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Last active February 22, 2018 18:26
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Домашнее задание №7
<!-- Функции -->
function square($a){
return $a * $a;
echo 'Квадрат равен: '.square(7).'<br>';
function sum($a, $b){
return $a + $b;
echo 'Сумма равна: '.sum(73, 28).'<br>';
function calc($a, $b, $c){
return ($a - $b) / $c;
echo 'Результат: '.calc(30, 15, 3).'<br>';
function day($day){
$week = [1=>'Понедельник', 'Вторник', 'Среда', 'Четверг', 'Пятница', 'Суббота', 'Воскресенье'];
return $week[$day];
echo 'День недели: '.day(3).'<br>';
<!-- ООП Construct -->
class Worker
private $name;
private $age;
private $salary;
public function __construct($name, $age, $salary)
$this->name = $name;
$this->age = $age;
$this->salary = $salary;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getAge()
return $this->age;
public function getSalary()
return $this->salary;
$worker = new Worker('Дима', 25, 1000);
echo $worker->getAge() * $worker->getSalary();
<!-- ООП Private -->
class Worker
private $name;
private $age;
private $salary;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function getAge()
return $this->age;
public function setAge($age)
if ($this->checkAge($age)){
$this->age = $age;
private function checkAge($age)
if ($age < 100){
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function getSalary()
return $this->salary;
public function setSalary($salary)
$this->salary = $salary;
$workerOne = new Worker();
$workerTwo = new Worker();
echo $workerOne->getSalary() + $workerTwo->getSalary().'<br>';
echo $workerOne->getAge() + $workerTwo->getAge().'<br>';
<!-- ООП Public -->
class Worker
public $name;
Public $age;
public $salary;
$workerOne = new Worker();
$workerOne->name = 'Иван';
$workerOne->age = 25;
$workerOne->salary = 1000;
$workerTwo = new Worker();
$workerTwo->name = 'Вася';
$workerTwo->age = 26;
$workerTwo->salary = 2000;
echo $workerOne->salary + $workerTwo->salary.'<br>';
echo $workerOne->age + $workerTwo->age.'<br>';
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