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Unity New Input System custom Hold "Interaction" where the .performed callback is constantly triggered while input is held.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
//!!>> This script should NOT be placed in an "Editor" folder. Ideally placed in a "Plugins" folder.
namespace Invertex.UnityInputExtensions.Interactions {
/// <summary>
/// Custom Hold interaction for New Input System.
/// With this, the .performed callback will be called everytime the Input System updates.
/// Allowing a purely callback based approach to a button hold instead of polling it in an Update() loop or creating specific logic for it
/// .started will be called when the 'pressPoint' threshold has been met and held for the 'duration' (unless 'Trigger .started on Press Point' is checked).
/// .performed will continue to be called each frame after `.started` has triggered (or every amount of time set for "Performed Interval")
/// .cancelled will be called when no-longer actuated (but only if the input has actually 'started' triggering
/// </summary>
using UnityEditor;
//Allow for the interaction to be utilized outside of Play Mode and so that it will actually show up as an option in the Input Manager
[UnityEngine.Scripting.Preserve, System.ComponentModel.DisplayName("Holding"), System.Serializable]
public class CustomHoldingInteraction : IInputInteraction {
public float delayBetweenPerformed = 0f;
public bool triggerStartedOnPressPoint = false;
public bool useDefaultSettingsPressPoint = true;
public float pressPoint = InputSystem.settings.defaultButtonPressPoint;
public bool useDefaultSettingsDuration = true;
public float duration = InputSystem.settings.defaultHoldTime;
private float _heldTime = 0f;
private bool _isCanceled;
private float pressPointOrDefault => useDefaultSettingsPressPoint || pressPoint <= 0 ? InputSystem.settings.defaultButtonPressPoint : pressPoint;
private float durationOrDefault => useDefaultSettingsDuration || duration < 0 ? InputSystem.settings.defaultHoldTime : duration;
private InputInteractionContext ctx;
private void OnUpdate() {
var isActuated = ctx.ControlIsActuated(pressPointOrDefault);
var phase = ctx.phase;
//Cancel and cleanup our action if it's no-longer actuated or been externally changed to a stopped state.
if(phase == InputActionPhase.Canceled || phase == InputActionPhase.Disabled || !ctx.action.actionMap.enabled || !isActuated) {
_heldTime += Time.deltaTime;
bool holdDurationElapsed = _heldTime >= durationOrDefault;
if(!holdDurationElapsed && !triggerStartedOnPressPoint) { return; }
if(phase == InputActionPhase.Waiting) { ctx.Started(); return; }
if(!holdDurationElapsed) { return; }
if(phase == InputActionPhase.Started) { ctx.PerformedAndStayPerformed(); return; }
float heldMinusDelay = _heldTime - delayBetweenPerformed;
//Held time has exceed our minimum hold time, plus any delay we've set,
//so perform it and assign back the hold time without the delay time to let increment back up again
if(heldMinusDelay >= durationOrDefault) {
_heldTime = heldMinusDelay;
public void Process(ref InputInteractionContext context) {
ctx = context; //Ensure our Update always has access to the most recently updated context
if(!ctx.ControlIsActuated(pressPointOrDefault)) { Reset(); return; } //Actuation changed and thus no longer performed, cancel it all.
if(ctx.phase != InputActionPhase.Performed && ctx.phase != InputActionPhase.Started) {
public void Reset() {
if(_isCanceled) {
_isCanceled = true;
_heldTime = 0f;
if(ctx.phase == InputActionPhase.Performed || ctx.phase == InputActionPhase.Started) { //Input was being held when this call was made. Trigger the .cancelled event.
_isCanceled = false;
private void OnLayoutChange(string layoutName, InputControlLayoutChange change) => Reset();
private void OnDeviceChange(InputDevice device, InputDeviceChange change) => Reset();
private void PlayModeStateChange(UnityEditor.PlayModeStateChange state) => Reset();
private void EnableInputHooks() {
InputSystem.onAfterUpdate -= OnUpdate; //Safeguard for duplicate registrations
InputSystem.onAfterUpdate += OnUpdate;
//In case layout or device changes, we'll want to trigger a cancelling of the current input action subscription to avoid errors.
InputSystem.onLayoutChange -= OnLayoutChange;
InputSystem.onLayoutChange += OnLayoutChange;
InputSystem.onDeviceChange -= OnDeviceChange;
InputSystem.onDeviceChange += OnDeviceChange;
//Prevent the update hook from persisting across a play mode change to avoid errors.
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= PlayModeStateChange;
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += PlayModeStateChange;
private void DisableInputHooks() {
InputSystem.onAfterUpdate -= OnUpdate;
InputSystem.onLayoutChange -= OnLayoutChange;
InputSystem.onDeviceChange -= OnDeviceChange;
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= PlayModeStateChange;
static void RegisterInteraction() {
if(InputSystem.TryGetInteraction("CustomHolding") == null) { //For some reason if this is called again when it already exists, it permanently removees it from the drop-down options... So have to check first
//Constructor will be called by our Editor [InitializeOnLoad] attribute when outside Play Mode
static CustomHoldingInteraction() => RegisterInteraction();
internal class CustomHoldInteractionEditor : UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor.InputParameterEditor<CustomHoldingInteraction> {
private static GUIContent pressPointWarning, holdTimeWarning, pressPointLabel, holdTimeLabel, startedTriggerOnPPLabel, startedTriggerOnPPToggleLabel, delayPerformedLabel;
protected override void OnEnable() {
delayPerformedLabel = new GUIContent("'Performed' interval (s)", $"Delay in seconds between each <b>.performed</b> call.{System.Environment.NewLine}" +
"At the default value of 0, it will be every frame.");
startedTriggerOnPPLabel = new GUIContent("Trigger 'Started' on Press Point", $"Trigger the <b>.started</b> event as soon as input actuated beyond \"Press Point\",{System.Environment.NewLine}" +
$"instead of waiting for the \"Min Hold Time\" as well.");
startedTriggerOnPPToggleLabel = new GUIContent("", startedTriggerOnPPLabel.tooltip);
pressPointLabel = new GUIContent("Press Point", $"The minimum amount this input's actuation value must exceed to be considered \"held\".{System.Environment.NewLine}" +
"Value less-than or equal to 0 will result in the 'Default Button Press Point' value being used from your 'Project Settings > Input System'.");
holdTimeLabel = new GUIContent("Min Hold Time", $"The minimum amount of realtime seconds before the input is considered \"held\".{System.Environment.NewLine}" +
"Value less-than or equal to 0 will result in the 'Default Hold Time' value being used from your 'Project Settings > Input System'.");
pressPointWarning = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Using \"Default Button Press Point\" set in project-wide input settings.");
holdTimeWarning = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Using \"Default Hold Time\" set in project-wide input settings.");
public override void OnGUI() {
target.delayBetweenPerformed = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(delayPerformedLabel, target.delayBetweenPerformed, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(startedTriggerOnPPLabel, GUILayout.Width(205f));
target.triggerStartedOnPressPoint = GUILayout.Toggle(target.triggerStartedOnPressPoint, startedTriggerOnPPToggleLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
DrawDisableIfDefault(ref target.pressPoint, ref target.useDefaultSettingsPressPoint, pressPointLabel, pressPointWarning);
DrawDisableIfDefault(ref target.duration, ref target.useDefaultSettingsDuration, holdTimeLabel, holdTimeWarning, -Mathf.Epsilon);
private void DrawDisableIfDefault(ref float value, ref bool useDefault, GUIContent fieldName, GUIContent warningText, float compareOffset = 0f) {
value = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(fieldName, value, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
value = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0f, float.MaxValue);
GUIContent content =
$"If enabled, the default {fieldName.text.ToLower()} " +
$"configured globally in the input settings is used.{System.Environment.NewLine}" +
"See Edit >> Project Settings... >> Input System Package.");
useDefault = GUILayout.Toggle(useDefault, content, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
if(useDefault || value <= 0 + compareOffset) {
GUIContent settingsLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Open Input Settings");
if(GUILayout.Button(settingsLabel, EditorStyles.miniButton))
SettingsService.OpenProjectSettings("Project/Input System Package");
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This fixes a stack overflow exception in the Reset() => ctx.Canceled() cycle

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