband accessory that she always wears. Her trademark 'Red' weapon set was crafted for her by Heathcliff Flowen.

As a young girl, she showed great talent, and spent a large amount of time in the company of heroes such as Flowen and Donoph. These men acted as father figures and helped to shape her as she grew as a Hunter. Now she effectively represents the modern generation of Hunters.

In order to escape the confines of her father's authority, Rico signed onboard Pioneer 1, along with Flowen. Holding several doctoral degrees in science and linguistics, she took part in the surface exploration parties in charge of survival assistance and terraforming. She also founded the self-defense team that was in charge of investigating Ragol's bizarre mutants, but her entire group was destroyed in the mysterious explosion incident. Hunters have confirmed that she was the only survivor after finding message pods she left highlighting her ongoing investigations after the accident. Rico's current fate and whereabouts are unknown.

Heathcliff Flowen

This military hero known as "Sir Greybeard" is the adoptive father of Alicia Baz, and mentor to Red Ring Rico. Along with Zoke Miyama and Donoph Baz, he is one the heroes of the previous generation. The three of them together fought many battles for their home nation, and later became high-ranking government officials. However, the trio parted ways when Flowen’s comrades became disgusted with the government's activities, and absconded, while Flowen himself remained. Despite being a military man, he had a very influential voice in political affairs. To this day, the military still uses Flowen's weapon designs, and the man himself is seen as a model by which to live.

He joined the Pioneer 1 crew as Deputy Commander. There is reason to believe that the report received by Pioneer 2 shortly before entering Ragol orbit, which announced Flowen's death, was fabricated. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Dr. Osto Hyle

As an authority in the fields of genetic engineering, bionics, and mechanical engineering, he served as the Lab Chief on the Pioneer 1 Research Team. Fellow scientific magnate, Dr. Montague, also joined up with the project aboard Pioneer 2. Together, the scientific pair invented and developed "Mags." The two also initiated a series of plans known as the MOTHER Project, which caused interference and resistance against several organizations, beginning with the military...

Dr. Osto was deeply interested in the ecosystem of Ragol, and studied a previously unknown set of lifeforms with D-cellular structure, secretly sending the results of his research back to Coral. The results showed that these creatures had been restructured on a genetic level by some kind of intelligent scientific design. Fascinated by these newly-evolved lifeforms, he immersed himself fully in his studies. There is the possibility that the many strange mutants now found on Ragol may be the results of his experiments.

Regretfully, it has been confirmed that Dr. Osto Hyle is deceased.

Jean-Carlo Montague

The genius of this renowned young scientist is on par with the great Dr. Osto Hyle. While his mannerisms and attitude are unbearably off-putting, he is not a malicious person at heart. He is an authority on biomechanics and mechanical engineering, with his primary specialty in Photon Engineering. Part of this field involves weapon construction, and in that area, Montague excels. While not as talented as Dr. Osto, he also holds a doctorate degree in genetic engineering.

He worked alongside Dr. Osto in developing Mags and initiated plans for the MOTHER Project. Once Hyle had departed aboard Pioneer 1, however, Montague executed a sweeping change of plans for the Project. With an enormous budget at his disposal, he pioneered a new form of emotional A.I., and developed the androids Ult (Prototype) and Elenor Camuel. Shortly after instituting these changes, the military assumed control of the funding of projects. At this point, even Montague's daily life on Coral was under total military direction.

Later, the military decided to incorporate Montague's plan with the launch of Pioneer 2; intending to continue the Project on Ragol. Montague insisted that he be put in charge, claiming that he needed to be responsible for the project, and joined the ranks of the Pioneer 2 crew. In reality, Montague wanted to escape governmental supervision, and had grown intrigued by Hyle's data reports on the bizarre lifeforms he was studying. He also had a certain scientific interest, as well as a sense of pride in having an environment in which to test out Elenor.

The military then seized the android prototype Ult. After this incident, Montague took Elenor and went into hiding; the whereabouts of Ult are also currently unknown. With Dr. Hyle dead, Montague may be the only living person who holds the key to the MOTHER Project.

Leo Grahart

Formerly Captain of the Space Mechanized Mobile Infantry 32 nd WORKS Division, he comes from a very distinguished military family lineage. He is currently a high-ranking official in Coral's Alliance of Nations and through his hard work and charisma, he founded WORKS. His trustworthiness and influence grew, but he ended up with too much power. As a result, the government, in order to halt his actions, ordered the more skilled members of WORKS to join the crew of Pioneer 1, leaving Leo with what weak portion of WORKS remained behind. The current WORKS division on Pioneer 2 is vastly inferior to the previous force.

In the hope of regrouping with his personal team among the WORKS forces on Pioneer 1, Leo took his family and remaining supporters on Pioneer 2 with him, but the explosion on Ragol's surface destroyed what plans he had. He currently commands a nearly-powerless WORKS force on Pioneer 2, along with some trusted companions, secretly working against the MOTHER Project behind the scenes.

His father was the leader of the special military tactical force "Team 00," but was killed during training. There is talk that this was a government assassination, and at the same time as that incident, Leo lost one of his arms in a tragic "accident." These incidents have led people to see a sort of cat-and-mouse rivalry between WORKS forces and the governmental assassination group, Black Paper.


Coral (The Homeworld)

This is the planet from which the people of Pioneer 1 and Pioneer 2 emigrated.

The entire planet had been caught under the chaos and turmoil of war, and as a result, the environment and ecosystem began to collapse. Due to the high degree of infighting, the power held by the military grew, and as of present, the government and the military have an unusually close relationship.

The Pioneer Project was the brainchild of the most powerful national group on Coral, the Alliance of Nations.

Pioneer 2 Principal Government

The office of Principal Colin Tyrell oversees all government functions aboard Pioneer 2.

While nominally having a cooperative relationship with the government, organizations with strong homeworld backing like the military and the Lab have their own plans and agendas about which Tyrell knows nothing.

Due to the rapidly-changing situation on the planet Ragol, as well as the strange activities of other organizations, the Principal and his office have formed their own security team and research team.

Pioneer Military

The bulk of the military forces for the Pioneer Project were sent aboard Pioneer 1 due to initial colonization duties. Pioneer 2 is populated mostly by ordinary citizens, and therefore their forces are quite limited in terms of both manpower and weaponry. As a result, they have fallen behind the hunters in terms of strength and clout.

However, there are rumors that WORKS, a secret military faction headed by Leo Grahart, is currently conducting maneuvers behind the scenes...


WORKS (Military Special Ops Task Force)

This is the colloquial name for the 32 nd Space Mechanized Mobile Infantry.

Because they grew to such power within Coral's military forces, the government assigned the division's captain, Leo Grahart, to a non-military rank government office. Furthermore, Grahart's own inner circle of elite troops were all assigned to special duty aboard Pioneer 1, in order to further weaken the core of their might and influence.

As for the WORKS force aboard Pioneer 2, Grahart does have a number of followers, and he has some type of operation in motion, but his supporter on the technical side, Professor Montague, has disappeared. Any details of the operation itself are shrouded in secrecy. There are also rumors that the Lab has some hand in strange dealings.

The government's directly-controlled special ops force, Black Paper, while officially a cooperating entity with WORKS, is actually working against them.

Pioneer 1 Research Group

Pioneer 1 Research Group (P1 Lab)

Pioneer 1's research team was headed by Dr. Osto Hyle, and was charged with study and experimentation of Ragol's native wildlife, including genetic engineering.

Whereas Pioneer 2's research group operates in the public eye, the P1 Lab carried out the combined intentions of the government and military behind the scenes.

During the initial colonization, they set up an underground facility in order to study previously-unknown energy dynamics. Also, Dr. Hyle set up another facility on Gal Da Val Island, away from the Central Dome, for the purposes of carrying out bioengineering experiments.

It is believed that the energy experiments were part of the homeworld's plan all along, but that Dr. Hyle conducted the large-scale biological experiments on his own accord, outside of any project guidelines approved by Coral.

Pioneer 2 Research Group

Pioneer 2 Research Group (P2 Lab)

The Pioneer 2 Research Group was set up to be the primary establishment for analyzing Ragol research data, performing additional genetic and mechanical engineering tasks, as well as Photon energy research and experimentation. They report to both the Principal and to Coral.

There was strong support from the military side for Dr. Montague, but the current government-appointed Lab Chief is Natasha Millarose. The organization, despite existing aboard Pioneer 2, has strong backing from the homeworld, and has achieved a strong degree of independence. Nominally, they work under the orders of the Principal, but they have been known to operate with military and government backing without reporting these functions.

Black Paper

Black Paper (Government Special Ops Task Force)

Known to most as an underworld syndicate that operates in the shadows.

On the surface, they appear to be a small organization, but they are actually the secret ops task force under direct control of the Alliance of Nations on Coral. On Ragol, they carry out their activities in secret, working to recover data and information regarding the research performed by Pioneer 1 on behalf of the Alliance of Nations.

Recently, there have been rumors that they have been operating in concert with the Pioneer 2 Lab.

Leo Grahart's WORKS team is ostensibly cooperating with them, but in reality, the two organizations are at odds in their goals.

Hunters' Guild

This is under the direct jurisdiction of Principal Tyrell himself.

Nowadays, hunters perform a wide variety of tasks, such as providing bodyguard service, reclaiming lost valuables, and other beneficial services. Until recently, they had been seen as little more than a gang of uncultured rogues, looked down upon by the public and especially so by upper-class citizens. In order to create a more useful organization, they were put under governmental management.

Back on Coral, when this move was first made, a number of hunters decided to remain unaffiliated, and worked as mercenaries in the multitude of internal planetary conflicts. Because of this, hunters established quite a name and reputation for themselves and there is a great deal of enmity between hunters and the military.

Even aboard Pioneer 2, with the Principal's specially sanctioned status for hunters, there exists a gap between the lifestyle of average and high-class citizen and hunters. However, as the reputation of hunters performing good deeds for the people has grown, the general outlook toward them has improved greatly, and their numbers are growing rapidly as more and more aspiring folk (as well as people with a need to duck out of the public eye) join their ranks.

Pioneer Project

This is the name given to the large-scale emigration project devised by the people of the planet Coral when it was learned that their planet's ecosystem was collapsing.

The project began with the search for a suitable planet to colonize. Out of countless unmanned probes that were sent into the reaches of space, only one responded with the signal of having discovered such a planet. This planet was dubbed "Ragol."

After the discovery of Ragol, work quickly went into the production of the hyperspace colony vessel set to lead the colonization effort, Pioneer 1.

Due to the high number of unknown factors surrounding this new world, a well-equipped military presence and a number of highly-skilled professionals were sent to accompany the ship's immigrant crew. The war hero Heathcliff Flowen was assigned on board, as was the renowned genetic engineer Dr. Osto Hyle. Also aboard the ship was hunter and scientist "Red Ring" Rico Tyrell. This primary group was hand-picked by governmental authorities to set up a strong presence on this new world.

Pioneer 1 was launched in AUW 3076. When it arrived at Ragol, the crew began construction on the Central Dome, set to be the home base of the fledgling colony and serve as the command center for task forces securing the surrounding area for the second wave of settlers.

Seven years later, construction of the Central Dome was complete. With that, clearance was given for the second colony ship, Pioneer 2, to make its way to the planet.


In ages long past, mankind performed experiments to study "ether," a substance that was believed to be an intrinsic element that existed in empty space.

It was eventually discovered that "Photons" in the atmosphere were responsible for binding the universe together. In other words, all forms of energy in the atmosphere could be grouped together to form "Photons."

One of the most revolutionary devices in the history of mankind was the Photon Generator, which was able to take raw atmospheric energy and reduce it down to its particulate nature in order to extract Photons.

As research continued, more and more uses were found for the practical application of Photon energy. It was soon discovered that using certain minerals as the source for Photons made it possible to harness this energy to create Photon weapons.

This new energy source was a double-edged sword: Photon energy had saved the world from its energy crisis and spurred on scientific advancement, yet it also doomed the nations of the world into falling into another arms race in the name of war and self-defense.


On Coral, one of the most rapidly-advancing areas of scientific research was Photon Technology.

One event that accelerated the development was a meteor impact, which caused a tremendous earthquake.

Cells of previously-undiscovered lifeforms were detected on the surface of the meteor, and from those cells, a previously-undiscovered form of energy was detected. This unexplainable phenomenon was termed the "D-Factor."

The D-Factor bore a striking resemblance to the high-technology Photons that mankind had developed. Renowned and esteemed scientists began research on this energy signature, thinking that it could shed some light into unlocking the secrets of Photon energy. The Photons that were produced by artificial means had no "will" to them, and were simply pure energy. The D-Factor, however, did seem to have a sort of "will," as if its very nature were urging it to evolve into something else.

The most stunning property of D-Factor’s effects on natural and artificial lifeforms alike was its ability to infect, fuse, divide, transmit, and interfere with functions. Despite competition between varying organizations in their research, mankind's unlocking the secrets of the D-Factor is still far off. "Emotional AI" was developed for the expressed purpose of controlling the D-Factor; lifeforms that become infected with the D-Factor are known as D-Cellular Lifeforms.

MOTHER Project

Photon Technology had become indispensable in ensuring the future of the human race, and yet science itself had not been responsible for these advances.

The meteor impact on Coral... The discovery of the D-Cells on the meteor... The discovery of the D-Factor within those cells, which so resembled Photons...

Science demanded, "We must investigate these D-Cells from the meteor if ever we are to find the true nature of Photon Energy!"

And so, renowned and esteemed scientists began research on this energy signature, thinking that it could shed some light into unlocking the secrets of Photon Energy. The first result was the joint creation of the two genius scientists Professor Osto Hyle and Professor Jean-Carlo Montague: the Mag. That was only a starting point in their research; they continued their work and began to develop and create things like Androids, and the artificial lifeforms known as Newmans.

The full body of their experiments, research, and development plans is known as the MOTHER Project. However, as might be expected, the varying expectations of different factions (the government, the military, scientific institutions) were mixed. Unlocking the secrets of Photon Energy and developing new artificial lifeforms could conceivably lead to world domination. Under the surface, while each group continues to vie with one another, struggling for true control, things go deeper than anyone had ever expected. The people of Coral did not choose Ragol by chance. Something on Ragol chose them...

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