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Android, Java: mix 2 PCM audio files
private void mixSound() throws IOException {
AudioTrack audioTrack = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 44100, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, 44100, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM);
InputStream in1=getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.track1);
InputStream in2=getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.track2);
byte[] music1 = null;
music1= new byte[in1.available()];
byte[] music2 = null;
music2= new byte[in2.available()];
byte[] output = new byte[music1.length];;
for(int i=0; i < output.length; i++){
float samplef1 = music1[i] / 128.0f; // 2^7=128
float samplef2 = music2[i] / 128.0f;
float mixed = samplef1 + samplef2;
// reduce the volume a bit:
mixed *= 0.8;
// hard clipping
if (mixed > 1.0f) mixed = 1.0f;
if (mixed < -1.0f) mixed = -1.0f;
byte outputSample = (byte)(mixed * 128.0f);
output[i] = outputSample;
} //for loop
audioTrack.write(output, 0, output.length);
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