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Created December 14, 2015 12:52
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(ns clj-systemf.core)
(def => :to)
(defn type
(:type (meta term)))
(defn deftype [name]
{:type :finite
:name name
:id (rand-int 10000)})
(defn error [msg]
(throw (Exception. msg)))
(defn type-param? [t]
(or (keyword? t)
(keyword? (:to t))
(some type-param? (:from t))))
(defn Fn [types]
(let [[from _ to] (partition-by #(= => %) types)]
{:type :Fn
:from (vec from)
:to (first to)}))
(defn All [binds types]
(merge (Fn types)
{:type :all
:binding binds}))
(defn rename-t [t]
(if (map? t)
(let [{:keys [binding to from]} t
names (->> (iterate inc 0)
(map #(str "p" %))
(take (count binding))
ren-binds (zipmap binding names)
rename-rec #(or (ren-binds %) (rename-t %))]
(merge t {:binding names
:to (rename-rec to)
:from (vec (map rename-rec from))}))
(defn type-equal [t1 t2]
(= (rename-t t1) (rename-t t2)))
(defn infer-type
([expr ctx]
(symbol? expr) (or (ctx expr) (type (eval expr)))
(list? expr)
(let [fun (first expr)
{:keys [type binding from to]} (infer-type fun ctx)
ret-t to]
(case type
:all (if-not (some #{ret-t} binding)
(let [args (drop 1 expr)
types-with-args (map vector from args)]
(-> (->> types-with-args
(filter #(= (first %) ret-t))
(map second)
(infer-type ctx))))
([expr] (infer-type expr {})))
(defn check-symbol [expected sym ctx]
(type-equal (ctx sym) expected) true
(type-equal (type (eval sym)) expected) true
:default (error (str "Expected type " expected " but type is " (type (eval sym))))))
(defn in-ctx [ctx type]
(if (and (map? type) (not= :finite (:type type)))
(let [{:keys [_ to from]} type
rename-rec #(or (ctx %) %)
res (merge type {:to (rename-rec to)
:from (vec (map rename-rec from))})]
(if (= res type)
(ctx type)))
(defn infer-ctx [type arg ctx]
(if (keyword? type)
{type arg}
(let [binds (into #{} (:binding type))
to-val (:to type)
from (:from type)
to-f (:to arg)
from-f (:from arg)
frompars (->> (map vector from from-f)
(filter #(and (keyword? (first %))
(not (binds (first %)))
(not (keyword? (second %))))))]
(-> {}
(cond-> (and (keyword? to-val)
(not (binds to-val))
(not (keyword? to-f)))
;(nil? (ctx to-val)))
(assoc to-val to-f))
(merge (into {} frompars))
;(assert false)
(defn check-type
([expected expr ctx]
(symbol? expr)
(check-symbol expected expr ctx)
(list? expr)
(when-not (type-equal expected (infer-type expr ctx))
(error (str "Expected type " expected " but type is " (infer-type expr ctx))))
(let [fun-t (infer-type (first expr) ctx)
arg-types (:from fun-t)
ret-t (infer-type expr ctx)
args (drop 1 expr)
types-with-args (map vector arg-types args)]
(let [binds (:binding fun-t)
ctx (-> ctx
(merge (zipmap binds (repeat nil)))
(cond-> (type-param? ret-t)
(assoc ret-t (or (in-ctx ctx type) expected)))
(reduce (fn [ctx [type arg]]
(if (or (not (type-param? type)) (in-ctx ctx type))
(check-type (or (in-ctx ctx type) type) arg ctx)
(let [arg-t (infer-type arg ctx)]
(check-type arg-t arg ctx)
(merge ctx (infer-ctx type arg-t ctx)))))
([expected expr] (check-type expected expr {})))
(defn check-funbody [type val]
(let [[_ args body] val
{:keys [from to]} type
ctx (zipmap args from)]
(check-type to body ctx)))
(defn typed [type val]
(if (list? val)
(check-funbody type val))
(with-meta (eval val) {:type type}))
; lang
(def Nat (deftype "Nat"))
(def Bln (deftype "Bln"))
(def Zero (typed Nat {:val 0}))
(def True (typed Bln {:val :true}))
(def succ (typed (Fn [Nat => Nat])
(fn [n]
(update n :val inc))))
; tests
(defn tests []
(def a Zero)
(def uk (typed (All [:x] [:x => Nat])
'(fn [x]
(def id (typed (All [:x] [:x => :x])
'(fn [x]
(assert (= {:type :Fn
:from [Nat]
:to Nat} (type succ)))
(assert (check-type Nat 'a))
(assert (= Nat (infer-type 'a)))
(assert (= (Fn [Nat => Nat]) (infer-type 'succ)))
(assert (= Nat (infer-type '(succ a))))
(assert (= Nat (infer-type '(uk a))))
(assert (= Nat (infer-type '(id Zero))))
(assert (= Bln (infer-type '(id True))))
(def test2 (typed (All [:x] [(All [:y] [:y => :y]) => Nat])
'(fn [x]
(assert (type-equal {:type :all, :binding [:y], :from [:y], :to :y}
{:type :all, :binding [:x], :from [:x], :to :x}))
(check-type Nat '(test2 id))
(def double-id (typed (All [:x] [:x (Fn [:x => :x]) => :x])
'(fn [x f]
(f (f x)))))
(check-type Nat '(double-id Zero succ))
(check-type Nat '(succ (double-id Zero succ)))
(def double (typed (All [:x] [(Fn [:x => :x]) :x => :x])
'(fn [f x]
(f (f x)))))
(check-type Nat '(succ (double succ Zero)))
(def selfApp (typed (Fn [(All [:x] [:x => :x]) => (All [:x] [:x => :x])])
'(fn [f]
(f f))))
(def some-id (typed (All [:x] [:x (Fn [:x :x => :x]) => :x])
'(fn [x f]
(f (f x x) x))))
(check-type Nat '(succ (double-id Zero)))
(assert (= Nat (type Zero)))
(assert (check-type Nat '(succ a)))
(check-type Nat '(succ True))
(assert false)
(catch Exception e))
(check-type Nat '(succ (id Zero)))
(check-type Nat '(succ (succ (id a))))
(check-type Nat '(succ (succ (id (succ a)))))
(def pf (typed (All [:x :y] [:x :y :y => :x])
(fn [a b c]
(assert (check-type Nat '(succ (pf a Zero Zero))))
(check-type Nat '(succ (pf a Zero Nat)))
(assert false)
(catch Exception e))
(def tf (typed (All [:x] [(All [:x] [:x => :x]) :x => :x])
(fn [f x]
(f x))))
(check-type Nat '(tf succ Zero))
(check-type Nat '(tf id Zero))
(check-type Bln '(tf succ True))
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