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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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AngularJS example offer generator
var app = angular.module("kp", ['angularFileUpload', 'ngRoute', 'ngAnimate', 'ngSanitize']);
app.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function($routeProvider, $locationProvider){
.when("/", {
templateUrl: "/offer/edit-template.html",
controller: "KpController",
controllerAs: "kp",
resolve: {
'isAdmin': ['$http', '$q', function($http, $q)
var deferred = $q.defer();
function success(response)
if (
else deferred.resolve(true);
function error(response) { deferred.reject(false); }
return deferred.promise;
.when("/:token/", {
templateUrl: "/offer/view-template.html",
controller: "KpView",
controllerAs: "kv",
resolve: {
'token': ['$q', '$route', '$location', function ($q, $route, $location)
var token = $route.current.params.token,
deferred = $q.defer();
if (token.length === 8)
} else
deferred.reject('Wrong token!');
return deferred.promise; // promise loads views' data after the resolve of route function
app.factory('SharedFn', function() {
var sharedFn = {};
sharedFn.init = function(scope)
{ = 0;
scope.discountShowProc = scope.discountShowRub = false;
scope.simplePopup = null;
sharedFn.getTotal = function(scope, target)
var total = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < scope.products.length; i++)
total += (scope.products[i].price * scope.products[i].quantity + parseFloat(scope.products[i].printVal));
target.gui.kp_total = total;
return total;
sharedFn.getDiscount = function(scope, target)
var discount;
if (scope.discountShowProc && !scope.discountShowRub)
discount = scope.getTotal() * scope.discountProc / 100;
else if (scope.discountShowRub && !scope.discountShowProc)
discount = scope.discountRub;
target.gui.kp_discount = discount;
target.gui.discountProc = scope.discountProc;
return discount;
return sharedFn;
app.controller("KpView", ['$http', '$q', '$scope', 'token', 'SharedFn', function($http, $q, $scope, token, SharedFn)
var base = this;
if (!!token)
.success(function(data, status, headers, config)
base.products = data.ITEMS;
base.flags = data.FLAGS;
base.gui = data.GUI;
angular.element("#offer_main_wrap")[0].className = base.gui.bgcolor;
base.styles.product.cursor = "default";
if (base.gui.address)
base.gui.address = base.gui.address.trim().replace(/\<br[\/]*\>/g, "\n");
//base.getTotal = SharedFn.getTotal(base);
//base.getDiscount = SharedFn.getDiscount(base);
app.controller("KpController", ['$http', '$q', 'MyFileUploader', '$location', '$scope', 'SharedFn', function($http, $q, MyFileUploader, $location, $scope, SharedFn)
$scope.$on("$routeChangeError", function(){});
var base = this;
base.prodfile = $http.get('/offer/basket.php');
base.flagfile = $http.get('/offer/flist2.json');
base.toksfile = $http.get('/offer/hash.php');
base.userfile = $http.get('/offer/user.php');
base.products = base.flags = [];
$q.all([base.prodfile, base.flagfile, base.toksfile, base.userfile]).then(function(values)
if (values[0].data.err)
throw new Error("403 error, forbidden! " + values[0].data.msg);
else { base.products = values[0].data; }
base.flags = values[1].data;
$scope.tokens = values[2].data;
$scope.user = values[3].data;
//head img
base.kpheadimg = [];
if ($scope.user.LOGO && $scope.user.LOGO.SRC) base.kpheadimg.push($scope.user.LOGO.SRC);
else base.kpheadimg.push("/upload/tmp/zork.jpg");
//head contacts
var defcontact = ['Нина Иванова', '', '+7(812)000-00-00'];
base.headcontacts = defcontact.join('<br/>');
base.loader = 1; // sort of helper, showing ajax load
if (base.products.length)
base.getTotal = function(){
return SharedFn.getTotal(base, $scope);
base.getDiscount = function (){
return SharedFn.getDiscount(base, $scope);
base.productRemove = function(index){
for (var i = 0; i < base.products.length; i++)
base.products[i].uploader = new MyFileUploader({ url: 'upload.php', name: base.products[i].name, findex: function(){
for (var j = 0; j < base.products.length; j++)
if (base.products[j].name == return j;
return false;
}, removeAfterUpload: true, queueLimit: parseInt(4 - base.products[i].photo.length) });
base.products[i].uploader.onCompleteItem = function(fileItem, response, status, headers)
if (fileItem.isSuccess && response.answer)
base.products[this.findex()].photo.push("/offer/uploads/" + response.filename);
this.queueLimit = this.queueLimit - 1;
if ($scope.tokens.length)
base.randToken = $scope.tokens[Math.floor(Math.random() * $scope.tokens.length)];
base.checkDescDataFlagValues = function(flagname)
for (var i = 0; i < this.flags.length; i++)
if (this.flags[i].state === false && this.flags[i].id === flagname)
return true;
return false;
base.productsGetCopy = function()
var newArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.products.length; i++)
newArr[i] = {};
for (var y in this.products[i])
if (~["artnumber", "data", "description", "name", "photo", "price", "print", "printVal", "quantity"].indexOf(y))
if (y === "data" && this.checkDescDataFlagValues("show_data")) { continue; }
else if (y === "description" && this.checkDescDataFlagValues("show_des")) { continue; }
newArr[i][y] = this.products[i][y];
return newArr;
base.sendTokenData = function()
this.wellsmShow = true;
this.productsRelease = this.productsGetCopy();
//this.productsRelease = angular.copy(this.products);
$scope.gui['head_img'] = this.kpheadimg[0];
$scope.gui['bgcolor'] = this.bgcolor;
$'/offer/hash.php', { flags: base.flags, gui: $scope.gui, token: base.randToken, items: base.productsRelease })
.success(function(data, status, headers, config)
base.wellsmLinkShow = true;
}, function(errors) { console.log(errors, "error!"); });
$scope.gui = { kp_name: 'Коммерческое предложение' };
base.bgselect = function(item)
base.bgselected = item;
base.bgcolor = $scope.bgcolor = 'bigbg'+item;
base.bgisActive = function(item) { return base.bgselected === item }
base.bgcolor = $scope.bgcolor = "bigbg0";
$scope.$watch('bgcolor', function(newBg, oldBg)
angular.element("#offer_main_wrap")[0].className = newBg;
var uploader = base.uploader = new MyFileUploader({ url: 'upload.php', removeAfterUpload: true, queueLimit: 2 });
uploader.onCompleteItem = function(fileItem, response, status, headers)
if (fileItem.isSuccess && response.answer)
base.kpheadimg.push("/offer/uploads/" + response.filename);
this.queueLimit = this.queueLimit - 1;
base.absUrl = function()
return $location.$$absUrl;
app.directive('contenteditable', function(){
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope, elm, attrs)
elm.on('blur', function()
if (elm.html() == "")
if ( && &&^gui_/).length)
var name ="gui_", "");
if (name === "kp_total" || name === "kp_discount")
scope.gui[name] = elm.html().replace(",", "");
scope.gui[name] = elm.html();
if (attrs.model && attrs.model.length && attrs.model.match(/^product./).length)
var prop = attrs.model.replace("product.", "");
if (prop === "price" || prop === "totalPrice" || prop === "printVal")
scope.product[prop] = elm.text().replace(",", "");
scope.product[prop] = elm.text();
}).on('focus', function(){
scope.tmpValue = elm.html();
app.directive('popupchooser', function($compile){
return {
restrict: "A",
modaluploader: '=',
kpheadimg: '=',
kpstyles: '='
templateUrl: 'modal-template.html',
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) { = false;
scope.hideModal = function()
{ = false;
scope.toggleModal = function()
{ = !;
scope.kpheadimgChange = function(index)
scope.kpheadimgtmp = scope.kpheadimg[0];
scope.kpheadimg[0] = scope.kpheadimg[index];
scope.kpheadimg[index] = scope.kpheadimgtmp;
app.directive('ngThumb', ['$window', function($window) {
var helper = {
support: !!($window.FileReader && $window.CanvasRenderingContext2D),
isFile: function(item) {
return angular.isObject(item) && item instanceof $window.File;
isImage: function(file) {
var type = '|' + file.type.slice(file.type.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '|';
return '|jpg|png|jpeg|bmp|gif|'.indexOf(type) !== -1;
return {
restrict: 'A',
template: '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle inserted_before" ng-click="item.remove()" ng-disabled="!modaluploader.queue.length" ng-show="modaluploader.queue.length"></span><canvas/>',
link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
if (! return;
var params = scope.$eval(attributes.ngThumb);
if (!helper.isFile(params.file)) return;
if (!helper.isImage(params.file)) return;
var canvas = element.find('canvas');
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = onLoadFile;
function onLoadFile(event)
var img = new Image();
img.onload = onLoadImage;
img.src =;
function onLoadImage()
var width = params.width || this.width / this.height * params.height;
var height = params.height || this.height / this.width * params.width;
canvas.attr({ width: width, height: height });
canvas[0].getContext('2d').drawImage(this, 0, 0, width, height);
app.factory('MyFileUploader', ['FileUploader', function(FileUploader)
FileUploader.inherit(MyFileUploader, FileUploader);
function MyFileUploader(options)
MyFileUploader.super_.apply(this, arguments);
this.filters.unshift({ name: 'imageFilter', fn: this._imageFilter });
MyFileUploader.prototype._imageFilter = function(item, options)
var type = '|' + item.type.slice(item.type.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '|';
return '|jpg|png|jpeg|bmp|gif|'.indexOf(type) !== -1;
return MyFileUploader;
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