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Last active October 31, 2017 01:44
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ionic serve

ionic run android —device

  1. 빈 node_modules이 있을 경우
Uh oh! Looks like you're missing a module in your gulpfile:
Cannot find module 'gulp'
Do you need to run `npm install`?
rm -rf node_modules/
  1. android버전이 낮을 경우
Error: Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK.
Looked here: /Users/choeseonghui/Library/Android/sdk/tools/templates/gradle/wrapper
cordova platforms # android 6.1.2
cordova platform remove android
cordova platform add android@6.2.2
# ionic을 upgrade했기 때문
  1. Device에 현재 버전보다 낮거나 같은 앱이 존재 할 경우

지우고 빌드하거나, config.xml에서 id나 version을 변경

  1. Device 연결이 안될 경우
Error: Failed to deploy to device, no devices found.

개발자 옵션에 USB 디버깅 체크 후 시도 adb devices

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SeonghuiChoe commented Sep 22, 2017

Ionic버전 업그레이드를 통한 명령어 변경
ionic cordova run android --device
cordova platform add android@6.2.3

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