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Created April 13, 2020 19:19
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  • Save Sephi-Chan/4faf2fc555a424b0f8d0658ddb1292e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;
$salt = "crevettes au Nutella"; // Le même clé secrète que celle transmise à JeuWeb Push.
// La payload:
// - DOIT contenir une clé "user" qui identifie votre joueur et sera utilisée par votre système (généralement un ID).
// - PEUT contenir une clé "allowed_channels", un tableau contenant les noms des canaux privés autorisés.
$payload = [
"user" => 42,
"allowed_channels" => [ "private-user:42", "private-team:blue" ]
$token = JWT::encode($payload, $salt);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<ul id="messages-list">
<form id="chat-form">
<input id="new-message" size="100" value="Hello world!" />
<script src="http://push.jeuweb.localhost:4000/js/client.js"></script>
const form = document.getElementById("chat-form");
const input = document.getElementById("new-message");
const list = document.getElementById("messages-list");
// L'objets params:
// - DOIT contenir une clé "app" qui contient le nom de l'app définie dans JeuWeb Push.
// - DOIT contenir une clé "token" qui contient le… token.
const params = { app: "seelies", token: <?php echo json_encode($token) ?> };
const socket = new window.JeuWebSocket("ws://push.jeuweb.localhost:4000/socket", {params: params});
const publicChannel ="general");
publicChannel.join().receive("ok", function() { console.log("Joined general.") });
publicChannel.on("new-message", function(payload) {
const item = document.createElement('li');
const text = document.createTextNode(`${payload.user} : ${payload.message}`);
const allowedPrivateChannel ="private-user:42")
allowedPrivateChannel.join().receive("ok", function() { console.log("Joined private-user:42.") });
const forbiddenPrivateChannel ="private-team:red")
.receive("ok", function() { console.log("Joined private-team:red.") }) // NOPE!
.receive("error", function() { console.log("Failed to join private-team:red.") });
form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
const body = { message: input.value };
input.value = "";
fetch("post_message.php", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(body) });
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// What channel you want to push on.
$channel = "general";
// A description of the action. In the JavaScript part you subscribe to these event on the channel.
$event = "new-message";
// Object you want to push.
$payload = [
"user" => "Sephi-Chan",
"message" => "Hello world!", // $_POST["message"]
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([ "timeout" => 2 ]);
$client->request('POST', 'http://push.jeuweb.localhost:4000/pushes', [
"json" => [
"channel" => $channel,
"event" => $event,
"payload" => $payload
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