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GifSync API Spitballing


Table of Contents

GifSync lets you sync gifs to music, with Spotify integration for real-time syncing.


Users should be able to:

  • create an account
  • login via username and password
  • login via Spotify integration
  • use as guest
  • upload images to sync
  • view all personal synced images
  • view synced images separately
  • edit synced image properties
    • name
    • tempo
    • speed multiplier
  • delete synced images
  • edit personal user preferences
    • background color
    • minimum tempo
    • maximum tempo
  • connect Spotify to existing login
  • remove added Spotify integration
  • persist logins across sessions
  • logout
  • delete all personal synced images
  • change password if username login
  • view profile information
  • download synced images
  • reload view of synced images


The GifSync API v1 is located at

Data Types

These are the data types defined in the GifSync API. Data Types are used for convenience and for processing both client and server requests/responses.


declBoolean represents a filter declaration in which the type of val is boolean. The key is the name of the variable to declare comparison against.

    "type": "boolean",
    "key": string,
    "val": boolean


declString represents a filter declaration in which the type of val is string. The key is the name of the variable to declare comparison against.

    "type": "string",
    "key": string,
    "val": string


declInteger represents a filter declaration in which the type of val is integer. The key is the name of the variable to declare comparison against.

    "type": "integer",
    "key": string,
    "val": integer


declFloat represents a filter declaration in which the type of val is float. The key is the name of the variable to declare comparison against.

    "type": "float",
    "key": string,
    "val": float


filter represents a filter to be applied on a paginated request. The filter data type is a complex object that can be recursively defined. Application of the filter will apply precedence from the top-level down, and any keys on the same level will be applied as an AND.

    "and"?: filter[],
    "or"?: filter[],
    "not"?: filter,
    "eq"?: declString | declBoolean | declInteger | declFloat,
    "gt"?: declString | declBoolean | declInteger | declFloat,
    "lt"?: declString | declBoolean | declInteger | declFloat,
    "regex"?: declString,
    "glob"?: declString

kind: image

image represents an image that has been uploaded by a user. An image's data is specified by its kind key, and has a link to the resource.

An image contains data about its extension (ex: "gif"), when the image was uploaded, and links to the image file and its thumbnail.

    "kind": "image",
    "link": string,
    "id": string,
    "extension": string,
    "fileLink": string,
    "thumbLink": string,
    "syncsCount": integer,
    "relations": {
        "syncs": string
    "timeCreated": datetime

kind: sync

sync represents a synced image that has been created by a user. A sync's data is specified by its kind key, and has a link to the resource.

A sync contains data about its name, tempo, speed multiplier, when the sync was created and last updated, its owner, the image this sync is modifying, and links to the sync file and its thumbnail.

    "kind": "sync",
    "link": string,
    "id": string,
    "name": string,
    "tempo": float,
    "speedMultiplier": float,
    "fileLink": string,
    "thumbLink": string,
    "owner": user,
    "image": image,
    "timeCreated": datetime,
    "lastUpdated": datetime

kind: user

user represents both anonymous and registered users.

    "kind": "user",
    "link": string,
    "id": string,
    "name": string,
    "spotifyIntegration": boolean,
    "preferences": {
        "bgColor": string,
        "minTempo": float,
        "maxTempo": float
    "syncsCount": integer,
    "relations": {
        "syncs": string
    "timeCreated": datetime,
    "lastLogin": datetime

kind: page<T>

    "kind": "page",
    "link": string,
    "currPage": integer,
    "nextPage"?: integer,
    "prevPage"?: integer,
    "firstPage": integer,
    "lastPage": integer,
    "itemsPerPage": integer,
    "itemsCount": integer,
    "itemsTotal": integer,
    "items": T[]


Below are some example requests and responses that return objects corresponding to the above data types.

GET /users/{id}

GET /users/sUq2TLYxocpMPw
200 OK
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "kind": "user",
    "link": "",
    "id": "sUq2TLYxocpMPw",
    "name": "Example User",
    "spotifyIntegration": true,
    "preferences": {
        "bgColor": "#171717",
        "minTempo": 80.0,
        "maxTempo": 180.0
    "syncsCount": 2,
    "relations": {
        "syncs": ""
    "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:30:57Z",
    "lastLogin": "2023-08-17T02:35:24Z"

GET /users/{id}/syncs

GET /users/sUq2TLYxocpMPw/syncs
200 OK
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "kind": "page",
    "link": "",
    "currPage": 1,
    "nextPage": 2,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 3,
    "itemsPerPage": 2,
    "itemsCount": 2,
    "itemsTotal": 5,
    "items": [
            "kind": "sync",
            "link": "",
            "id": "tcfNGLG0uO1igw",
            "name": "Example Sync 1",
            "tempo": 100.0,
            "speedMultiplier": 1.0,
            "fileLink": "",
            "thumbLink": "",
            "owner": {
                "kind": "user",
                "link": "",
                "id": "sUq2TLYxocpMPw",
                "name": "Example User",
                "spotifyIntegration": true,
                "preferences": {
                    "bgColor": "#171717",
                    "minTempo": 80.0,
                    "maxTempo": 180.0
                "syncsCount": 2,
                "relations": {
                    "syncs": ""
                "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:30:57Z",
                "lastLogin": "2023-08-17T02:35:24Z"
            "image": {
                "kind": "image",
                "link": "",
                "id": "EszjqTCXKO41AA",
                "extension": "gif",
                "fileLink": "",
                "thumbLink": "",
                "syncsCount": 1,
                "relations": {
                    "syncs": ""
                "timeCreated": "2023‐08‐17T02:39:10Z"
            "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:39:19Z",
            "lastUpdated": "2023-08-17T02:40:01Z"
            "kind": "sync",
            "link": "",
            "id": "T3PXw33vyFY63w",
            "name": "Example Sync 2",
            "tempo": 100.0,
            "speedMultiplier": 1.0,
            "fileLink": "",
            "thumbLink": "",
            "owner": {
                "kind": "user",
                "link": "",
                "id": "sUq2TLYxocpMPw",
                "name": "Example User",
                "spotifyIntegration": true,
                "preferences": {
                    "bgColor": "#171717",
                    "minTempo": 80.0,
                    "maxTempo": 180.0
                "syncsCount": 2,
                "relations": {
                    "syncs": ""
                "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:30:57Z",
                "lastLogin": "2023-08-17T02:35:24Z"
            "image": {
                "kind": "image",
                "link": "",
                "id": "5rZMJviwA3Yn-g",
                "extension": "gif",
                "fileLink": "",
                "thumbLink": "",
                "syncsCount": 1,
                "relations": {
                    "syncs": ""
                "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:39:10Z"
            "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:39:19Z",
            "lastUpdated": "2023-08-17T02:40:01Z"

GET /images/{id}

GET /images/5rZMJviwA3Yn-g
200 OK
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "kind": "image",
    "link": "",
    "id": "5rZMJviwA3Yn-g",
    "extension": "gif",
    "fileLink": "",
    "thumbLink": "",
    "syncsCount": 1,
    "relations": {
        "syncs": ""
    "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:39:10Z"

GET /syncs/{id}

GET /syncs/T3PXw33vyFY63w
200 OK
    "kind": "sync",
    "link": "",
    "id": "T3PXw33vyFY63w",
    "name": "Example Sync 2",
    "tempo": 100.0,
    "speedMultiplier": 1.0,
    "fileLink": "",
    "thumbLink": "",
    "owner": {
        "kind": "user",
        "link": "",
        "id": "sUq2TLYxocpMPw",
        "name": "Example User",
        "spotifyIntegration": true,
        "preferences": {
            "bgColor": "#171717",
            "minTempo": 80.0,
            "maxTempo": 180.0
        "syncsCount": 2,
        "relations": {
            "syncs": ""
        "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:30:57Z",
        "lastLogin": "2023-08-17T02:35:24Z"
    "image": {
        "kind": "image",
        "link": "",
        "id": "5rZMJviwA3Yn-g",
        "extension": "gif",
        "fileLink": "",
        "thumbLink": "",
        "syncsCount": 1,
        "relations": {
            "syncs": ""
        "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:39:10Z"
    "timeCreated": "2023-08-17T02:39:19Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2023-08-17T02:40:01Z"
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