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Last active June 14, 2022 17:51
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date react hook convertation string to Date object
import React, { useState } from 'react'
const Nothing = Symbol()
const normDoubleSymbol = (strOrNumber: string | number) => strOrNumber.toString().length === 1
? `0${strOrNumber}`
: strOrNumber.toString()
export const parseDateToString = (dateMiliseconds: number) => {
const d = new Date(dateMiliseconds)
const dateStr = `${normDoubleSymbol(d.getDate())}/${normDoubleSymbol(d.getMonth() + 1)}/${d.getFullYear()}`
const timeStr = `${normDoubleSymbol(d.getHours())}:${normDoubleSymbol(d.getMinutes())}`
return { dateStr, timeStr }
const validDate = (str: string): typeof Nothing | number[] => {
const res = str
.split(/ |\//)
.map(d => parseInt(d, 10))
const isEveryValueNumber = res.every(d => Number.isNaN(d) === false)
if (
res.length !== 3
|| isEveryValueNumber === false
|| res[0] < 0
|| res[0] > 31
|| res[1] < 0
|| res[1] > 12
|| res[2] < 1970
) {
return Nothing
const [d, m, y] = res
return [y, m - 1, d]
const validTime = (str: string): typeof Nothing | number[] => {
const res = str
.split(/ |:/)
.map(d => parseInt(d, 10))
const isEveryValueNumber = res.every(d => Number.isNaN(d) === false)
if (
res.length !== 2
|| isEveryValueNumber === false
|| res[0] < 0
|| res[0] > 59
|| res[1] < 0
|| res[1] > 59
) {
return Nothing
return res
type DateTypes
= 'fromDate'
| 'fromTime'
| 'toDate'
| 'toTime'
type DateErrors = { [key in DateTypes]: boolean }
type Props = {
initFormsDate: { [key in DateTypes]: string },
const defaultProps: Props = {
initFormsDate: {
fromDate: '',
fromTime: '',
toDate: '',
toTime: ''
export const useDate = ({
initFormsDate = defaultProps.initFormsDate
}: Props) => {
const [values, setValues] = useState(initFormsDate)
const [errors, setErrors] = useState({
fromDate: false,
fromTime: false,
toDate: false,
toTime: false
const onChange = (type: DateTypes) => (e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const value = e.currentTarget.value
[type]: value,
[type]: false
const getDate = (): void | { from: Date, to: Date } => {
const fromDate = validDate(values.fromDate)
const fromTime = validTime(values.fromTime)
const toDate = validDate(values.toDate)
const toTime = validTime(values.toTime)
if ([fromDate, fromTime, toDate, toTime].some(f => f === Nothing)) {
const timeParts = { fromDate, fromTime, toDate, toTime }
const errorsTimeParts = Object.entries(timeParts).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => ({
[key]: value === Nothing
}), {} as DateErrors)
const from = new Date(...fromDate, ...fromTime)
const to = new Date(...toDate, ...toTime)
return { from, to }
const clearDate = () => {
fromDate: '',
fromTime: '',
toDate: '',
toTime: ''
fromDate: false,
fromTime: false,
toDate: false,
toTime: false
return {
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